Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 131 They think they can do it again

Chapter 131 They think they can do it again

"In order to adapt to the weather, the navy must have a longer-term development. As one of the few naval generals, Marquis Jinghai has made great achievements in regaining Dongpu this time, so I would like to ask His Majesty to add an official rank to him .”

The first thing Zhu Ji mentioned was Wu Zhen, whose performance was extremely stable from the beginning to the end.

Although Liao Yongzhong said in the memorandum that all the evils of Dongying were wiped out, in Zhu Ji's view, there must be many fish that slipped through the net.

Those wanderers who harbored the hatred of destroying the country and destroying their families are bound to merge with the Japanese pirates in the past and continue to harass the border of Ming Dynasty.

Under such circumstances, if a certain scale of navy is not developed in advance to station in various coastal areas, once these people collude with some evil-minded tyrants and wealthy businessmen, how will they develop the Maritime Silk Road in the future.

"What kind of official, what kind of noble?"

On the issue of official rank, Zhu Yuanzhang has always been more cautious.Although Zhu Ji brought up this matter, he still had to ask clearly.

Zhu Ji, who had already discussed with many warriors in the Governor's Mansion, immediately replied:

"All the divisions of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion agree that, compared with the infantry, the naval division has a shallow foundation and is suitable for reform. Now, please Your Majesty appoint a naval commander to supervise the military affairs, and crown him the Duke of Haiguo, the honor of the Zhuguo, and confer the title. Doctor Ronglu, a first-grade green gold."

Zhu Ji's answer made all the officials in the court confused.

They understand every noun here individually, but taken together, they are completely different from the official system they are familiar with.

A few days ago, Song Lian, who had just agreed to be the governor of Yongwangfu, immediately stepped out of the train, bowed to Zhu Yuanzhang, looked sideways at Zhu Ji, and asked curiously:
"What does your Highness mean to tie this Duke of Hai with the commander-in-chief of the navy, instead of conferring the title of Duke of Hai to the current Marquis of Jinghai? Besides, the old minister only knows that I am an official of the Ming Dynasty who is a first-rank official. Special Jin Ronglu Doctor, what is this Qingjin Ronglu Doctor?"

Song Lian's attitude of completely treating things and not people has won Zhu Ji's respect.

He bowed his hands to Song Lian without pretense, then looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and explained in detail:

"Since military affairs and government affairs are separated, some things in the military must be different from those in the court, so the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion plans to set up separate ranks and honorary officers.

In addition, in order to prevent the navy and the infantry from being biased by the rank of the commander, from now on, all admirals of the navy will be the dukes of the sea country, and they will be removed from the duke while they are in office. "

Zhu Ji's explanation caused an uproar inside and outside the court.

But Zhu Ji’s explanation continued:

"Dongying is a small country. Although Wu Zhen and Liao Yongzhong destroyed their country, they only regained a province in terms of Ming Dynasty. Now it is inconvenient for you to explain more about the system of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. Zhu Ji said it all."

"In addition, Liao Yongzhong invited Yongzhen Dongying himself. Thinking of his advanced age, the Metropolitan Government decided to ask His Majesty to honor his son Liao Quan as the county son to show his loyalty. After the Metropolitan Government agrees on the founding, protection, and defense of the country, After receiving all kinds of awards from the state, I will show my meritorious service."

Obviously, this was Zhu Ji's idea again.

Since the establishment of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, these people standing in the court cannot intervene in military affairs at all.

However, Zhu Ji's request now obviously cannot be concluded purely in terms of military affairs.

Hu Weiyong, who had been preparing to give Zhu Ji eye drops for a long time, stepped out of the train in an instant, interrupted Zhu Ji's explanation with an exaggerated cough, and then raised objections to Zhu Yuanzhang in a weak appearance:

"Your Majesty, except for the remnants of the violent Yuan, there is no country in the four directions comparable to my Great Ming. In any case, the Marquis of Deqing and the Marquis of Jinghai have done their best to destroy the country this time. If they don't give more rewards, it will be really cold for loyalty and kindness." .

Furthermore, there are shade officials in the country, but no one has been heard of.Marquis Deqing is still alive today, and he is much younger than Marquis Guangde, how can he seal his son but not his father. "

Knowing what kind of taboo Liao Yongzhong has, but not knowing the deal between Zhu Ji and the Marquis of Deqing, Hu Weiyong can only feel complacent at this moment.

He grandly fights for a greater title for Liao Yongzhong, and the Liao family will become the hereditary Duke in the future, so isn't Hu Weiyong the biggest benefactor of the Liao family.The originally somewhat scattered circle of nobles can also be reunited because of his outspoken words.

At that time, I am not afraid that my tentacles will not be able to reach into the Ming army.

If Zhu Ji knew what Hu Weiyong was thinking, he would point to Hu Weiyong's nose and laugh like a fool.

The formation of Huaixi noble circle is inseparable from the interweaving of power. Now that civil servants have lost the power to intervene in military affairs, Hu Weiyong has no confidence that he can re-knead this circle.

What's more, do you really think Zhu Ji is a vegetarian?

During this period of time, through constant thinking and adjustments, with the support of Li Wenzhong and Feng Sheng, Zhu Ji had already formulated a fairly complete system of military officers.

Merit, official position, title, salary, etc., gave these martial arts enough room to improve.

If there are still people who don't open their eyes and dare to risk the disgrace of the world to get involved with Hu Weiyong, then he, Zhu Ji, doesn't mind setting a few negative examples in the army.

However, right now, Hu Weiyong's words that intend to win people's hearts must be blocked and dismissed.

"What merits should be remembered for the pacification of Dongying? The Metropolitan Governor's Office has its own calculations, and it is not for Prime Minister Hu to comment. If he himself is dissatisfied, he will naturally care about the Metropolitan Government's Office, and he doesn't bother Prime Minister Hu.

If Hu Xiang feels that it is inappropriate to confer Liao Quan as a county son, the king will discuss with the generals of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion after returning, and then report to His Majesty.Still the same sentence, how to record meritorious service in the army, this king is inconvenient to say, and Prime Minister Hu will not intervene at will. "

This self-willed remark made the courtiers who were about to taunt Zhu Ji instantly become angry with the enemy.

"Your Majesty, King Yong's move is very inappropriate. If this credit system is left unsupervised, wouldn't it become a tool for some people to win over their confidants and eliminate dissidents in the long run.

After reading the "Selling Straight Talk" written by His Royal Highness King Yong, Weichen deeply felt that Yushitai should shoulder a greater responsibility.I invite you to go to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion to open the Imperial Palace in the army, and contribute my modest strength to the strict discipline of the army. "

The communication between alliances is often just a matter of a few glances. Zhu Jigang blocked Hu Weiyong's mouth with an inconvenience, and Chen Ning took the opportunity to express his thoughts.

Taking advantage of Zhu Ji's remarks, it is more justifiable to put Zhu Ji's eyes on him by inserting his hands into the obviously promising stall of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

I have to say that the birth of Zhu Xiongying really made these people feel that they can do it again.

Since someone is rushing to seek guilt, Zhu Ji certainly has no reason to object.Even if you are as shrewd as a monkey, you will not be able to turn out the palm of Tathagata's hand.

"Nowadays, the Military Disciplinary Department of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion is still empty-handed, and there is a shortage of talents like Chen Yushi. If the emperor allows it, Chen Yushi will be invited to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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