Chapter 132
Seeing Zhu Ji still smiling, Hu Weiyong and others also smiled back.

In this quiet confrontation, many courtiers who had a rift with Zhu Jisu believed that the smiling face of His Royal Highness King Yong was just a little bit of the city's support.

As Zhu Ji's strong backer, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to sit idly by as usual.It wasn't until Zhu Ji took the initiative to ask Chen Ning to take up his new post in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion as soon as possible, that he got sidetracked in front of the courtiers.

"It's really inappropriate to lose restraint in the army. Let's send another manpower. The manpower in the court is already in short supply. Don't tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall."

In the eyes of the courtiers, it was obvious that Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want his elder son to suffer, and was going to protect him one or two.

But what happened next was enough to make them laugh out loud.

"No, the military discipline inspection, of course, is the best person who has no interest in the army. Chen Yushi is famous for his uprightness in the court. If he is transferred to the army, he will definitely make a big difference.

Besides, there are so many censors in Yushitai, one less and one more, it doesn't matter at all.But the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion was different. When Chen Yushi went, it was a good horse with a good saddle, which worked well. "

Although he knew that Zhu Ji was still scolding him secretly, but Chen Ning didn't care at all.

What's wrong with being scolded a few times, as long as I can enter the Governor's Mansion and become a nail nailed by the court in the army, that's enough.

But he obviously didn't understand that the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang said that was not simply to defend Zhu Ji.

It wasn't until he stayed in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion for half a month that he really understood Zhu Yuanzhang's painstaking efforts.

This matter was finalized at Zhu Ji's strong request and all officials were eagerly waiting. As usual, after reporting the affairs, Zhu Ji bowed and left Fengtian Hall.

When he heard that Zhu Ji urged Chen Ning to come to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion to inspect military discipline, all the martial arts were grinning.

"Your Highness, everything in our mansion is doing well, why do we have to invite that mad dog Chen Baotie over?"

Although they all have some contacts with Hu Weiyong, Geng Bingwen's attitude towards Chen Ning can only be respectful and far away.Because in Chen Ning's eyes, apart from power, he has no benevolence that a normal person should have.

If Chen Ning were to be the head of the Military Disciplinary Department of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, one or two of them would not be able to escape Chen Ning's report.

And what Chen Ning is most famous for is not his uprightness at all.It's that he always likes to abuse lynching to force people to submit. Yu Shitai's rumors can suppress his violence, but the Military Disciplinary Department has the power to punish.

Not only Geng Bingwen was a little worried, but even the other Wu Xun were worried.

Looking at the posture of these people in front of him, Zhu Ji scolded angrily:

"Flies don't bite seamless eggs. When I first entered the Governor's Mansion, I reminded you to be cautious in your words and deeds. Why, there are still people who knowingly commit crimes?"

Although Zhu Ji was not in the same generation as these people, when Zhu Ji was really angry, these warriors would still shrink their necks and confess their cowardice.In addition to Zhu Ji's increasingly proficient martial arts and the backing behind him, of course there is also Zhu Ji's handling of things with equal emphasis on grace and power.

Asked by Zhu Ji, Geng Bingwen and the others were hardened once in a while.

"What did your Highness say, since we were reprimanded by His Majesty, since we came to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, apart from practicing martial arts every day, we only have time to go home and hug our mother-in-law. How can we do anything that violates the king's law? things.

The main thing is that Chen Ning is really not a good bird.I was afraid that after he came, he would intentionally seek surgery on us in order to stabilize his position.Those sour literati are much stronger than us, they might stab us in the back anytime..."

Having said so much, it is nothing more than a question of the three fires for the new official to take office.

But did Zhu Ji really have such good intentions to invite Chen Ning to be his ancestor like Song Lian did?
Hearing this, Zhu Ji straightened his face, looked at Geng Bingwen and the others with serious eyes, and after they stopped gossiping with each other, he said loudly:
"You all know that the group of people in the court and I don't like each other, and some of them are quite hostile to me. I'm not afraid of them slandering me, but I hate trouble.

The emperor's grandson was born in the East Palace yesterday, and they felt that I should lose power, and they wanted to use this trick to probe His Majesty's bottom line, and at the same time make me feel embarrassed.But I want to tell you that when you beat a dog, you must beat it painfully and subdue it.If it refuses to accept it, kill it.

In order to prevent it from running away when hitting it, it is even more necessary to close it and lock the door. "

He made trouble in front of himself in court twice, especially today, he kept testing Zhu Ji's bottom line.

Chen Ning's unconscious words and deeds made Zhu Ji completely lose the patience to continue messing around with them.

Since the establishment of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, it was the first time for Wu Xun to see Zhu Ji expressing such stern emotions.

Obviously, Chen Ning provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked.

"Military Registration Department, I will send someone to the Ministry of Officials to transfer Chen Ning's family registration. Ordnance Department, according to Chen Ning's family registration, will send over his teeth plate supplies in the afternoon, and explain to him the rules of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion... "

Under Zhu Ji's orderly arrangement, the principals of each division acted accordingly.

When only Li Wenzhong and Feng Sheng were left beside Zhu Ji, Li Wenzhong warned Zhu Ji with a wry smile:

"Chen Ning is a first-rank official after all, so don't go too far. If the governor's mansion is really turned into a place where civil servants are feared like snakes and scorpions, I'm afraid we people won't have much leisure time to live."

Chen Ning's today is Yang Xian's back then.

If Zhu Yuanzhang really disagreed, no matter how much Zhu Ji insisted, he would not send Chen Ning to the Governor's Mansion in a few words.

Moreover, whether they cooperate with Zhu Ji or stand on the sidelines in this matter, they are at risk of being punished by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Hearing Li Wenzhong's worried reassurance, Zhu Ji smiled and shook his head.

"The Military Disciplinary Department is where we are restrained. No matter whether Chen Ning or someone else is sitting in this position, it will not change in the slightest. Instead of worrying about this, cousin, why don't you think about it for me, how to let them sit in Chen Ning's Let's hide under the three axes."

Don't look at the righteousness of those martial artists just now, but what the old man is best at is not discussing the facts at all, but turning up small black accounts.

Zhu Ji also heard about the messy things these people did in the capital before the establishment of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, so Zhu Ji had to come up with a good way to make Chen Ning have no chance to find fault.

Seeing that Zhu Ji was ready to give it a go, Li Wenzhong didn't say anything more.

After shaking his head slightly to Feng Sheng who hesitated to speak, the two finally left Zhu Ji's official residence together without saying a word.

It wasn't until after walking a long distance that Li Wenzhong said to Feng Sheng who was hesitant to speak:
"I know what you want to say, but there is one thing you and I must understand, he can have the world in his heart, or he can only pretend to be himself.

Don't push him into the last of us. "

(End of this chapter)

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