Chapter 133

In Zhu Yuanzhang's heart, Li Wenzhong knew better than ordinary people how to treat the eldest son who was found halfway.

The reason why all the officials in the court dared to sing against Zhu Ji so blatantly was entirely out of their understanding of normal human nature.

Like Zhu Ji, who has been living among the people for nineteen years, once he returns to the court, Zhu Yuanzhang and his wife will definitely make up for it in a short time.Therefore, during this period of time, Zhu Ji's limelight will definitely overwhelm Prince Zhu Biao.

But the Tian family has no relatives, and the guilt of Zhu Yuanzhang and his wife towards Zhu Ji will always be repaid.At that time, Zhu Ji will be just like other princes, and all his words and deeds will be strictly supervised by the chief minister of the palace.

This is what many people in the court think.

So they kept provoking conflicts between themselves and Zhu Ji, and wanted to exhaust Zhu Ji's holy family as soon as possible through this method.

It is based on this that Song Lian is willing to become the long history of Prince Yong's Mansion regardless of previous suspicions.It was also because of this that Chen Ning dared to give up his status as a nobleman, and invited himself to be the head of the Military Disciplinary Department in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

They didn't see clearly at all, how could a clan that provoked several major changes in Ming Dynasty and allowed the emperor to grab huge benefits from it in just half a year, how could it be so easy to lose its holy family.

Even, when Li Wenzhong heard from Feng Sheng that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun that Zhu Ji said, he was even more sure of his guess.

After my uncle established the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, Zhu Ji was first appointed as the Sima, and then Zhu Ji was appointed as the sacrificial wine of the Armed Forces School. The present and future of all the swords and guns of the Ming Dynasty were handed over by the emperor to a person who was a great threat to the crown prince. , if it is not that King Yong really has no idea about the throne, it is that the emperor has ideas about King Yong.

Li Wenzhong also couldn't figure out what Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking.

But it is obvious that Zhu Ji did not express any obvious enthusiasm for the throne now, and even once put shackles on himself with words and deeds.

Under such circumstances, those courtiers not only couldn't see the situation clearly, but also kept resorting to some dirty tricks to provoke Zhu Ji's nerves. Li Wenzhong could only sigh with emotion that some people really deserve to die.

If Zhu Ji couldn't bear the provocation of these people, and had the idea of ​​seizing the reserve, Li Wenzhong really couldn't imagine the consequences.

But his worries can only stay in his heart.

If he really wanted to try his best to persuade those civil officials who only wanted to make money from the dragon, he didn't have that kind of leisure.

After the restructuring, the efficiency of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion has always been efficient, and Zhu Ji's orders were not delayed at all, so that when Chen Ning received the dental plaque and armor from the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion in front of many colleagues at the Yushitai, he was excited. A little surprised.

"When did you start preparing my official uniform and official certificate?"

After all, it is the head of the first department, and the people sent by the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion are not unknown people.

Guo Ying, the commander of the capital left behind in Beijing and the deputy envoy of the Ordnance Department, always kept in mind Zhu Ji's instructions before he came, and replied with a serious expression and a high-pitched voice:
"Reporting to Master Chen, before lunch, the Department of Military Registration obtained the master's family registration from the Ministry of Officials. After lunch, I ordered craftsmen to cast tooth plaques. The armor is in the warehouse of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and you can take it whenever you need it."

Completely different from the gentle voice of the court, Guo Ying's voice shook the dust off the beams of Yushitai that had not been cleaned for a long time.

Seeing this, Chen Ning was a little displeased. In front of many colleagues, he immediately wanted to attack the visitors from the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion:

"Even Gong Changhou would not talk to me like this in person. Is Guo Qian planning to give me a bad name?"

Guo Xing, Marquis of Gongchang, is Guo Ying's elder brother. Chen Ning naturally wanted to tell Guo Ying to keep in mind the difference in identity between the two when talking to him.

However, Chen Ning ran into a soft nail in an instant.

"Don't dare. In order to teach Director Chen to know, you must speak loudly. This is the rule of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

It happened that His Royal Highness King Yong asked me to pass on the rules of the army before I came here, and the master must keep them in mind.Standing like a pine, sitting like a bell, sounding like a drum, talking like a nail, this is the essentials of the words and deeds of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

If Master Chen delays the official business by talking softly in the future, he will be dealt with by military law. "

Speaking of this, Guo Ying seemed to think of something, and hurriedly reminded Chen Ning, who looked anxious:
"By the way, Mr. Chen must remember that after entering the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, Mr. Chen's official status in the court will be destroyed. From now on, unless the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion unanimously decides, there will be no possibility of turning back.

There are many rules in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, but the core is only four words, that is, order and prohibition.There is a book of military regulations here in the humble position, Mr. Chen should read it as soon as possible before reporting to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and it is best to keep it in his heart. "

Every time Guo Ying said a word, Chen Ning felt a knife stabbed in his heart.

He originally thought that he had grasped Zhu Ji's gate of life, but now it seems that the fact is just the opposite, he was rushing to deliver the gate of life to Zhu Ji.

At this moment, Guo Ying looked at Chen Ning with a little sympathy in his eyes.

Zhu Ji gritted his teeth in front of them and said that he wanted to deal with Chen Ning, so it was destined not to be so easily exposed.

As Zheng Guogong, Chang Mao's family is more prestigious than Chen Ning, and his official rank is higher than Chen Ning. If he offends Zhu Ji, he will be dragged to a small school for training.

I didn't see that Master Chang Shi of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion now looks like a little bastard all day long, so well-behaved that he doesn't look like a first-generation Duke.

There is only one suspense that these martial arts scholars now believe in, and that is how long this right censor doctor can last in Zhu Ji's hands.

Guo Ying originally wanted to explain carefully for Chen Ning, but facing Chen Ning's pretentious posture, he naturally didn't put his face on his face and put his back on his back. He handed over the general rules to Chen Ning and offered to leave.

When he walked to the gate of Yushitai, he pretended to think of it suddenly, turned his head and shouted to Chen Ning again:
"Master Chen, you must remember to go to the small school to practice martial arts at the beginning of tomorrow, and to go to the governor's mansion at the third quarter of Maozheng for roll call. If these two things are delayed, Mr. Chen may suffer a lot tomorrow."

Guo Ying was definitely not out of kindness.

If so, he should have told Chen Ning long before he left.

The reason why he waited until the gate of Yushitai to mention it was purely to let more people know that he, Chen Ning, wanted the dumb to eat Coptis chinensis this time.

Chen Ning, who was sitting in the official residence, clenched his fists and forcibly restrained his temper.

He knew very well that it was useless to get angry at a warrior who didn't even have a title.If he dared to do something to Guo Ying today, what awaited him in the Governor's Mansion tomorrow would not be as simple as sweating with a group of warriors on the small school grounds.

Zhu Ji, you wait for the old man.

Chen Ning, with a gloomy face, was thinking silently in his heart, ignoring the censors with different expressions around him.

And in another official residence of Yushitai, Liu Bowen suddenly showed a sarcasm smile, and muttered in his mouth:

The mayfly shaking the tree is ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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