Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 134 The road is blocked

Chapter 134 The road is blocked
The next day, when Chen Ning came to the small school field with anxiety and anger, the scene in front of him subverted his cognition.

In his impression, those arrogant and self-indulgent warriors actually joined the guard officers and soldiers left behind in the capital, standing in a neat line, sweating non-stop, and shouting slogans in a high-pitched voice from time to time.

However, the shock was shocking, but Chen Ning couldn't set foot on the small school field at all.

Because what he was wearing was a scarlet official uniform, not the cloth armor that Guo Ying mentioned in his brief introduction yesterday.

People always have inertia.

Although Guo Ying had already reminded him yesterday, Chen Ning and even his family were used to getting up early and putting on this first-grade official uniform, which symbolized honor, for the right Yushi doctor after serving as an official for more than ten years.

It wasn't until he was stopped by the soldiers on duty at the gate of the small school field without fear that Chen Ning realized that he was destined to be unlucky today.

Wufu Guo Yingna reminded him when he taunted him yesterday that the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion has many rules for practicing martial arts and practicing martial arts in small schools.

Not caring about giving himself two resounding mouths, nor caring about the image of a first-rank official, Chen Ning ran to his house like a girl.

If you were still wearing this dress, you wouldn't even be able to enter places like the small school grounds, let alone the Dudu's Mansion, which had more rules.

If he can't even cross the threshold of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion today, even if it is spread that Chen Ning still has the cheek to stay in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion in the future, if he really wants to exercise the power of the Chief of the Military Disciplinary Department, will anyone listen to him?

To tell a joke, the chief in charge of military discipline took the lead in violating military discipline.

There is only one allusion in Chen Ning's mind at this time - Shang Jun died under a standing tree.

The early winter weather did not bring Chen Ning the slightest calmness. At this moment, sweat was already dripping from his forehead.Not because I was tired from running wildly, but because I was frightened by the foreseeable serious consequences.

However, to Chen Ning's surprise, when he was out of breath and rushed back to the Governor's Mansion to accept the order, he found that the person he was thinking of was not present.

Seeing Chang Mao announcing that Dianmao ended his duties like a wooden pile, Chen Ning couldn't help but jumped out and asked loudly:

"May I ask Master Changshi, why is His Royal Highness King Yong not in charge?"

To these people in the Metropolitan Government, Chen Ning was no stranger.

But acquaintance is acquaintance. When it comes to friendship, none of the people present dare to say that they have any friendship with this boss Chen.

It's not that they are clinging to the power, because they heard that Zhu Ji had a problem with the doctor Yushi, so they wanted to be a pawn in the charge to please Zhu Ji.

Indeed, it was because Chen Ning had not neglected to sue them for black cases during the past two years in charge of Yushitai.

They themselves recognized some black spots, especially under the indoctrination of Zhu Yuanzhang and his son during this period, they also felt that the wild behavior at that time was really inappropriate.

If Chen Ning had reported these black cases, they would have admitted it.

The key issue is that since Chen Ning took over the Yushitai in the sixth year of Hongwu, which had not had a master for three years, in order to highlight his ability, many of the black cases about Wu Xun were black and black, and there was not much conclusive evidence at all.

It can be said that Yushitai is in the hands of Chen Ning, who has exerted the authority of rumors to the extreme.

Also as a royal doctor, Wang Guangyang is not as disgusting as Chen Ning.

At this time, facing Chen Ning's question about finding something to do, without waiting for Chang Mao to speak, Nanxiong Hou Zhaoyong responded:

"To teach Master Chen to know that the reason His Royal Highness Yong didn't have to do it is because he still has sacrificial wine from the Armed Forces School on his body. When I do it again, His Highness Yong is already there to catch up with the director."

Zhao Yong's answer made Chen Ning feel like he had punched cotton.

But the things that bothered him obviously didn't stop there.

Feng Sheng, who had already joined Zhu Ji's command and was persuaded by Li Wenzhong, was ready to tear himself apart with the civil servants. Seeing that Chen Ning wanted to find fault, he immediately said with an unfriendly expression:
"Mr. Chen, although the Military Disciplinary Department has the right to restrain all officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty under the Governor's Mansion and below, my Lord still wants to remind you that it is a taboo to rashly inquire about Shangguan's whereabouts in the army."

Feng Sheng's cold voice made Chen Ning instantly dispel the desire to continue asking.

Where is the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion?
The place where all the martial arts generals of the Ming Dynasty accept their constraints.Although its structure is still incomplete in a short period of time, it has now gathered three Dukes, six Marquises, and many generals with great military exploits.

In the court, relying on the fact that there are more than a dozen censors behind him to fight for him, Chen Ning has always impeached anyone who doesn't like him, and he can control whoever he wants.

With Yu Shitai's power to hear rumors, they don't need to be responsible for those impeachments without evidence.

But here, no.

The Military Disciplinary Division is given enough power by the Metropolitan Governor's Office, but everything needs conclusive evidence.Thinking of impeaching others without evidence and grounds like in the court, Chen Ning, who lit a lamp and read through the military regulations last night, knew what the consequences would be.

Those who slander their comrades without any basis will receive twenty sticks for the first offender, fifty sticks for the second offender, and will be demoted to one level.

Zhu Ji asked people to destroy all his materials with the civil servants.

If he makes a mistake in one thought, and once he is deprived of his military status, then he can only hope that Zhu Yuanzhang can remember his old feelings and recover him again.

However, although there is a severe shortage of talents in the court, the high-level people are full of carrots and pits.Even if he recovers, with Zhu Ji as his enemy deliberately interfering, when will he be able to become a first-rank member again?
After going through all kinds of thoughts in his mind, Chen Ning bowed his head bitterly and cupped his hands:
"Thank you Song Guogong for teaching me, my servants know."

Now he finally understood why Zhu Ji tried his best to facilitate his coming to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

Because Zhu Ji has enough self-confidence, he believes that even if his nail is driven into the Governor's Mansion, it will be hammered into a piece of scrap iron by its simple and strict rules.

Fortunately, I was complacent when I saw Zhu Ji agreeing in the court hall.

Chen Ning began to regret it. If he hadn't wanted to see Zhu Ji's prestige in the governor's mansion, he would have immediately considered learning from Hu Weiyong, taking a step back and returning to the ranks of civil servants.

However, at this moment, he is destined to not have the time to think about additional things.

"After entering the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, remember to be loyal to His Majesty. Just follow His Majesty's orders, and don't bring your stinking problem of being a censor."

After Li Wenzhong succeeded Feng Sheng, he completely dispelled the remaining luck in Chen Ning's heart.

"In addition, many things in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion are military secrets, and they are not allowed to be disclosed without permission. If Director Chen doesn't want to sleep until midnight and be picked up from the bed, he'd better learn to keep his mouth shut."

(End of this chapter)

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