Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 135 You Can't Escape a Knife

Chapter 135 You Can't Get Away
Chen Ning took two steps back in shock.

In his eyes, Li Wenzhong at this time was like a roundworm in his stomach, shaking out all his little thoughts.

Faced with Chen Ning's attitude, Li Wenzhong smiled contemptuously.It seems that the princes in the court regard all the millions of soldiers of the Ming Dynasty as warriors who can only fight and kill.

Let Chen Ning be a pawn, paving the way for civil servants to intervene in the military.If there are so many people in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion who still can't see the intention, then they should all be dispatched to the north to fight against the remnants of Meng Yuan, instead of stealing a high position and harming the country and the people.

"I don't want to pay attention to your nonsense. Since His Highness said that he played with you personally, we people will not interfere at will. Regardless of you, remember that military regulations are the reason here."

After saying this, Li Wenzhong walked away in a huff.

Looking at the dispersed crowd around him, and at the back of Li Wenzhong going away, Chen Ning sighed leisurely, but finally managed to return to his slightly deserted Military Discipline Department.

Zhu Ji didn't let the censor who wanted to make trouble for him wait too long, Chen Ning sat idle in his official residence for less than half an hour, and Zhu Ji's loud voice sounded in front of the main entrance:

"I heard that Mr. Chen came to see me when he was in charge. Now that I'm here, what's the matter?"

Zhu Ji's voice made many warriors who were about to watch the excitement run out of their official residences to watch from a distance.

And Chen Ning, who was named, looked calm and breezy at this time:

"It's just that I heard that all officials in Dianmao of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion must be present and not absent. As the head of the Military Disciplinary Department, I naturally have to ask clearly."

There is obviously nothing wrong with Chen Ning's remarks on the bright side, and Zhu Ji nodded quite pertinently:

"I would like to teach Master Chen to know that if you are absent for some reason, you must report the reason to Chang Shi in writing one day in advance. Or your Majesty's decree to approve it, and you don't have to respond every day.

As the sacrificial wine of the Armed Forces Academy, I have to inspect the morning exercises and housework of the officers and soldiers of the academy every morning, so I have received His Majesty's order, so I don't have to come here on time.

On the other hand, when I was leading the team in the morning exercise, I saw Chief Chen running in the street in scarlet clothes. If Chief Chen hadn't been in charge of the Military Disciplinary Department today, I'm afraid the court would have to be impeached by his gang of censors again, which would hurt his dignity. "

Zhu Ji's arrival is the tactic of courtesy first and soldiers later.

Although the previous explanation was to fulfill the responsibility of being honest with the Military Disciplinary Department, the last few sentences were purely to squeeze Chen Ning.

After all, Guo Ying was specially asked to communicate yesterday, and made it clear that the chariots and horses told Chen Ning not to make mistakes today.Unexpectedly, he also missed the small school practice because he wore the wrong official uniform. Of course, Zhu Ji would not give Chen Ning his authority over such a trivial matter, but a few words of running are still indispensable.

When others didn't say anything just now, Chen Ning knew that this threshold would fall into Zhu Ji's hands.

At this time, Chen Ning could only use the reasons he found to deal with it: "I have been an official for more than ten years, and once I change my face, the old habits are hard to change, and the next official knows his mistakes."

Acknowledging his mistakes so straightforwardly, Chen Ning's upright appearance did not dispel Zhu Ji's vigilance.

But since it has been said for a long time that it is necessary to close the door and beat the dog, naturally it cannot be easily attacked because of such a trivial matter.Even, if Chen Ning can maintain such a posture, Zhu Ji might spare him once.

What's more, he has told many Wu Xun that the Metropolitan Government is a place that treats everyone equally, and Zhu Ji will not deliberately break the habit that has gradually been established suddenly just because Chen Ning is his opponent.

After all, everyone makes such small mistakes at times.

If Chen Ning is dealt with today, maybe Chen Ning will remember this lesson in the future and madly target other people who have made the same mistake.

Looking at Chen Ning, whose expression was still the same as usual, and who didn't even want to bow his head, Zhu Ji nodded with his usual expression:
"It's fine to know your mistakes. It's a trivial matter. I don't need to blame you. I know that you have a lot of things you want to do here, but I still want to remind you that once you enter the Governor's Mansion, you have nothing to do with the court.

If Mr. Chen is still in close contact with the princes in the court, and leaked the military plan of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion during the exchange of cups and cups, at that time, whether you say that I am avenging my private revenge or taking the public weapon to take my personal grievances, Mr. Chen will not be able to escape. "

This is definitely not Zhu Ji's intention to scare Chen Ning.

Last month, a fifth-grade General Wu Jie from the Department of Military Affairs had a drink with someone at Yuhuaxuan, and because of an emotional dispute with a girl who accompanied him, he inadvertently revealed the time and route of Sai Shiyouwei's return to the capital from Dongying.

That night, everyone in the entire Metropolitan Governor's Mansion was forced to get up from their beds, and Zhu Ji entered the palace in the middle of the night to ask for orders. Fu Youde, Marquis of Yingchuan, personally led the Jinwu Guards to arrest all the insiders.

The general Wu Jie gave the head on the spot, and all the others were detained in the West 48th Guard camp, and they were not released until the right guard of the navy changed the route back to Beijing.

At that time, Wu Xun also pleaded with Zhu Ji, but at that time, Zhu Ji, who was angry with getting up, refuted him with one sentence.

"All the punishments in the military regulations do not involve family members, because it has enough constraints on you and others. If you still ask for mercy, then I should consider using heavier punishments to enhance the deterrent effect of the military regulations. "

The cruel words Zhu Ji said at that time made many Wu Xun dare not go to those crowded places to drink anymore.

"How about changing the military regulations to one life for one life in the future? If an officer or soldier dies due to negligence, how much will the family pay for the death?"

The reckless arrogance regenerated by many martial arts in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion completely turned into panic in Zhu Ji's casual sentence.

From that day on, these Wu Xun really understood why Zhu Yuanzhang would safely hand over the big business of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion to a brat.

It's not because Feng Sheng and Li Wenzhong are backing him here, but because this seemingly benevolent eldest prince is more decisive than Naifu when it comes to killing.

The reason why they felt they could intercede in front of Zhu Ji was entirely because their previous actions did not touch the red line that Zhu Ji had drawn for them earlier—the military regulations.

In other words, because they themselves are the makers of the rules, Zhu Ji gave them some preferential treatment, but these preferential treatments are not the basis for them to bargain with Zhu Ji.

When hearing Zhu Ji's instructions to Chen Ning, many Wu Xun shrank their necks subconsciously, and then looked at Chen Ning's official residence with anticipation, even though they couldn't see Chen Ning's face in the dark house at all.

"Hey, tell me, after His Highness reminded you, did Chen Branding Iron dare to tip off those rotten scholars?"

"I hope he will apply for a try, so that those guys who yell at us all day long can experience the majesty of my Metropolitan Government."

(End of this chapter)

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