Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 138 Ally, isn't it just for sale?

Chapter 138 Ally, isn't it just for sale?
Chen Ning obviously saw that Hu Weiyong's hand holding the tea bowl was trembling.

Hu Weiyong was really afraid that if he accidentally lost control of himself, he would smash the blue and white tea bowl worth a lot of money into the face of the ally next to him.

What is an ally?

Isn't it just people who communicate with each other and advance hand in hand?

Now, this guy is talking about military plans on the left and important things on the right, and allies can't even tell this little secret, so what's the use of it?Do you cook?

Embarrassed to accept the scrutiny of a table of people, Chen Ning finally failed to withstand these weird gazes.After bowing his head and coughing lightly, he squeezed out a smile stiffly, then picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of the slightly cold tea, trying to cover up the atmosphere as cold as tea.

After a little hesitation, Chen Ning still decided to truthfully tell Hu Weiyong what he saw and heard in the Governor's Mansion today.

Compared with Zhu Ji's illusory warning, he paid more attention to the relationship with Hu Weiyong.

Right now, there are no outsiders in the back flower hall, Chen Ning gritted his teeth, and finally told everything Hu Weiyong wanted to know.

After hearing Zhu Jiju discussing the whole process of pacifying Caiyunzhinan, Hu Weiyong's lowered eyes flashed a strange look.

The major events of the country are sacrificed to Rong.

Even though the military affairs of the Ming Dynasty are all under the control of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, if they discuss and start the war without the court's intervention, what are they who worked so hard to guard the world for Zhu Yuanzhang?
Hu Weiyong felt that it was necessary for him to participate in Zhu Jiben in the court tomorrow morning. Even if he could not share the duties and powers of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, at least the court should have the basic right to know about the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

As for the important military affairs that Chen Ning said should not be spread to the outside world, hehe, Chen Ning was transferred from a first-rank official to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion after all. Group up and attack it.

As for whether Chen Ning will be punished for this, well, allies are sometimes used to betray?
If Chen Ning knew what Hu Weiyong was thinking, he would definitely shoot up and greet the [-]th generation of Hu Weiyong's ancestors with the most fragrant language.

It's a pity that things like mind reading are the means of the legendary gods. He, Chen Ning, is an ordinary person, how can he have such abilities.

After all, he still couldn't escape the fate of being trapped.

After seeing that he had told the truth, Hu Weiyong remained calm for a long time, and Chen Ning very consciously chose to leave quietly.

Just now, his tactful refusal will inevitably create a small gap in the relationship between the two parties. Choosing to leave at this time can just leave Hu Weiyong with time to think and think about his own good.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day Chen Ning finally learned to wear the correct clothes to go to the small school grounds.

But when he was sweating like rain, Hu Weiyong's words caused a huge storm in the court.

"Your Majesty, I heard that His Royal Highness King Yong played drums and gathered generals in the Governor's Mansion yesterday on behalf of His Majesty, ordering the generals to discuss the strategy of pacifying Caiyunzhinan. I wonder if this is what His Majesty meant?"

Is the court going to recover Caiyunzhinan?
Not to mention many courtiers, even Zhu Yuanzhang himself was a little puzzled when he heard it.

In the early spring, Xu Da and Feng Sheng really thought about going south because of Zhu Ji's words, but with the huge profits visible to the naked eye after the capture of Dongying, the matter of Caiyun Zhinan had long been forgotten by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Could it be that Caiyun Zhinan has some benefits that he doesn't know about, making his eldest son so caring?
With such a dazed effort, Zhu Yuanzhang's expression was clearly seen by the courtiers in Fengtian Palace.

Without waiting for him to answer, Hu Weiyong impeached directly:
"It seems that His Majesty was also kept in the dark. If so, I will impeach His Royal Highness King Yong. Now that the Ming Dynasty is waiting for prosperity, the treasury can't make ends meet. His Royal Highness Yong doesn't care about the distinction between monarchs and ministers, let alone beating drums and gathering generals. Raising swords is really an act of harming the country and disrupting the government..."

After Chen Ning left last night, Hu Weiyong thought a lot, and now he poured out all his thoughts, describing Zhu Ji vividly as a sycophant who is obsessed with himself and has no father.

Even if this courtier himself is a clan.

The sharp words made a group of veteran officials who supported the prince vigilant.

As Chen Ning said, they used to think that Zhu Ji, Sima of the Metropolitan Government, was just Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes and tongue among a group of nobles.

Now that they were exposed by Hu Weiyong, they realized that Zhu Yuanzhang had indulged Zhu Ji's power to this extent unknowingly.

What kind of concept is it to be able to beat drums and gather generals? That is to say, if Zhu Ji lets those martial arts attack the East Palace, there is a high probability that many people will follow blindly.Because from the moment the drum was beating, every word Zhu Ji uttered was a military order.

In the past, when many generals dispatched troops, they still needed to receive orders and military amulets from Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhongshu Province respectively. Now that the military power has been taken back to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, the military amulets are in Zhu Yuanzhang's hands.

Thinking of this, a group of farsighted veterans broke out in cold sweat.

They coincidentally made the same decision, that is, from this moment on, they must limit Zhu Yuanzhang and the entire clan's control over the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

Because if there are no restrictions, the emperor can fight whoever he wants in the future, and he doesn't need to discuss with them at all.It's okay to be an emperor who is considerate of people's sentiments. If he comes up with a militaristic one, the newly established Ming Dynasty may become the next Eastern Han Dynasty.

It is better not to repeat the debts paid by such an ancestor for several generations in Daming.

"My minister seconded the proposal. Even if His Majesty handed over the duties of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion to His Royal Highness King Yong, he is only a Sima after all, and has no authority to beat drums and gather generals, let alone propose to send troops."

With Hu Weiyong as an example, his cronies stepped out of the train to express their opinions to Zhu Yuanzhang.

For a time, most of the courtiers lined up on the left and right stood in the center and became staunch supporters of Hu Weiyong's proposal.

Zhu Yuanzhang originally wanted to explain it to Hu Weiyong himself, but seeing the scene getting bigger and bigger, he also knew that with so many people overcrowding, he obviously didn't want to be dealt with by him in a few words.

Ever since Zhu Ji encountered this kind of situation several times before, Zhu Yuanzhang had a deep understanding of a truth after he persuaded these people with all kinds of reasons.

Since so many people say that Zhu Ji has a problem, let him personally explain what happened in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion yesterday.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at the courtiers in the palace with great interest, not only thinking with the most optimistic attitude - what kind of posture will Hu Weiyong walk out of the imperial city today.

"Since there are so many people impeaching King Yong, let's order someone to bring him here, and let him talk about how he acted without the king's authority."

(End of this chapter)

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