Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 139 The Pot Comes From The Sky

Chapter 139 The Pot Comes From The Sky

Hearing that Zhu Yuanzhang was going to call Zhu Ji again, Hu Weiyong's body trembled involuntarily.

He was too familiar with this sentence, not long after he heard it last time, he fell under Zhu Ji's clever mouth.

If he was still escaped by that guy's irrational words today, Hu Weiyong felt that he should really consider his teacher's suggestion, plead guilty to Zhu Yuanzhang and release him, and find a place far away from the capital to spend the rest of his life.

Sure enough, Zhu Ji once again stepped into Fengtian Hall wearing a gleaming armor.

This scene was so familiar that many courtiers who stepped out of the train could not help but make way for Zhu Ji with lingering fear, making this King Yong, who had been criticized by them just now, easily stand in front of everyone.

"Father, there is nothing important to do in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion today. I don't know what to do if I call my child here?"

It's true to pretend not to know, and it's true to be impatient.

After bowing down, Zhu Ji didn't look back at the courtiers at all, and said with a bit of resentment and anger in his tone.

These people in the court hall are simply lingering ghosts, insisting on competing with themselves.Especially Hu Weiyong, it's only been a few days since he pleaded guilty and pretended to be pitiful, but now he dares to trouble himself every day.

Facing the angry Zhu Ji, Zhu Yuanzhang became happy instead.

Although he also relied heavily on these literati, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that sometimes Zhu Ji was needed to cure the problems of these literati.

Looking casually at Hu Weiyong and several of his confidants, Zhu Yuanzhang pretended to be serious and asked:
"Yesterday, you were the one who did the beating and drum gathering in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion? What's the matter?"

Just now when the hostesses went to find him, Zhu Ji knew that Chen Ning had leaked the things discussed yesterday.

But before the attack, Zhu Ji felt that it was necessary to explain clearly to his own father.To save the little brother standing on the imperial steps from feeling slighted, and to make his own father feel that he is fooling around.

"It's no big deal to come into the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, so I want to find something to do for those warriors who have nothing to do all day long.

The military affairs of my Ming Dynasty are now nothing more than recovering the territory occupied by the remnants of the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty. As the saying goes, three stinky generals can beat Zhuge Liang, so I naturally want everyone to participate in it.

Beating drums and gathering generals naturally treated it as a serious war, otherwise how could this group of warriors be willing to honestly think of a way. "

Spreading his hands together, Zhu Ji made a helpless expression, then changed the subject, and asked Zhu Yuanzhang instead:

"The affairs of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion are always confidential, but I would like to know, who disclosed the news to His Majesty before I reported it to the emperor?
Although there are no secrets in front of His Majesty about the affairs of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, it should be reported to His Majesty in detail by the people of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.Yesterday's discussion has not yet ended, so we did not intend to report to His Majesty hastily.

So, since they are not from the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, how do outsiders get the news from the mansion? "

Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely useful for saying that the Metropolitan Government's Mansion does not have any secrets in front of him.

It is extremely rare to feel respect for oneself from one's own eldest son.

A gratified smile instantly appeared on Zhu Yuanzhang's serious face, and then he sold Hu Weiyong to Zhu Ji very simply.

"Hu Weiyong told us that you have no eyes on the king and father, and you are really suspected of arrogance and overreach. So we are going to ask you, are you really planning to send troops to the south of Caiyun?"

Hu Weiyong felt a chill rushing from his spine to his forehead.

He understood that he was not as favored and trusted in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart as he had quarreled with Zhu Ji again and again.If not, why would he sell himself completely in one sentence.

Glancing at Zhu Yuanzhang with resentment, Hu Weiyong actually wanted to say, Your Majesty, give me a chance, and I would like to be your dog leg again.

However, he didn't understand Zhu Ji's status in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart at all, so he could only become a victim of this farce.

"The conditions for sending troops to the south are not yet ripe. Although according to my expectation, the south expedition will not exceed four months at most. But now that the national treasury is empty, four months of food and grass for an army of 15 is not small for Yan Shangshu. pressure."

Although after the establishment of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, many customary expenses have been withdrawn from the Ministry of Households in advance, but once a war is launched, the Ministry of Households must be found to allocate food and grass.

Just after conquering Dongpu, there are still hundreds of thousands of civilians mining rocks and silver mines, and Yan Xizhe is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice for a while.

After making Zhu Yuanzhang feel deeply disappointed with one sentence, Zhu Ji finally turned his eyes sideways to Hu Weiyong who was a little guilty.

"Ms. Hu is well-informed. With such a tight defense in the Governor's Mansion, Mr. Hu was able to get the contents of this secret discussion. I admire you."

After bowing coldly to Hu Weiyong, Zhu Ji simply turned completely to face the courtiers, leaving his back to his own father and younger brother.

"Last month, my Governor's Mansion secretly dealt with a General Wujie. Because when he was drinking at Yuhuaxuan in the city, he leaked the route of Sai Shi Youwei back to Beijing because of an emotional dispute.

All the people accompanying him, including the woman who accompanied the wine, were all detained, and they were not released until Sai Shiyouwei changed his route and returned to Beijing safely.

Hu Xiang wantonly snooped on important military and state affairs, and even announced it to the court. Did he feel that the law does not blame the public, or did he think that the Metropolitan Government would not dare to take a right-hand man under the knife? "

Ever since he personally ordered the disposal of that General Wu Jie, Zhu Ji obviously had a real murderous aura.

The cold eyes made Hu Weiyong tremble, and then he knelt down straight and kowtowed to Zhu Yuanzhang for mercy.

He believed that if Zhu Yuanzhang didn't speak today, Zhu Ji would definitely bring a group of warriors from the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion to kill him.Perhaps he was concerned about his own identity, so he would not rashly take the knife on himself.But it is definitely indispensable to find ways to clean up and deter courtiers.

It's not that Hu Weiyong has never experienced the pain of flesh and blood.

But in the hands of a group of prostitutes, it is cheap to suffer a little bit of flesh and blood.

Hu Weiyong couldn't help but think of a group of guards in the dark prison with evil smiles swearing vulgar and obscene words, exuding a pungent sour smell, and humiliating his dignity with dirty movements. Weep bitterly.

"Your Majesty, it's really not that I'm trying to inquire, but it's Chen Ning. When I invited him to a banquet last night, in order to get closer to him, I deliberately told me about the affairs of the Governor's Mansion.

It is a serious crime for a humble official to sue His Royal Highness King Yong without discernment, and please punish him severely. "

Presumably, Chen Ning, who has nothing to do in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, will understand what it means to sit in the mansion and the pot comes from the sky after today.

(End of this chapter)

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