refining sword

Chapter 23 Fighting in the Forest

Chapter 23 Fighting in the Forest

As soon as his forefoot left the place, a khaki light lit up on the ground, and a circular rune formation with a radius of [-] meters immediately emerged from it.

"It's almost, it's a pity..." Hu Wei sighed, a little disappointed.

When he said this, the corner of his eyes glanced behind Tie Jian unconsciously, where five slender purple light marks appeared out of thin air, grabbing towards Tie Jian's back.

Tie Jian was prepared for this, and without looking back, he stabbed his sword behind him with his backhand.

I saw a flash of red light above the sword's edge, and a long flame of flame extended from the sword's body, stabbing straight towards the purple light mark.

The owner of the light marks, the masked black-clothed man named Tang Hui, saw that his deeds were exposed, and decisively gave up this attack, his figure was blurred, and he disappeared into the darkness like smoke.

After Tie Jian hit the air, he jumped and rushed in the direction of Yan Zi.

"Where to go?" Hu Wei shouted violently and waved his wrist forward sharply.

I saw two groups of bright yellow flames the size of human heads flying out and hitting Tie Jian in the back.

Tie Jian forcibly twisted his body in mid-air, and made a quick gesture with one hand in the void. Two groups of crimson fireballs slightly larger than his fists flew out immediately, colliding with the bright yellow flames.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp sound of "Zheng" was heard!
In the flame light curtain generated by the collision of the two fireballs, a sword light suddenly flashed, tearing apart from the middle, and Hu Wei's figure passed through it and chased after him.

Seeing that Tie Jian couldn't shake it off, he could only lift the sword edge and take the initiative to meet him.


In the dense forest on the other side, there was a constant roar.

A black giant axe shone with dim light, chopping continuously in the forest, and the trees were broken, and countless sawdust fell.

"Hey...Little girl, you've already used up your Light Spirit Talisman. How long will you be able to hide?" Shi Qian teased while waving his giant axe to chase.

Yan Zi in front had a dignified expression, but did not answer. There were two wisps of cool breeze lingering under her feet, but she nimbly moved to and fro in the depths of the denser woods.

Seeing this, Shi Qian suddenly evoked a sinister smile. He held the handle of the giant axe in one hand and choked with the other, and suddenly opened his mouth and read the word "receive".

I saw a flash of spiritual patterns on the black axe in his hand, and it suddenly shrank into a short axe that was two feet long.

He turned his wrist and swiped forward with skill.

Immediately, black light flashed on the short axe, and it flew forward with a "huhu" sound, bypassing the ancient trees at a very fast speed, drawing an arc and a half in the air, and suddenly slashed towards Yan Zi.

Yan Zi didn't expect this situation, and before she could dodge, she was slashed by the short axe from her left shoulder.


A sound of cracking silk sounded, and Yan Zi's figure immediately flew forward and fell heavily on the ground.

Shi Qian took the black hatchet that flew back and hurriedly chased after him.

"Oh, don't break it. If you hurt that tender skin, it won't be beautiful." Seeing Yan Zi lying there motionless, he felt a little distressed.

However, out of caution, he did not rush over to check it immediately, but with a flick of his wrist, a khaki rope appeared in his palm and threw it towards Yan Zi.

There was a flash of light on the rope, as if it had come alive, it wound up on its own, and tied Yan Zi firmly from head to toe.

"Hey, it's okay to come out this time..." Shi Qian rubbed his chin and walked over with a wicked smile.

When he came to the front, he pulled the end of the rope, trying to pull Yan Zi up.


After this pull, Shi Qian realized that the "Yan Zi" in his hand was light and fluffy, not like a living person at all.

Before he could come back to his senses, a figure flashed out from behind an ancient tree beside him, the snow-white long sword in his hand trembled with light, only to hear a "puchi", the sword body went straight through his heart.

"Stupid talisman, put on the road..."

Shi Qian oozes blood from his mouth, mumbles a word, and falls to the side.

A trace of blood oozes from the corner of Yan Zi's mouth, her body staggers, her face pale and she gasps for breath.

She slowly pulled out the long sword from Shi Qian's body and stood there for a moment to adjust her breath silently, before she bent down and untied the yellow rope from her body. Together with the black hatchet, she put it into the storage ring.

Without the restraint of the rope, the avatar flashed light, first turned into a cyan talisman, and then the fire flashed and burned into ashes.

Yan Zi looked at it and felt a little distressed.

This talisman is of average quality. Although it is the last of all incarnation talismans, the incarnation is only similar in appearance and cannot act at all, but it is also worth hundreds of taels of gold.

Previously, she deliberately took an axe, and at the moment she was about to fall, she stimulated all the remaining power of the Light Spirit Talisman on her leg, and hid behind the ancient tree. Only then did she have a chance to kill Shi Qian. .

Tie Jian has always been distracted to pay attention to the movements of Yan Zi here, so he discovered the accident here almost immediately, and his heart was slightly relieved.

"Trash!" Hu Wei soon found out that Shi Qian was killed by mistake, and a gloom flashed in his eyes.

The ancient yellow sword in his hand shook, and a piece of earthy yellow light surged outwards, forcing Tie Jian to retreat a few feet away.

"Not yet?" Hu Wei suddenly shouted loudly.

"Okay." A low voice sounded in the darkness.

After listening to Hu Wei, the corner of his mouth evoked a face that was quite friendly to him, and a cold smile that was very inconsistent with him. He held the sword in both hands again, and slammed it into the ground below him.

Tie Jian knew something was wrong, and he wanted to leap into the air with a flash.

But under him, the ground suddenly shattered, and two purple claws suddenly protruded out, clasping his ankles and tying him to the spot.

Immediately afterwards, a "Boom" sound was heard.

With Tie Jian as the center, within a radius of several dozen feet, the ground sank a few feet, and dark yellow triangular iron flags were exposed from the ground.

At the same time, circles of yellow light rose from the ground and contracted toward the center.

Tie Jian froze in his heart, and hurriedly swung his sword towards the purple secluded claws on his feet, but it was already too late.

Before his sword edge fell, the khaki-colored apertures that had shrunk in had already enveloped him, completely tying him to the ground.

"Go on the road with peace of mind, my good junior brother..."

The corner of Hu Wei's mouth became more and more hideous, and he came to Tie Jian in a flash, raised the long sword in his hand, and stabbed him in the middle of his eyebrows.

A sharp sound of "clang".

A black figure suddenly emerged from the ground and stood in front of Tie Jian, with his hands folded in front of his forehead, and the palm of his hand against the tip of Hu Wei's sword.

"Tang Hui, what are you doing? Get out of the way!" Hu Wei said angrily, looking at the masked man who suddenly stood in front of him.

"The order is to capture him alive, why do you want to kill him?" Tang Hui asked coldly, unmoved.

Tie Jian heard the words, his eyes were slightly dark, obviously he was also very surprised by the situation in front of him.

The senior brother who used to have a good friendship wants to put him to death, but the assassin who came to chase and kill him is protecting him.

Seeing the suspicious look on Tie Jian's face, Hu Wei showed a sneer.

"What? It's a surprise? Hehe... Since the first day you were officially accepted by your master as an apprentice, I wanted to kill you. Your family background makes me envious, and your sword-making talent makes me jealous, Later, even the little junior sister I grew up with fell in love with you, and even became your fiancee, at that time I had already planned how to make you die."

"It turns out that my senior brother, who has always respected me like an elder brother, was patiently teaching me how to make swords, but he was deliberately thinking about how to kill me." Tie Jian heard the words, an unspeakable feeling suddenly surged in his heart, and he said coldly.

"So when Master ordered us to enter the Prefect's Mansion, you couldn't imagine how happy I was. It's a pity that when you finally broke through the defense line, you already escaped from the secret passage..." Hu Wei suddenly laughed happily. Go on.

"So that day, you were among those people. Tell me, how is my father?" Tie Jian asked coldly.

"Your father? That day you had guards to protect each other desperately. You were lucky enough to escape, but your father would not have such good luck. I tell you, he has been beheaded! Hahaha..." Hu Wei gave out bursts of yin laugh.

"What? My father is dead?" Tie Jian couldn't help but his eyes darkened when he heard the words, and he was about to fall down.

When Tie Jian was in chaos, he only heard Hu Wei shouting violently. He suddenly retracted the long sword in his hand, and then stabbed it out quickly. At an extremely tricky angle, it passed through Tang Hui's armpit and stabbed diagonally upward. Xiang Tie Jian's heart was astonishingly fast.

"What are you doing!" Tang Hui was slightly startled, his figure immediately twisted, and with a collision with his body, he pushed the long sword pierced by Hu Wei an inch away.

The long sword Jianfeng avoided Tie Jian's heart and stabbed it against his shoulder, making a shallow bloodstain.

"Tang Hui, are you really trying to stop me?" Hu Wei said angrily.

"The order I received is to capture him alive. If you insist on killing him, pass me first." Tang Hui's voice was hoarse, but unusually firm.

"Why, did you forget that before you left, Master ordered you to obey me?" Hu Wei said.

"Hmph, if he really died at your hands, let alone you, even your master Ning Chen wouldn't be able to afford it." Tang Hui let out a sneer.

He raised his hand and took out a palm-sized golden token, shook it in front of Hu Wei, and then put it away.

Seeing this, Hu Wei froze for a moment. What he had already opened his mouth to say was blocked in his throat and swallowed again.

After glancing at Tie Jian, he silently retracted his long sword.

Seeing this, Tang Hui slowly lowered his raised palm.

But at this moment, Yan Zi's figure suddenly dodged from the dense forest on the side, and with a pick of the snow-white long sword in his hand, it slashed toward the triangular iron flag on the ground.

Tang Hui squinted his eyes and snorted coldly, as if he had expected this. He had already put down half of his palms, suddenly turned his direction halfway, and slapped him behind him.

There was a flash of purple light on his hand, and a palm print of purple light the size of a fan was immediately born out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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