refining sword

Chapter 24 Soul Eater Reappears

Chapter 24 Soul Eater Reappears
Only heard a muffled "bang".

Yan Zi shot back like a broken sack, broke several ancient trees one after another, and fell to the ground.

She struggled to stand up, her forehead was covered in cold sweat from the severe pain, a trace of blood was hanging from the corner of her mouth, and her right shoulder dangled weakly by her side, swaying, as if her bones were broken.

"I let you kill that idiot Shi Qian by luck, and you dare to come here if you don't hurry up and run for your life." Tang Hui glanced at Yan Zi, whose clothes were blood-stained and pale, and said coldly.

Yan Zi raised her left hand and gently wiped the corner of her mouth, trying to wipe off the oozing blood.

As a result, instead of being able to wipe off the blood, the entire chin was covered with blood.

Although her expression was a little sluggish, her pupils were shining brightly, and the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, revealing a strange smile.

Seeing this, Tang Hui's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly turned his head to look at the ground.

Tang Hui hurriedly turned around and looked back, only to see that in a circle of triangular iron flags stuck on the ground, two of them had already fallen outside the circle, but they were kicked out of the array when Yan Zi was about to fall.

Seeing that Yan Zi was injured in order to save himself, Tie Jian felt a surge of anger for no reason. He let out a violent shout, and the three-colored long sword clenched in his hand also lit up with a crimson light.


A crimson flame suddenly rose up, turning into a vortex of flames, wrapping Tie Jian inside, and the crimson surging outer flames madly rolled around.

Those yellow circles that enveloped him, first trembled suddenly, were propped up a bit by the flames, and then broke apart with a "bang".

Tie Jian's figure swept away, rose from the ground, and landed on Yan Zi's side.

"How is it? Are you seriously injured?" He leaned down to help Yan Zi up and hurriedly asked.

A pale smile appeared on Yan Zi's face, and she grasped Tie Jian's palm.

She opened her mouth, and before she could say anything, her eyes rolled over and she passed out.

"Do you still have the heart to take care of others at this time? Take care of yourself first." Hu Wei sneered, shaking the ancient yellow sword in his hand, bullying him up and stabbing Tie Jian.

Seeing Tie Jian escape, he was actually more happy than worried, because in this way, he had a reason to continue to shoot at Tie Jian.Although he still can't kill him, after all, the sword has no eyes, so he can suffer more, or even abolish it, he can still do it.

Tie Jian released Yan Zi's palm, clenched his right fist tightly, and swept his left sword towards Hu Wei.

I saw a white light on the sword body, and a layer of crystal ice crystals emerged, colliding with the yellow ancient sword.

"Boom!" A dull voice sounded again.

Tie Jian's long sword shook suddenly, splashing countless white ice crystals, his feet were embedded in the ground by an inch, but his body remained motionless, firmly resisting the yellow ancient sword.

"Good boy, you even deliberately reserved your strength before." Hu Wei stared at Tie Jian, his eyes twitched slightly, he held the sword in both hands, and suddenly pressed down.

The rune on the ancient sword suddenly lit up, and the entire long sword was wrapped in a yellow halo, which seemed to have suddenly increased ten times in weight and sank suddenly.

Tie Jian first pressed his right hand on his knee to support his body, and then he also held the hilt of the sword, holding the sword in both hands and squatting, barely blocking the sinking ancient sword.

Tang Hui, who was standing not far away, nodded slightly when he saw this scene.

After all, Hu Wei's cultivation level surpassed Tie Jian, and his combat experience was more abundant, which was enough to suppress Tie Jian.

As long as he doesn't secretly kill Tie Jian, he doesn't have to do it himself.

But at this moment, the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched, and he cried out in horror:

"Get out of the way."

After all, Hu Wei was not a novice in the battle formation. Although he didn't know what was going on, he subconsciously chose to retreat.

He took the initiative to collect the ancient yellow sword, and flew backwards on his toes.

Almost at the same time, the long sword in Tie Jian's hand suddenly split into two. In addition to the ice crystal long sword, there was an extra red long sword, and a scarlet flame rose from it, stabbing Hu Weixin.

However, because Hu Wei evaded in time, the long sword only scorched a corner of his clothes, but did not hurt him.

"It's dangerous!" Hu Wei said with lingering fears after slapping the flames in front of his chest after his body fell more than ten feet away.

As a result, before his words fell, there was a vague figure beside him, which appeared out of thin air as if teleporting.

He held two long swords, one white and one red, in both hands, stabbing them one after the other, and with a "puchi" sound, they directly pierced through Hu Wei's chest.

Then, there was a soft sound of "click".

From the white long sword pierced from the back, many ice ridges formed, piercing Hu Wei's chest with holes like thorns, and from the red long sword pierced from the front, a mass of crimson flames poured out. His body was swallowed in.

This scene happened so fast that even Tang Hui, who was watching the battle, couldn't see what was going on.

Only Tie Jian himself knew that it was the small shift talisman that Yan Zi had placed on his palm before he fell into a coma, which played a vital role.

This talisman belongs to the space type talisman, which enables the user to move at an extraordinary speed within a certain distance. It is far more precious than the talisman talisman, and its price is almost comparable to that of a medium-grade magic sword. The bottom-pressing means used by monks to save their lives.

Not only that, this talisman is also a one-time consumable, it will disappear after use and cannot be used a second time.

Tang Hui's figure flickered, and after pulling a distance back, he stared at Tie Jian from a distance, his eyes wandering a little.

But at this moment, a strange scene appeared.

I saw that Hu Wei, who had just died and had turned into a charred corpse, suddenly had blue rays of light overflowing from all over his body, and floated up slightly. film.

Although his appearance is a little fuzzy, his appearance and appearance are exactly the same as Hu Wei.

"This is... the soul of the law?"

Tang Hui was horrified, he couldn't imagine why Hu Wei's magic soul did not dissipate on its own, but instead condensed and appeared?

But then, an even more terrifying scene happened!

I saw a touch of pain on Tie Jian's face, and on the red long sword clenched in his hand, the rune lit up with a faint golden light, and a strange attraction force was born from it.

The phantom of Hu Wei's magic soul suddenly collapsed with a "pop" sound, pouring into the red sword like a cloud of blue smoke, and was completely absorbed.

"Soul Eater!" Tang Hui only felt his scalp go numb, he had never seen such a terrifying sight.

At this moment, most of the Tiejian Dantian was already occupied by a layer of blue clouds.

The light golden flame that was quietly suspended in the middle suddenly flashed, and a strand of flame stretched up, instantly igniting the cloud, and then turned into a raging sea of ​​fire.

Unlike the last time he absorbed the demon wolf spirit, the strange fire in his body was obviously burning more violently this time, and the pain it caused naturally increased exponentially.

Since Tang Hui was still on the side, Tie Jian certainly couldn't sit down on the spot to perform exercises, he could only stand there, waiting for the abnormality in his dantian to disappear.

The veins on his forehead burst out, and he endured the pain, but he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Tie Qiang endured the intense burning sensation in his body and stood with his sword in hand.It's just that the veins on his forehead burst out at this time, and his body was dripping with blood and sweat.I just felt a sudden sweetness in my throat, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Tang Hui also saw the abnormality on Tie Jian's body at this time, he hesitated a little, the light flashed on the palm of his hand, and a strangely-shaped purple long sword immediately appeared in the palm of his hand.

The purple sword was more than three feet long, but less than two fingers wide.

I saw his figure swept forward again for nearly a dozen feet, with one hand holding a magic formula, and after silently chanting, the mana all over his body quickly drummed out and poured into the purple long sword.

A hazy purple mist overflowed from his body, shrouding his entire being, and the aura on his body changed completely, even climbing directly to the peak of the Qi refining period.

For the cultivators in the Qi-refining stage, they can build a foundation by taking the Foundation Building Pill when they reach the tenth level of cultivation.But if the cultivation base is higher, the mana in the body will be more pure, and the success rate of foundation building will naturally increase greatly.

I saw Tang Hui's eyes narrowed, and the long sword in his hand shook, and a cloud of purple, like a substantial amount of light shavings, turned into a purple python with the thickness of a bucket, with a bloody mouth wide open. Chao Tie Jian bit the past.

Wherever it passed, the purple mist filled the air, and if the flowers and plants came into contact with it a little, it would immediately turn into a withered color, and then rot into mud.

Zi Mang zigzagged, and after making a circle around Tie Jian, his head was raised high, and then he rushed down, opening his mouth to swallow Tie Jian whole.

The flames in Tiejian Dantian had not yet finished burning, and at this moment, he was unable to swing his sword with all his strength.

His face was cold, his teeth were clenched, he turned his wrist, and on top of the white long sword in his hand, a cyan long sword was separated. Around, a "three-talented sword formation" was formed.

Seeing the purple python attacking, the three long swords trembled, and each of them lit up with white, red, and blue lights, like three petals surrounded by each other, forming a colorful light curtain outside Tie Jian.

A loud bang!
The huge head of the purple python slammed down heavily in the air, hitting the colored light curtain directly.

The light curtain trembled violently, and the light was infected by the purple mist, which suddenly dimmed a lot.

At the same time, the three slender long swords below it were bent down in an exaggerated arc by the huge gravity, and they were about to collapse.

But at this moment, Tie Jian suddenly raised his head slowly.

At this moment, his eyes have returned to calm, the blue veins on his forehead have disappeared, and the momentum of the whole person seems to have risen a bit.

He stretched out one hand and held the scarlet long sword in front of him, a pale golden flame lit up in his palm, and the other hand held the turquoise long sword, pouring his mana into it. .

Just hear the "call".

Above the Three Talents Sword Formation, the fire suddenly brightened, and a flaming dragon with a length of three to four feet condensed out of it.

I saw the flame dragon's bloody mouth opened wide, and it swallowed the purple python's head in one fell swoop.

In the mouth of the flame dragon, the cyan wind blade rolled out wildly, and almost instantly disintegrated the purple python's head, turning it into a purple mist and dissipating.

Immediately after, the body of the purple python was also engulfed little by little, and also disappeared.

The Jiaolong Chiyan continued to spread upwards without stopping, directly swallowing the purple long sword in Tang Hui's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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