I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 10 Heroes' Treasure Fair

Chapter 10 Heroes' Treasure Fair

In the center of the venue of the "Heroes Treasure Selling Club", there is a long desk, a grand master chair, and an old man with long beard sitting in front of the desk. This old man is well-known in the Qi refining circle of the Nantu Continent...

Mr. Jin.

Jin Lao's reputation in the Qi refining world is not only because of his unfathomable cultivation, but also because of his profound knowledge and fairness.

It is said that no matter what kind of elixir, weapon, skill book, or rare medicinal material, as long as it is in the hands of Mr. Jin, he can tell whether it is true or not, and he has never missed it.

At this moment, a follower standing next to Mr. Jin shouted loudly: "Please invite the next treasure presenter to come on stage!"

"Jin Lao help me look at this elixir!"

A middle-aged man stepped forward from the crowd, holding an open wooden box in his hand, and handed it to Mr. Jin respectfully.

Jin Lao took it, put the wooden box on the case, pinched the elixir with two fingers, looked at a lamp on the case, pondered for a moment and said:
"If the old man is right, this elixir is a qi-replenishing pill refined by Mr. Huang, old man Huang. Is this guest officer planning to make a move?"

"It turns out that it's really Huang Laoguai's qi invigorating pill. I bought two buns from a beggar in the market a few years ago." The middle-aged man said happily,

"Actually, it doesn't matter how much you sell it for. I just want to know if the pill is true or not. Mr. Jin, just give me the market price."

"Well, the price of Huang Laoguai's qi-invigorating pill has been rising recently, and a well-preserved qi-invigorating pill can sell for more than 200 taels of silver,"

Jin Lao paused for a moment, "But the wax seal of your elixir has been broken, I will accept the delivery at a 180% discount of [-] taels, what do you think?"

"Wow, that's a lot...Okay, thank you Mr. Jin!" Obviously the middle-aged man was very satisfied with the price.


The entourage next to Mr. Jin knocked a gong, representing the successful sale of the treasure on behalf of the customer.

According to the rules of the "Hero Treasure Selling Club", after the Southern Boundary Commercial Bank receives the treasure, if any customer is interested in this treasure, they can propose to the Southern Boundary Commercial Bank to buy it.

Of course, it is not sold at the original price. According to the practice of the Southern Border Trading Company, the selling price is about [-]% higher than the receiving price.

Jiang Daqiao watched it with great interest. In his eyes, "Heroes Selling Treasures" is a bit like "Appraisal of Treasures", but these natural and earthly treasures are much more exciting and exciting than those antiques, and as far as he knows...

At this kind of heroic treasure sale meeting, from time to time, a treasure donor would bring out an extremely rare treasure.


"The next treasure presenter, please come on stage!"

Next, a girl solemnly presented a very simple weapon, like a knife but not a sword, like a sword but not a sword.

Sitting in front of him, Jiang Daqiao saw that the word "Bu Er" was engraved obliquely on the body of the knife near the scabbard.

The girl spoke timidly:

"Grandpa Jin, help me see if this is the sword of Senior Fuji?"

Mr. Jin held the dagger in his hand, weighed it, and looked at it carefully with a magnifying glass, with an awe-inspiring look:

"Ma'am, where did you get this sword?"

The little girl was very honest: "I picked it up on the road. I saw the word 'Bu Er' written on it, so I brought it to Grandpa Jin for you to see!"

Mr. Jin thought for a long time, then looked up at the little girl: "This girl, do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

The little girl blushed: "Of course I want to hear the truth..."

"Girl, of course this sword is not a treasure left by Senior Fuji." Elder Jin raised his head and stroked his beard with a smile. "In my opinion, it should be the knife that Senior Fuji's grandfather used to trim nails."

The scene of the "Hero Treasure Selling Fair" burst into laughter, and Jiang Daqiao secretly praised that Mr. Jin not only knows treasures, but also knows how to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene.

Only then did the girl realize what Old Jin was teasing just now, her face flushed with embarrassment, tears almost fell down.

Jiang Daqiao saw that the girl had no makeup, had many freckles on her face, was about 15 years old, and her clothes were worn out.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Mr. Jin seemed to be exaggerating his joke, so he quickly got up and cupped his hands, "May I ask what your name is?"

The little girl tried her best not to cry, and after a long while she replied stubbornly, "My surname is Li."

"If the old man is right, Miss Li has practiced swordsmanship?"

The little girl nodded vigorously to Mr. Jin.

"Everyone knows that Senior Bu Er is not only good at forging swords, but also his swordsmanship is unparalleled.

In fact, the power of senior Fuji's swordsmanship is not just because of how fast the sword in his hand is, but also because of his cultivation level and his concentration are far higher than the opponent's."

Mr. Jin picked up the crude weapon in his hand, and said slowly, "Even this short sword is invincible in the hands of Senior Fuji."

After these words were finished, there was silence at first, and then thunderous applause.

"Now I return this weapon to Miss Li, and sincerely wish that Miss Li can practice peerless martial arts like her predecessors in the future."

The little girl took the flying knife from Mr. Jin's hand with tears in her eyes, and there was a faint gleam of light in the tears.

Some people whispered in the crowd...

"Is it a fake sword?"

"Isn't it? It's just a piece of iron."

"What are you thinking, little girl? There are only three unique swords that have been handed down from ancient times. If you can pick up the sword left by Senior Fuji on the side of the road, wouldn't everyone in the world go to the street to pick up treasures? "


Mr. Jin raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, only to hear someone in the crowd screaming:

"I have two treasures below, please ask Mr. Jin to help me see if they are fake ones!"

A young man with the appearance of a swordsman walked out from the crowd, and handed Mr. Jin a long sword and a storage bag.

"May I ask what the young hero's name is?"

"My nameless junior, Su Xuchen."

Mr. Jin took the treasures with a serious look on his face: "May I ask you, young man, can you tell me about the origin of these two treasures?"

"Ge Qi, an inner disciple of the Long Sword Villa, has a sword and a treasure pouch. The treasure pouch contains some medicines, medicines for knife wounds, and fire medicine that Ge Qi used during his lifetime!"

There was an uproar at the scene!
Jiang Daqiao felt strange, so he asked the waiter next to him: "How did Ge Qi's sword and treasure pouch, a disciple of Changjian Villa, get into this man's hands?"

"It is said that Ge Qi from Changjian Villa was ordered by his teacher to go to the county to do some business, and when he was watching a play in the theater, he got into a fight with Su Xuchen.

Ge Qi was obviously at the eighth level of True Yuan Realm, and his cultivation level was a bit higher than that of Su Xuchen, who had sixth-level spiritual power. The two fought to 150 rounds, and Su Xuchen gradually couldn't stand it anymore, so Ge ​​Qi used his family's unique move - Binding the Canglong, Ready to take each other down!
At this time, it seemed that Su Xuchen was about to lose, but who knew that in the end it was Ge Qi who was stabbed in the throat by Su Xuchen's long sword!

The strange thing is that at that time no one could see clearly from which direction Su Xuchen's last sword was struck! "

Xiaoer happily talked about the scene of the duel that day, as if he was there at the time.

Jiang Daqiao was puzzled and said: "This Su Xuchen kills people and seizes treasures. Not only does he not run away, but he is still wandering around the county town. How bold is he?"

Xiaoeryi whispered: "Hey, guest officer, you don't know, this Su Xuchen is from the Gude family, and they have never been afraid of people from the six sects."

Jiang Daqiao was shocked when he heard this: "Is Su Xuchen from the Gude family? From the Demon Sect?"

Xiaoer said: "That's right, and I heard that Su Xuchen's killing of Ge Qi in Longsword Villa was not accidental, but was arranged by the elders of the Gude family to deliberately stir up trouble in the Nantu Empire... ...In short, there must be a good show in this county next."

At this time, Jin Lao took a small part of the long sword out of the scabbard, carefully looked at the marks engraved on the sword, and put the sword back into the sheath.

"It is indeed the family heirloom sword of Long Sword Villa!"

"Please ask Mr. Jin to help me estimate, how many copper coins can these two treasures be worth?"

Jiang Daqiao could tell that Su Xuchen's words were polite on the surface, but there was a kind of arrogance in his expression.

With a serious expression on his face, Mr. Jin got up and said, "Please invite the young man to have tea in the inner room!"

After Mr. Jin finished speaking, a supervisor came up immediately and led Su Xuchen away from the Hero Treasure Selling Club.

Jiang Daqiao understood that from Jin Lao's reaction, he had come across a treasure, and the original owner of this treasure was from Changjian Villa, so the collection of the treasure should be kept as low-key as possible.

Of course, low-key is low-key. After the Southern Boundary Commercial Bank took these two treasures, they must find a strong buyer to sell them.

As we all know, to be able to run such a firm that specializes in dealing with warriors in the county, apart from a few masters in the late stage of the real yuan state sitting in the store, there is also a mysterious sect behind it.

Among the two treasures that Su Xuchen sold, Jiang Daqiao "coveted" the storage pouch more than the sword from the Long Sword Villa.

He already knew a little about this kind of storage pouch before. The storage pouch looked small and could fit into his bosom, but it could hold many things, things bigger than treasure pouches.

He has seen with his own eyes that a sword that is more than twice as long as the storage pouch can actually fit into the storage pouch, which is considered a black technology in this different world.

What's even more powerful is that some storage bags can be locked with spells. If someone steals the storage bag, if they don't know the spell, they can't take out the treasures in the bag.

Of course, Jiang Daqiao was most interested in Su Xuchen.

He speaks in a high-pitched voice, there is a hint of mischief in his erratic eyes, and there is always a weird sneer at the corner of his mouth... No matter how you look at it, Su Xuchen doesn't seem like a good person.

But... Su Xuchen was born with the aura of a killer. The sixth-level spiritual power is only the entry level of the True Yuan Realm, but he can counter-kill the eighth-level master of the True Yuan Realm. Based on this alone, Jiang Daqiao thinks that this person is very wise... …

At this moment, Jiang Daqiao suddenly felt a buzzing in his head!
what's the situation?
Suddenly there was movement on the small screen in my mind. The blinking cursor changed to a new line?

This is... After stopping for more than half a year, the invisible codewriter behind him suddenly started updating without warning?

The familiar No. [-] Song typeface, the typing speed is very slow, one word at a time, obviously the person behind the code is carefully considering every word...

[Hint 1: Try to get the storage pouch in Su Xuchen's hand]

After coding this line of words, the cursor stops at the end of the sentence and does not move again.


After that, several people took out the treasures for Mr. Jin to appraise, but Jiang Daqiao's mind was no longer here. If it is something "above" explained, then there must be his reason.

Jiang Daqiao called Xiaoer over, gave him a tael of silver, and confessed:
"If you come across a good baby, remember to tell me."

That Xiaoer got the benefit, and saw that Jiang Daqiao was generous, so he immediately agreed again and again.

Back in the private room on the first floor, the ore elder was drinking tea and chatting with the shopkeeper. He thought that the earth-level alchemy stove had already been selected, and it seemed that his master's expression was quite satisfied with the new stove.

 Ask for tickets every day, ask for collection~ The weather is cold recently, and the hot pot is relatively busy. After the busy period, the update speed will be increased.

(End of this chapter)

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