I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 11 Today, it must be my river bridge to pay the bill

Chapter 11 Today, it must be my river bridge to pay the bill

Next, shopkeeper Zhuang told the master and apprentice about the "payment by installments" and consignment sale of pills in the commercial firm, which was the same as what he had discussed with Jiang Daqiao last time.

"In this way, the two of you only need to pay the first 2000 taels of silver, and our store will arrange manpower tomorrow to send the pill furnace to Tiejianmen..."

"Well... that's good, of course it's necessary..." The ore elder, who was still in high spirits just now, suddenly became unnatural when the shopkeeper mentioned the matter of paying the silver tomorrow.

If it was said that his master just wasn't confident, and even the matter of 2000 taels could stump him, Jiang Daqiao felt secretly happy, and immediately took up the conversation:

"Shopkeeper Zhuang Da, just prepare the alchemy stove. We will come early tomorrow morning and settle the bill. Let's hand over the money and the furnace!"

Shopkeeper Zhuang was also happy when he heard this: "Okay, it's a deal, let's pay the money with one hand tomorrow morning, and hand over the stove with one hand!"

The ore elder saw that Jiang Daqiao looked confident. Although he didn't know who the "noble man" he was talking about, he expected that there would be no problem, so he continued to discuss the alchemy furnace with the old craftsman.

At this moment, Jiang Daqiao heard a loud voice from the next door. The voice sounded a little familiar, so he got up and went to the next room to have a look... Isn't this the sect's instructor Yan?
Seeing the situation, Coach Yan is paying the bill... Jiang Daqiao's thoughts changed suddenly, no, how could the elders of the sect pay the bill himself!

He immediately stepped forward to salute: "Hi Elder Yan, disciple Jiang Daqiao greets you!"

Coach Yan turned his head and looked, he didn't recognize him, "Oh...you are..."

"I'm Xiaodanfeng's disciple Jiang Daqiao, um...the other day at the bank of our Zongmen Lake, under the willow forest, Elder Yan was looking for your big bird while calling...do you remember?"

"Oh, in the willow forest... I remember..." Upon hearing about the search for a spiritual pet, Elder Yan immediately thought of the chicken leg, and at the same time thought of this ordinary outer disciple.

"To be able to meet Elder Yan in the county town today is really a blessing for the disciple!" Jiang Daqiao bowed again, and when he ran into the inner sect elder of the sect in the county town, he had to flatter him no matter what he said.

"Elder Yan, wait a moment, my master, Elder Ore, is also here."

Jiang Daqiao hurriedly pulled his master over: "Master, hurry up and see Elder Yan of the sect!"

"Elder Yan?"

Elder Ore was confused and dragged to the next room by his disciples. When he saw Elder Yan, he was a little cautious: "Senior Brother Yan, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Jiang Daqiao stood aside anxiously, Master, can't you be smarter if you are so dull?

"Oh, you're here too, Junior Brother Ore?" Instructor Yan also greeted him politely.

They are all from Iron Sword Sect, although their status in the sect is very different, but when they met in the county town, no matter what, they had to exchange a few pleasantries.

"When did Master Yan come to the county? I'm not talented as a disciple, so I wonder if there's anything I can do to help Master Yan?" Jiang Daqiao heard that the two of them were called brothers and sisters, so he immediately changed their names.

"Ah, no need... I came here specially to buy some spirit stone elixir. I'm going to pay the bill and go back. Well, you are busy first, let's leave now."

Although Elder Yan knew Elder Ore, he was just an acquaintance in the sect, and had never had any in-depth contacts. Naturally, he had no intention of continuing to chat with the master and apprentice this time.

Jiang Daqiao thought to himself, what a way to do this, if today's opportunity to curry favor with the elders of the inner sect is missed, I'm afraid I'll have to wait for the next crossing.

He saw a shop clerk next to Elder Yan, holding a piece of paper in his hand. He guessed it was the bill that Elder Yan wanted to pay. Without hesitation, he "snatched" the bill from that clerk, and glanced at it:
8 top-grade spirit stones, 30 middle-grade spirit stones;
10 packs of knife wound medicine; 20 packs of burn medicine;
Yangqi Dan 20 pieces;
8 advanced solid gas pills;

"Master Zhuang, this Elder Yan's account today is all on my head!"

"Is this... recorded on Jiang Shaoxia's head?" Shopkeeper Zhuang, who was concentrating on watching the fun, was taken aback for a moment.

Elder Yan was also taken aback...how can this work?How can I let an outer sect disciple settle the bill for me, let alone the conditions of Xiao Danfeng, no one in the sect knows!
He hastily declined and said: "No, no, how can this work? Your Uncle Yan brought the money yourself."

Jiang Daqiao: "Master Yan, you have helped me too much, so I just want to express my respect, don't forget the well digger! Master Yan, you must give me a chance to thank you, or you will just look down on me, Jiang Daqiao! "

Elder Yan thought to himself that I hadn't done you any favors, and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything, but he felt that his cultivation was completely useless in this kind of situation.

Before Elder Yan could react, Jiang Daqiao turned to shopkeeper Zhuang and said seriously:

"Treasurer Zhuang, I have all the accounts of Master Yan on my head today, let's talk about the ugly things first, if you dare to charge half of the money from Master Yan today, don't blame Jiang Daqiao for turning against you!"

When he was at Blue Star, one of Jiang Daqiao's favorite things to do was rush to pay the bills, especially for the leaders.

How could such an opportunity be missed in vain if he had the opportunity to pay for a highly respected inner sect elder in the sect?

"Master and I are here, how can Master Yan pay the bill in person for such a small amount of money, don't you think Master?"

"Well, yes, yes... Senior Brother Yan, let's settle the bill together later."

Instructor Yan declined, but Jiang Daqiao firmly refused, holding the bill firmly in his hand.

Elder Yan fought hard again, but the outer disciple in front of him was extremely resolute, so he had no choice but to give up. An inner elder, he couldn't knock Jiang Daqiao unconscious with one palm, and then grab the bill.

Jiang Daqiao went further and proposed that in order to show Xiaodanfeng's affection, he must set up a good banquet in the Zhenxi Building in the county town to wash away the dust for Elder Yan.

But this time Elder Yan said three consecutive "no" words in cadence, and "strict" word refused, saying that he had to rush back to the sect immediately to have something to do, so Jiang Daqiao had no choice but to give up.

The two masters and apprentices sent Coach Yan to the door. There were already four carriages from the sect waiting on the side of the road. "The kind words.


Next, shopkeeper Zhuang called a cashier to settle the accounts.

"One black gold alchemy furnace, worth 2000 taels; eight high-grade spirit stones, worth 8000 taels; thirty middle-grade spirit stones, worth 400 taels...

A total of 600 taels of silver, of which 2000 taels will be paid first for the black golden pill furnace, and the rest will be paid in ten installments.

So this time the bill is... 600 taels, please take a look at it. "

"What? Thirteen thousand..." The ore elder was obviously terrified by this number.

When Jiang Daqiao learned that the small bag that Elder Yan was carrying was worth 3000 taels of silver, he was really shocked.

But I have already said my big words, since I am a hero, there is no reason to go back on my word, and I can't show my timidity at this time...

At this moment, there was a noisy discussion outside the door, and then someone knocked on the door and came in, but it was a steward in the store.

"Report to the big boss, there is a young customer outside who wants to issue a bounty task in the bank, offering a reward for a master in bone setting and healing..."

(End of this chapter)

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