I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 16 Non-mainstream fighting routines

Chapter 16 Non-mainstream fighting routines

Jiang Daqiao glanced back, and quickly asked the elder of the ore: "Master, where should we start? Only Lin Feng is alone."

The ore elder quickly observed the terrain, and there was a fork in the road not far ahead, his small eyes rolled twice and said: "Follow me!"

The master and apprentice "hesitated" for a while at the fork in the road, and quickly turned to the right fork. It was a very narrow path, and on both sides were broad-leaved banana trees as tall as a person.



Following this call, there was a whirring sound in the air, and a blue figure stepped forward on the narrow road.


The first frog cry.

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng immediately fell to the ground slowly, holding a long sword, and looked around very vigilantly.

She was still dressed in green clothes and a small hat, but there was a fierce aura all over her body, which was completely different from what she saw in the Southern Boundary Trading Firm.

He circulated his spiritual power, and the long sword in his hand was immediately covered with a layer of faint purple light, and the aura on his body had been revealed. Judging from the light on the sword body, if it was not deliberately hidden, Lin Feng should have a sixth-level spiritual power.

At this time, Jiang Daqiao has quietly adjusted the shooting angle, and inside a copper mechanism shaped like a seven-petaled lotus, box No. [-] and box No. [-] are ready.

[Xiaodanfeng Master's Secret Hidden Weapon: Seven Star Lotus Ring]


Lin Feng let out a slight snort, he clearly saw the Taoist priest and his disciples turning this way, why did they disappear in the blink of an eye?

"Hmph, what kind of Daoist is this? It's just my fault that I didn't ask clearly about the origin. How can there be such a cure for people's injuries? Brother Liao and I almost believed it!

Also, the disciple he brought was not a human being, he looked handsome and upright, and his words were all set without a word of the truth, was he a storyteller?

This time, I have to take these two villains back, or just wipe them out with one swipe! "

Lin Feng was thinking viciously while searching around, "Taoist?"


With the second frog cry, Jiang Daqiao shook his left hand slightly...

The two steel needles in the No. [-] box of the "Seven Star Lotus Ring" were ejected under the cover of the sound of frogs.

Lin Feng suddenly felt his eyes go dark, covered his eyes with his hands, and fell to the ground with the long sword in his hand, and said in grief and indignation: "Master Daoist, you are despicable and shameless..."

Lin Feng was suddenly plotted against, and naturally he put the blame on the "Taoist" who is a roe-headed mouse. He probably never imagined that the one who was attacking him with the hidden weapon of "Seven Star Lotus Ring" would be that sunny and handsome young disciple.

Before Lin Feng finished speaking, there was a third "quack—"

Jiang Daqiao raised his left hand, and a steel dart from box No. [-] of the "Seven Star Lotus Ring" hit Lin Feng's throat with a "snap".

"Ah... oh..."

Lin Feng covered his throat with his hands, his speech was already slurred, and soon he fell crookedly on the ground.

This fork in the road was deserted except for the farmers who farmed here. With Lin Feng's fall, everything returned to tranquility.

If someone saw it from a distance...if it wasn't for Lin Feng's cry of pain just now out of unwillingness, he would have thought that he was walking on the road, and he had a heart attack and fell to the ground.

After a long time, it was confirmed that there was no companion of Lin Feng coming behind, the wide banana taro leaves on the side of the road finally moved, the master and apprentice finally got out, and the ore elder put the "frog" in his arms.

[Xiaodanfeng Peak Master Independent Research and Development: Leather Frog Props]

While putting away the hidden weapon left on Lin Feng, Jiang Daqiao asked puzzledly: "Master must make it so complicated, isn't this guy a sixth-level spiritual power?"

No matter how bad my master is, he still has eighth-level spiritual power. If he is in the middle of the True Yuan Realm, it should be easy to defeat a sixth-level True Yuan Realm.

While patting the dirt off his body, the ore elder exhorted his disciples: "What do you know? You must know that the world is dangerous and people's hearts are unpredictable. How do you know if Lin Feng has hidden cultivation?

How do you know if he's going to use poison or something? ...In short, everything must be foolproof. "

Well, this is the style of my master, who can kill people with strength, but insists on taking this non-mainstream route, wishing to use all the "talents" of Xiao Danfeng to carry out such a complicated ambush.

Every time he and the ore elder went out to fight other qi refiners, Jiang Daqiao felt...ashamed.

What's even more embarrassing is that I have followed my master for so many years, and under the influence of my ears and eyes, I have never improved my cultivation level, so I also learned this non-mainstream fighting routine.

In this otherworldly continent where martial arts are supreme, or in the land of the Nantu Empire, the most mainstream and popular fighting routine is to constantly improve one's cultivation level, and use the spiritual power of one's body to the sword, Attack the opponent with the sword in your hand.

Of course, there are some high-level fireball masters like Zongmen Coach Yan who directly hit people with fireballs.

Maybe it's because of the simplicity of martial arts, or maybe it's because the martial arts practitioners are too upright. In short, the qi refiners in this other world look down on the hidden weapons of the three evils, especially the mechanism used by Jiang Daqiao. Hidden weapons, when firing, they don't even use much spiritual power. With a slight lift of the arm, a hidden weapon will fly out stealthily...

It's just too disrespectful of martial arts!
If there is a chain of contempt among Qi refiners on the Nantu Continent, then this pair of master and apprentice is at the bottom of the chain of contempt.

Thinking of this, Jiang Daqiao was worried again. With Xiaodanfeng's current fighting strength and style, it would be too difficult to be in charge of Iron Sword Gate in four years.

Having said that, this kind of fighting routine, which is not aboveboard and despised by upright Qi practitioners, is extremely lethal. As long as you are calm-headed and brave, even with the level of Jiang Daqiao's third-level spiritual power, you can dare to snipe. Killing the masters of the middle stage of the True Yuan Realm.

At this time, Jiang Daqiao had already hidden Lin Feng's body in the bushes nearby, and asked the elder of the ore, "Shall we go back to the inn right away?"

The ore elder nodded.

They killed Lin Feng, but Liao Laosan was still in the inn. Sooner or later, he would know that Lin Feng was killed, and he was killed by the "Taoist".

According to my master's style, in order to ensure "safety", what I need to do now is to go back to the inn to kill people, so as to avoid future troubles.


Peace Inn.

A "shop clerk" in a short navy blue jacket, with a kettle in his hand, appeared sneakily on the second floor.

The guy in this store has an honest face at first glance, a doormat who is often squeezed and bullied in the store.

[Xiaodanfeng Peak Master's independent research and development: artificial skin]

Jiang Daqiao sighed slightly in his heart. There was no other way. His master always complicated things like killing people, which were originally very simple and enjoyable.

At this time, there was no one in the corridor on the second floor, so he quickly came to the second guest room on the right at the corner of the stairs.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

While knocking on the door, he considered all kinds of accidents after opening the door, as well as the angle of the shot.

"Who is it?"

Someone in the room answered, but it wasn't Liao Laosan's voice!
No, the other side's reinforcements are here?

Jiang Daqiao pretended to be calm, and said in a slightly shrill voice that had been disguised:

"I'm Xiaoer, bring hot water to the guest officer!"

The door opened, and there was a shop clerk with a broom in his hand and a towel over his shoulder...

This is a bit embarrassing.

The store clerk looked at Jiang Daqiao strangely: "What hot water are you sending? All the guests in this room have left, haven't they?"

Jiang Daqiao said, "He and the others have already left?"

Store clerk: "Yeah, a lot of people came here just now, and they were all taken away. Didn't you see... Uh, who are you?"

Jiang Daqiao: "I'm a store clerk here, and I deliver boiled water to customers."

Store clerk: "You, you are the store clerk, then who am I?"

Jiang Daqiao:? ? ?

He looked at his clothes, there must be an explanation for this...

He thought for a while and suddenly said, "Why are you still here?"

Store clerk: "Uh...what's wrong with me here?"

Jiang Daqiao said anxiously: "Didn't the proprietress ask you to go to her room? Why are you still here?"

Shopkeeper: "The proprietress wants me to go to her room?"

While the shop assistant was still scratching his head, Jiang Daqiao went downstairs in three steps.

After a while, a figure flashed on a big tree facing the door of Liao Laosan's guest room, and then lightly landed in front of Jiang Daqiao. It was the ore elder who was hiding on the tree and was ready to respond at any time.

When the ore elder learned that the guest room was empty, and Liao Laosan and the hall master were taken away by a group of people, he was quite surprised.

Who are those people?Where are you taking Liao Laosan and the hall master?
If it is Liao Laosan's enemy, then it is easy to say, it is best to beat Liao Laosan to death to avoid future troubles, but if it is Liao Laosan's own people, it will be difficult to deal with, and Lin Feng will definitely be tracked down and the whereabouts of the "Taoist"
(End of this chapter)

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