I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 17 Time to show the real technology

Chapter 17 Time to show the real technology

The master and apprentice, one in front and one behind, were walking back to the county town.

Along the way, the ore elder was sullen and drooping.

That's right, the bounty of 1000 taels of silver was not earned, but even made enemies.

Jiang Daqiao thought for a while, and said something to make his master happier. After all, his master will be the head of the Tiejianmen in four years. If he encounters a little setback and becomes depressed... then what will he do?
"Master, let's go pick up the money first?"

"That's great! Let's go get the money back first!"

As soon as he heard about the mention of the money, Elder Ore's dark eyes suddenly lit up, and Jiang Daqiao could even feel the master's "earnest hope" for his disciples.

If you tell the ore elder directly at this time, Master, let's go to the treasure bureau to bet on the treasure to withdraw money, there will probably be two situations:
First, his master slapped him to death;
Second, his master "expelled him from the school" on the spot.

Therefore, we should not be too direct in dealing with this kind of matter, but save the country with curves.

You have to follow the steps, from the shallower to the deeper...

At this time, it was time to light up the lights, and there were fewer and fewer people on the street, but the "Le Fu Bao Ju" was brightly lit and full of voices.

Jiang Daqiao suddenly said: "Master, go ahead and play with two hands to relieve boredom?"

"Huh?" The ore elder glanced at Jiang Daqiao with his small eyes.

Jiang Daqiao suddenly felt that his master's eyes were a little creepy. Indeed, telling his master to bet on money at this time really seemed like an old birthday star who would eat arsenic for a long time, but what could he do?At any rate, let the master be tricked into the treasure bureau first.

"Master, isn't there a saying that the future will come true? We, the master and the apprentice, are unlucky today. If we go to bet at this time, I guess... we will definitely win the bet!"

Jiang Daqiao felt that he was running out of words.

The ore elder didn't express his agreement or objection, but for some reason... he really hesitated at the entrance of the treasure bureau.

Jiang Daqiao hurriedly hit the railway while it was hot: "Just two, just two, and then the disciple will take the master to pick up the money!"

After daring to say these words, Jiang Daqiao was worried that his master would suddenly "walk away" again, but the situation didn't seem so bad... The corner of the elder's mouth twitched,
"Well, it's good to play and relax once in a while."

Happiness came a little too suddenly,

My master just agreed with that? !


As soon as the two masters and apprentices walked into the gate of "Le Fu Bao Ju", a waiter from Bao Ju immediately stepped forward to greet them: "Master Du, please come inside!"

Another guy greeted towards Jiang Daqiao loudly: "Long time no see, Boss Du!"

Lord Du?

Boss Du?

Two question marks immediately hung on Jiang Daqiao's forehead, and when he looked back, it was only him and his master.

At this time, the ore elder coughed twice, frowning and waving at the two guys, signaling them to stop barking.

Oh...what's the situation?
Could it be that the "Boss Du" whom these two guys greeted was actually his master?
Jiang Daqiao looked back at his master, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his sallow old face, Jiang Daqiao suddenly understood something... a mystery that had been lingering in his mind seemed to be solved!
Dare to feel that my master is a frequent visitor of Baoju, and lost all the money from selling pills in the casino, so that Xiao Danfeng's finances have been short-lived for a long time?
Why is it "Boss Du", why don't you call me Boss Mine?
Oh... for the sake of anonymity.

While thinking about it, Jiang Daqiao walked into the treasure bureau with the ore elder...

The sound of pushing Pai Gow, the sound of rolling dice, the sound of gamblers shouting five and six...

"As a teacher, let's go play Pai Gow for a while, don't lose all at once, here!" The ore elder said, and gave Jiang Daqiao a 20 taels of silver ingot.

The master is really generous, he only gave two taels of silver a month, but now he gave 20 taels.

After the ore elder walked to the Pai Gow venue east of the treasure bureau, Jiang Daqiao quickly squeezed into the center. The most popular place was a large gambling table...

bet size.

The Southern Boundary Commercial Bank counts on this place for the money they pay. Buy big and buy small, the rules are the simplest. Jiang Daqiao, who came from Blue Star, felt that there was no sense of disobedience...

Add up the points of the three dice, 4 to 10 are small, 11 to 17 are large;

Those who win the bet will pay double the bet, and those who fail to win the bet will be taken by the dealer;

If the three dice have the same points, they are called "leopards". That's embarrassing, it doesn't matter whether you buy big or small, the dealer takes it all.

But if the guest bets on the leopard, 1 pays 20 times.

The dice officer sat on a high stool in front of the gaming table, shook the dice cup in his hand, and shouted: "Buy big, buy small, buy leopards, start betting!"

After the gamblers in a circle finished their bets, the dice official shouted again: "Buy and leave!"

Then open the cup...


Thirteen o'clock, big.

"Oh, he lost his grandfather again!"

"Why do you open the big again? I don't believe that the next one will not be small!"


Those who won the purchase were smiling, while those who were not successful complained. The waiter at the gambling table began to collect the cash and count the chips, and it was very lively for a while.

After all, the 20 taels of silver was still short. Jiang Daqiao took out more than 100 taels of silver from his arms. This was the last time he came to the county town and won in another treasure game.

Next, Jiang Daqiao must buy every game, betting five taels of silver. Every time the dice officer rolls the dice, he closes his eyes and listens. After opening the cup, he carefully looks at the points of the three dice and compares them one by one.

It was still just a warm-up stage, and while pretending to bet casually, he watched the movement in the casino.

There are five or six "idle people" wandering around the venue, but they don't place bets, and they make eye contact with each other from time to time.

Jiang Daqiao knew that these were thugs who maintained order in the casino. Once someone dared to make trouble in the treasure house, these idlers would immediately surround him.

The ore elder is also the elder of the sect, so it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with the few thugs in the treasure bureau.

Among the crowd, Jiang Daqiao even found a "familiar face"...

The freckled girl who had donated a counterfeit sword at the Heroes Treasure Sale was crowding into the crowd to bet at the moment. Jiang Daqiao noticed that she only had a handful of old copper coins in her hand.

She bet only one or two copper coins at a time, and when she opened the cup, her two big eyes stared at the dice cup, as if the points of the three dice in the dice cup had placed all her hopes.

Maybe this is the difference between people. I, Jiang Daqiao, can win or lose five taels of silver, but this little girl with freckles is doing her best to bet two copper coins.

After betting for ten or so rounds, Jiang Daqiao felt that he was starting to get into the mood. He took a little inventory of the results. After playing the ten or so rounds, he didn't lose much. The broken silver and bank notes in front of him still add up to more than 100 taels...

Jiang Daqiao took a deep breath, it was time to show his true strength!
After the dice official shook the dice cup, Jiang Daqiao shouted in a deep voice, "100 taels for a small one!"

After speaking, he pushed the 100 taels of silver to the position of buying "small", and he shouted this to ensure that everyone in the audience could notice.

It is impossible to win more than 1 taels of silver in the treasure game tonight without attracting attention. Instead of letting the opponent's boss hide in the dark, it is better to lure the snake out of the hole as soon as possible.

Even in the big casinos in the county city, it is rare for such high-rollers to bet 100 taels of silver as soon as they make a move. Coupled with Jiang Daqiao's shout, the surrounding gamblers immediately voted curiously, enviously, and contemptuously. All eyes.

Jiang Daqiao seemed to be used to it, and even returned a sunny smile.

The dice officer and those "idlers" immediately noticed Jiang Daqiao. After all the gamblers had placed their bets, the dice officer shouted:
"Buy and leave!"


The points of the three dice are: 8, [-], [-], [-] points, small!
Jiang Daqiao was very satisfied, and accepted 100 taels of silver.


Next, Jiang Daqiao will buy the big one with 200 taels of silver!

Open the cup, 15 o'clock, this one made 200 taels.


Jiang Daqiao hit all bets three times in a row, and soon there was a small pile of silver in front of him, adding up to more than 3000 taels.

Winning five consecutive buys, and doubled each time, the dice judge sitting across from him couldn't bear it any longer, and his hands trembled a little when he rolled the dice.

Jiang Daqiao's "outstanding" performance quickly attracted the attention of the audience. At some point, the ore elder had come to Jiang Daqiao's side, helping to collect the money.

Jiang Daqiao cursed inwardly, "Master, you don't have the slightest air of being a master of the peak, but you seem to be an assistant to your disciple, but winning money is the most important thing at this moment, so let him go..."

(End of this chapter)

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