I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 3 Really, take me to the sect grove again

Chapter 3 Really, take me to the sect grove again
"Tiger Shua...


After calming down his master's mood, Jiang Daqiao began to clean the fallen leaves in the yard.

Xiaodan Peak is located in the southwest of the Twelve Peaks of Tiejianmen. There are five buildings in total, one big, four small, and they are arranged on a south slope according to certain regulations. The outside is surrounded by courtyard walls to form an oval shape.

Anyone who has a little common sense of the sect's architectural culture can tell at a glance that this is the most classic small sect's architectural pattern, commonly known as "one drags four".

The largest main building faces southeast, and there is a square patio in the middle, surrounded by other four buildings.

If viewed from the air, the entire building layout looks like a four-legged toad with its mouth wide open.

This is called "Master Dazui eats all directions" in Zongmen Fengshui, and it entrusts the good wishes of Xiaodanfeng's lineage...the foundation will last forever, the population will prosper, and the four directions will make money.

While sweeping the floor, Jiang Daqiao pondered over the great "Project Fudan"...

Hey, it's just a tiger biting a turtle—I don't know where to start.

Speaking of which, the higher-ups arranged for him to operate such a major project, and he was a loner, didn't he even have a meeting to discuss the plan?
How to hatch the "old egg" of the ore elder?
My own master, an elder from the outer sect who can't manage even a small Danfeng, how can he become the head of the Iron Sword Sect?

The Buddha family is indifferent by nature, the ore elders are not strict with themselves, and they are even more lax in managing their disciples. It is no wonder that the disciples of Xiaodan Peak have left one by one, switching to other sub-peaks, or simply leaving Tiejianmen .

If measured by the position of Grand Master, the various performances of my master can be described as "disaster"...

The realm of cultivation is average, and some of the same batch of people who entered the sect with him have already broken through to the eleventh level of martial arts masters. Every time Jiang Daqiao tried to ask his master's cultivation realm, the ore elders would always be vague, and then hesitated. say he...

Jiang Daqiao heard from Senior Brother Jinqiao that his master's cultivation was probably only eighth-level spiritual power.

Jiang Daqiao has been in this world for more than half a year, and coupled with the memories left by the original owner, he already has a rough understanding of the level of cultivation in this world...

If one wants to become a "warrior", one must first cultivate spiritual power. Only by cultivating spiritual power can one go further on the long journey of martial arts.

From the first level of spiritual power to the fifth level of spiritual power, it is the body refining state, also called the foundation building state;
Spiritual power from the sixth level to the tenth level is the true essence state;

The eleventh and twelfth ranks are martial arts masters, who can fly with a sword, and are the strongest among the rare.

If it is said that his master's martial arts cultivation is really at the eighth level of the True Yuan Realm, then he is already far behind in the circle of elders.

As we all know, Iron Sword Sect can be regarded as a big sect of Nantu Empire, and most of the elders of the inner sect have broken through to the tenth level of spiritual power. It is rumored that the elder Guizhi of Tianzhu Peak is already a master of the eleventh level of martial arts.

It should be noted that the later in the practice of spiritual power, the slower the improvement. It took many people five years to break through from the eighth level of spiritual power to the ninth level.

And to break through from the tenth level of the True Yuan Realm to the eleventh level of the Martial Dao Realm, even if one is extremely talented, it will take more than ten years of hard work.

If the ore elder really has eighth-level spiritual power, Jiang Daqiao can only say... don't mention it.

think better...

Although my master's martial arts is average, he spends a lot of time on alchemy, curing diseases, making hidden weapons, exorcising ghosts...

This is probably because after the death of Shigong, the ore elders were left unattended. For so many years, the serious cultivation has been delayed, and they have only studied some strange skills and tricks?

Of course, in Jiang Daqiao's eyes, his master's non-business style can be regarded as an advantage of being the head of the family.

The Great Elder of Tiejianmen, who commands thousands of disciples in the Twelve Peaks, is equivalent to the president of the group company in Bluestar...

In Jiang Daqiao's understanding, the president cannot be a technical expert, he has to be not doing his job properly, he has to be involved in a lot of things, and he has to be rich in knowledge.


While sweeping the floor, Jiang Daqiao was thinking about the "Project Fudan", when he suddenly heard the rustling of clothes in the air.

Before he could raise his head to take a closer look, he heard a "click", and he was hit on the head with a bang.

"My brain hurts...it hurts to death!" Jiang Daqiao frowned.

As long as Senior Sister Xiaoqing doesn't see her junior brother for a day, she will give him a head-scratch first.

"Hee hee... why did you come back, Junior Brother!"

A turquoise figure flashed past, and Senior Sister Xiaoqing was already standing in front of Jiang Daqiao, smiling at her Junior Brother, holding a food box in her right hand.

Jiang Daqiao cried with a sad face: "Oh, senior sister, don't hit me... I hurt!"

Eh... I think back when I was in Blue Star, I occasionally played the little secretary's little brain, and when I made a mistake at work, I still called him a little stupid pig.

But it was all gentle and gentle, although it contained a sense of reproach, it was more of a kind of deep concern for the female subordinates from the boss.

Unexpectedly, in this different world, Jiang Daqiao would suffer from a "little senior sister".

"Didn't senior sister feel sorry for your hunger, so she gave you chestnuts?"

While talking, Xiaoqing made a gesture of "If you don't agree, you can come and beat me".

Jiang Daqiao ignored his senior sister and continued to sweep the floor, not only because of how well-mannered he was, but because he knew how much he weighed...

Hit senior sister?
That must be unbeatable.

This Senior Sister Xiaoqing was originally a disciple of Xiaodan Peak, and was favored by Elder Wen of Tianxin Peak a year ago.

Elder Wen used the name of cherishing talents..."Never delay any talented disciple in the sect", and finally after a little trouble, Elder Wen "dug" Xiaoqing to Tianxin Peak, and Xiaoqing successfully completed "" turn peak".

Thanks to Tianxin Peak's rich cultivation resources and Elder Wen's careful training, Senior Sister Xiaoqing is now a leader among the disciples of the same generation in the sect. Her cultivation level has broken through to the seventh level of spiritual power, and she has become a key disciple of the sect. .

Xiaoqing saw that her younger brother ignored her and walked a few steps with her hands behind her back, her pretty face suddenly became serious: "Take a look inside the sect with my senior sister, and let's see if you have made any progress in your recent practice!"

"Oh, really, I have to take him to the grove of the Zongmen, and I have to check his cultivation!" Jiang Daqiao knew that something was wrong when he heard it, but he could only groan in his heart, how could he dare to say it out.

He thought for a while and smiled handsomely: "Senior sister, I was going to discuss the practice with you, but am I cleaning the yard?"

"I'll sweep it for you!"

After Xiaoqing finished speaking, she immediately found a broom and swept the yard with Jiang Daqiao.

After a while, the ore elder came down from the small alchemy room in the north courtyard, and Xiaoqing quickly put down her broom and came forward to pay her respects:

"Master, I've brought you food, eat first if you're hungry!"

"Okay, okay, it's rare that after you go out, you often come back to visit Master every time you go back to Xiaodan Peak..."

The ore elder was cheerful, and the negative emotions brought about by the "collapse of the teacher's school" just now could not be seen on his face at all.

"Don't worry, Master, Xiaoqing has already regarded Xiaodan Peak as her home, and will definitely come to visit Master often!"

Elder Miner's personality is quite good in this aspect, although Senior Sister Xiaoqing "betrayed" Xiao Danfeng, but he never "holds grudges".

Every time he sees Xiaoqing, he is not embarrassed, he greets and chats cheerfully like a normal person, and often asks Xiaoqing to bring him meals from the canteen of Tianxin Peak.


After sweeping the yard, simply eat.

Xiaoqing said: "Let's go, my senior sister will take you around inside the sect and see how the disciples of the inner sect practice."

Under the blue sky and white clouds, there are quite a few disciples of the Tiejianmen sect in the sect's practice field.

"Look at them," Xiaoqing pointed to those disciples who were practicing, and gave Jiang Daqiao an on-the-spot training.

"A disciple who is a hundred times stronger than you is still working so hard, what reason do you have for not working hard?"

Following the direction of the senior sister's finger...

Some disciples closed their eyes and practiced Qi on stone pillars;
Some disciples flew around the treetops to practice lightness exercises;
Two [-]- and [-]-year-old boys stood facing each other with a distance of more than ten feet, throwing a three- to five-hundred-jin stone roller back and forth, and shouting in a childish voice: "Hi, hi... "


But Jiang Daqiao had no interest in this kind of extremely ordinary martial arts, and his eyes were quickly attracted by the three female disciples in tight corsets.

Probably due to the long-term qi refining, most of the female disciples of Iron Sword Sect are slim and handsome...

In other words... Maybe it is the difference in aesthetics between different planets. There are so many good-looking female disciples in Mingming Zongmen, but apart from Jiang Daqiao, thousands of disciples of Tiejianmen actually recognize Xiaoqing as the "door" of Tiejianmen. flower".

At this moment, my own senior sister Xiaoqing stood by the side of the practice field, and quickly attracted the attention of talents from all peaks, with envious glances and whispers...

"Isn't that Xiaoqing from Tianxin Peak? I heard that she has broken through to the seventh level of spiritual power!"

"He is now a key disciple of the sect, but you and I don't have such a chance."


After listening carefully, there are actually attacks against the other river bridge...

"Who is that bastard standing next to her? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"I know, the guy next to him looks like a dog, isn't he from Xiaodanfeng!"

"Oh, from Xiaodan Peak, isn't that an outer disciple?"

"No, it's a pity that she still looks so handsome."

"Senior Sister is right, being handsome has a purpose!"

Jiang Daqiao naturally wouldn't be as knowledgeable as those disciples, he just secretly thought...

In this incomparably dangerous world, if a disciple of a sect gets mixed up until there is only one advantage left...


Then he is really useless.


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(End of this chapter)

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