I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 4 Sure enough, I still have to test my spiritual power

Chapter 4 Sure enough, I still have to test my spiritual power

Leaving the Zongmen practice field, along a path paved with bluestones, Jiang Daqiao saw an open-air martial arts arena.

"This is the martial arts arena of the sect. The next time there is a martial arts competition, the senior sister will bring you here to observe."

"Alright, Senior Sister!"


"This is Tianzhu Peak, the swordsmanship they practiced is second to none in the sect!"

"Well, Junior Brother remembers!"


The senior sister led the junior brother all the way forward, and when someone was practicing, the senior sister had to teach the younger brother again.


"Look, this is the main hall of the sect."

Jiang Daqiao looked in the direction of the senior sister's finger, ancient trees, pagodas, sapphire steps, and a cornice protruding from the dense forest...

In the originally solemn and solemn atmosphere, there were wisps of mist, which made the entire sect look full of immortality.

"Senior Sister, does the head of Iron Sword Sect live there?"

Xiaoqing hastily pressed her lips with her fingers:
"Keep your voice down, this is the Elder's Hall, where the elders of the sect discuss matters, but the head of the sect does not usually live here."

Thinking of... Four years later, my master, Elder Ore, will be in charge of the Twelve Peaks of Iron Sword Gate.

At that time, the master and apprentice of Xiaodan Peak will gather the elders of the Twelve Peaks to discuss matters in the main hall of the sect, and accept the admiration of thousands of disciples of the sect, what kind of respect should that be...

"The outer disciple, please show your waist card. This is the core territory of the sect, and you must have the waist card of the sect to enter!"

Just as Jiang Daqiao was fascinated, he suddenly heard someone shouting at him.

Really, always don't treat outside disciples as disciples!
Jiang Daqiao knew that it was the deacon who was in charge of patrolling the mountains who shouted at him, and if he found any idlers who were not from his sect, he would immediately interrogate them and expel them from the "Jing".

This has to talk about another shortcoming of my master, who doesn't care about everything.

Although Xiaodan Peak is an outer peak, it still has the qualifications to enter the main peak of the sect and pay respects to the main hall of the sect, but it is only required to carry the bronze belt of the sect.

Jiang Daqiao had already reminded his master no less than five times to ask the peak master of Xiaodan Peak to go to the Zongmen Hall to handle the custom-made waist badge.

However, maybe the ore elder never took such cumbersome matters to heart, or maybe the sect elder who was in charge of internal affairs didn't take Xiaodanfeng's affairs seriously at all.

In short, the matter of customizing waist cards has not yet been implemented.

"It's okay, it's up to your senior sister!"

Senior sister Xiaoqing, who was wearing a long skirt, walked forward with a smile on her face, exchanged greetings with the young deacon patrolling the mountain, and stuffed a spiritual fruit into his hand.

The deacon immediately smiled: "It's nothing, it's nothing, as long as Junior Sister Xiaoqing speaks, it's nothing!"

Turning his head to Jiang Daqiao again with a stern face: "Don't be an example, you disciples from the Outer Peak must remember to wear your waist badges!"

After saying this, I went to patrol the mountain in another direction very satisfied.

Jiang Daqiao naturally wouldn't be angry about such a trivial matter, he just sighed slightly...

Outer disciples are really humble in the sect.

So, what do I need to do to quickly increase Xiao Danfeng's presence in the sect?

The breeze is not dry, the sun is just right,
In such an afternoon of sunshine and insects,

The senior sister and the junior brother sat side by side under the willow tree by the lake, and it can be said that all aspects are in place.

Jiang Daqiao's mood was up and down, because every time the senior sister brought him to such a secluded and uninhabited place, there must be nothing...

good thing.

He boldly took a close look at Senior Sister Xiaoqing, her figure had fully grown, but her upper body was not well developed, but it would probably be like this in the future, and there would be no major changes.

"Senior Sister Xiaoqing, you are so pretty!"

Jiang Daqiao was simply throwing a flattery first, and warming up the scene. Even if he was sitting next to another junior sister who was not very good-looking, he would say the same.

As a former small successful person, when Jiang Daqiao was in Blue Star, there was no shortage of women around him. During serious business conversations, he would occasionally say a few words that the opposite sex would like to hear to defuse the tense atmosphere. He was also the chairman of the board. daily etiquette.

However, Senior Sister Xiaoqing didn't seem to accept this at all, and said with a serious face, "Give me your hand!"

Sure enough, he wanted to test his spiritual power again!

Jiang Daqiao sighed secretly, stretched out his right hand to the senior sister...

In the memory left by the original owner, Senior Sister Xiaoqing has always been the most severe person to Jiang Daqiao since she was a child.

You have to get up on time every day,

You must eat the bowl until there is not a single grain of rice left.

Do not pee against the brazier,

You can't laugh and laugh when practicing...

According to the normal growth path, Jiang Daqiao should be a small and accomplished Qi refiner by now.

However, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite——

The higher-ups arranged for me to operate such an important project as the "Fudan Project", not to mention making myself an airborne elder, but at least I should have transmigrated into a disciple with outstanding talents.

Unexpectedly, the original owner of the dove's nest was taken over by Jiang Daqiao. The original "Jiang Daqiao" in this world was just a mediocre disciple of the fourth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

In this world where martial arts are supreme, fighting and killing at the slightest disagreement does exist. With my fourth-level cultivation, let alone such a difficult task, it is extremely difficult to survive.

Jiang Daqiao feels that the only thing he is lucky about is that although it is only the outer peak of Tiejianmen, Xiaodan Peak is still one of the Twelve Peaks of Tiejianmen. With the protection of Dazongmen, his personal safety is still safe for the time being.

The sixth level of spiritual power is a threshold that every Qi refiner has to step through. Only when he breaks through to the sixth level of the True Origin Realm can he be considered a real "warrior".

Although there are also sayings that great talents are late bloomers during the long journey of refining qi, but if a qi refiner has not broken through to the sixth level of true energy at the age of 16, the subsequent road of cultivation is basically useless.

At this moment, Xiaoqing's two onion fingers were already resting on the pulse of her junior brother, she closed her eyes and concentrated, and began to explore the spiritual power in Jiang Daqiao's body.

Jiang Daqiao secretly rolled his eyes. There is no need to check my junior brother's spiritual power, it is the fourth level!

"Senior sister, please forgive me...I'm in pain!"

It's over, Senior Sister Xiaoqing twisted his ears again...

This is probably karmic reincarnation. More than half a year ago, I often twisted the secretary's ears, but now I'm fine, and I get twisted by a 22-year-old little senior sister every now and then.

At this moment, Xiaoqing's almond eyes widened, and her voice raised an octave:

"Jiang, Da, Qiao!

Tell me, have you practiced qigong these days?How did it become third-order spiritual power! "

Why did you fall down a notch?Could it be that the saying about the path of cultivation, if you don't advance, you will retreat... is it a bluff?
Jiang Daqiao was also surprised by this investigation result.

It seems... Today he can only go all out!

Jiang Daqiao's expression darkened suddenly: "Senior sister, you must not like Daqiao, do you?"

Xiaoqing was taken aback: "I... no."

"I have known for a long time that you have always disliked the bridge and disliked the low level of the bridge. Tell me, right?"

"Daqiao, I really don't...don't like you."

"Then you smile, I don't know if you like me until you smile."

Xiaoqing showed Jiang Daqiao a smile on her pretty face.

There is no way, Jiang Daqiao himself is very helpless, although he has worked as a contractor, general manager, and chairman of Blue Star...

But at this moment, he must use this method to get himself out of trouble.

Because at present his identity is... a fanboy.

Hey, Jiang Daqiao actually has his own ideas about martial arts cultivation...

Since the former master of Qi training failed to break through to the sixth level of True Yuan Realm after nearly 20 years of training, there was no need for him to waste any more time in the direction of "qi refining".

In Blue Star, this is called... changing the track.

According to what he has learned, cultivation is indeed a matter of talent, and he has given up refining qi. After all, at his age, it must be too late to start cultivation from the fourth level of spiritual power.

Rather than digging into the corners of martial arts cultivation, it is better to find another way and not take the usual way.

In fact, although he hasn't meditated recently, he really didn't give up on himself. Instead, he learned many strange little skills from the elder of the ore...

In order not to be caught by his senior sister, Jiang Daqiao looked around. He needed to prove to this incomparable senior sister as soon as possible that he actually practiced hard every day...

(End of this chapter)

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