I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 5 Elder Yan's Spirit Pet

Chapter 5 Elder Yan's Spirit Pet
"Gu Zhi, Gu Zhi..."

Jiang Daqiao looked up and saw a pheasant with seven-colored feathers standing on a branch of a willow tree singing...

"Senior Sister, look at me—"

I saw his left hand raised up slightly inadvertently.

"Quack—" only heard a whine from the tree.

"Brother, you..."

Senior Sister Xiaoqing wanted to speak out to stop it, but it was obviously too late!

With a "pop", a pheasant fell in front of the seniors.

"Senior sister Xiaoqing, what do you think of the kung fu I have learned recently?"

Jiang Daqiao showed the pheasant to his senior sister, and a steel needle passed through its head impartially.

Jiang Daqiao's third- and fourth-level spiritual power might not be very powerful when used directly to fight Qi refiners, but it is enough to launch hidden weapons.

Xiaoqing's face was black with lines:
"Junior brother is bad, this is not a pheasant, you see there is a rope loop on its foot, I remember it seems to be the spiritual pet of a certain sect elder!"

"Really? A spiritual pet?"

Jiang Daqiao was also shocked when he heard it, but the dead chicken cannot be resurrected, so he just kept doing nothing...

"It doesn't matter if it's a pheasant or a spirit bird, it tastes the same when cooked!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Daqiao skillfully plucked and cleaned the pheasant, and threaded it with a sharpened wooden stick.

Senior Sister Xiaoqing looked at the pheasant on the stick, and her heart sank, she helped find some hay and firewood...

After a while, green smoke curled up under the willow trees by the lake, and Jiang Daqiao skillfully turned the roast chicken on the wooden stick.

"Senior Sister, what do you think of Junior Brother's concealed weapon skill just now?"

Xiao Qingliu frowned slightly: "In the sect, hidden weapons are not considered a skill... Who did you learn this crooked way from?"

"Of course the master taught me. The master told me to practice secretly, and he also said not to let others know."

The hidden weapon was indeed taught to him by the ore elder, and it is a mechanical hidden weapon.

Maybe the ore elder saw that Jiang Daqiao was difficult to make, and he couldn't stand his soft and hard work, so he taught him the ability to "press the bottom of the box".

Perhaps, hidden weapon kung fu is not popular in the eyes of senior sisters, and it is not even considered a serious kung fu.

But Jiang Daqiao has his own ideas. In this world of supreme martial arts, he has heard and seen many scenes of fighting and killing, and he has a certain understanding of the rules of survival in this world...

In this cruel world of martial arts, to complete one's "special mission", one must clear many obstacles along the way, so killing people is probably unavoidable.

In his eyes, as long as it can be used to kill people, it is good martial arts.

As for whether this martial art is serious or not, he no longer cares about it.

Next, Senior Sister Xiaoqing also talked about some recent experience in cultivation. Her intention is naturally to hope that through her own comprehension, she can inspire her junior brother to take a small step forward...

"Let me tell you, Daqiao, I seem to have opened a door. In the past, our Xiaodanfeng ore master taught me a kind of exercise, and now Elder Wen of Tianxin Peak taught me another exercise.

Recently, I discovered that these two kinds of exercises can be combined, and after the two kinds of exercises are combined, the progress of cultivation is very fast! "

"It's so powerful, senior sister, tell me how many levels your cultivation has reached?"

Jiang Daqiao looked sideways at Senior Sister Xiaoqing, she had the face of being a secretary of the board of directors, but she had the heart of a soldier.

"I have already broken through to the eighth level of spiritual power, but I can't tell it yet, only you and my brother know."

"That is to say... senior sister, your cultivation has already caught up with our master?"

"Cultivation realm is only one aspect. In terms of actual combat experience, my master and I are absolutely incomparable."


While the senior sister and younger brother were talking, the pheasant on the wooden stick in Jiang Daqiao's hand had been roasted until it was browned all over.

Under the willow tree by the lake, the smell of meat immediately overflowed. Jiang Daqiao tore off a chicken leg and handed it to the senior sister, and the two began to feast on it.

"Has anyone seen my bird?"

A loud voice came from outside the woods, and a person was walking towards the lake.

The senior sister and younger brother looked at each other, and then both looked down at the chicken leg in their hands, both of them were shocked.

This is... the owner of this spirit bird has been found!
"Don't be afraid, the senior sister is here!" Xiaoqing gritted her teeth and said,
"Go find a place to hide, and I'll tell you later that Senior Sister caught the bird... Senior Sister, I am a disciple of Tianxin Peak now, so this matter is nothing!"

Jiang Daqiao suddenly remembered that whenever he was in danger, Senior Sister Xiaoqing would always stand up to protect him immediately.

According to the original owner's memories, Jiang Daqiao was sent to Xiaodan Peak when he was three years old, and Senior Sister Xiaoqing took him to sleep when he was a child.

He couldn't remember how many times when he was afraid in the dark, there was always a petite but firm voice comforting him:
"Don't be afraid, Senior Sister is here!"

It's just that at this time... hide yourself?

Jiang Daqiao looked around, there was no way to hide, and besides, the fire hadn't burned out yet, and the smell of roast chicken was still wafting in the air...

Although my senior sister is chivalrous and courageous, and her martial arts is much higher than him, she is a rookie in terms of experience in the world.

Dealing with the current situation, he thought that he ate more salt than his senior sister ate.

The more you hide this kind of thing, the more you will be suspected, it is better to be open...

His mind turned rapidly, and he said to Senior Sister Xiaoqing: "Senior Sister, it's okay, this time you look at me!"

"Brother, you..."

Xiaoqing looked at Jiang Daqiao in surprise. The younger brother's voice was not loud, but his eyes were full of determination. This is... the younger brother suddenly grew up?

Jiang Daqiao nodded firmly to his senior sister, and then shouted in the direction of the passers-by: "I saw that bird!"

Xiaoqing was taken aback for a moment, it was too late to stop her!
"Have you seen my spirit bird?"

The voice came from far to near, and a person came from the air, and landed in front of the senior sister and brother. It turned out to be Yan, the head coach of Tiejianmen, who was in charge of teaching fireball in the sect.

"Coach Yan, are you looking for a bird with seven-color feathers?"

Jiang Daqiao cupped his hand, still holding the drumstick in his hand.

"Yes! Where is my bird?"

Coach Yan heard that the spirit bird had been found, and suddenly a stone fell to the ground.

"Is it the sound of Gu Zhi, Gu Zhi?"


"Is it that big?"

Jiang Daqiao gestured the size of the pheasant in the air with both hands.

"Yes, yes, where is my spirit bird?"

"Just now, the spirit bird stopped by the lake for a while, and then flew in that direction!"

Jiang Daqiao walked up to Instructor Yan, and pointed in the direction of Tianzhu Peak with his right hand holding the chicken leg.

"Oh, well, you're baking..."

Coach Yan sniffed his nose and noticed the chicken leg in Jiang Daqiao's hand, as well as the roast chicken on a wooden stick.

"Do you want to try the old hen raised by Xiao Danfeng?"

With that said, Jiang Daqiao tore off a chicken wing and handed it to Coach Yan.

"It tastes good... the old man will go first!"

Nibbled on the scorched chicken wings, Coach Yan tapped his head and toes, and flew towards Tianzhu Peak...

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(End of this chapter)

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