I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 31 Guanxi County 8 Bowls

Chapter 31 The Eighteen Bowls of Guanxi County
Jiang Daqiao frowned, sure enough, Butler Yu wasn't telling the truth...

In fact, when Jiang Daqiao passed the east wing for the first time, he had already used the ability of "listening to the sound and identifying the position" to hear an abnormal sound underground.

The second time when Steward Yu passed the East Wing, the sound from the ground was still there, so he knew why and asked Steward Yu if there was an underground storage room...

But he didn't expect the housekeeper to lie to his face.

This situation is a bit complicated. Judging by the expression on the Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge's face, it seems more like a natural reaction.

The two or more people hiding in the basement are unlikely to be arranged by the owner.

Could it be that the one hiding in the cellar is the evil spirit who came out in the dead of night to "ghost the bed"?

But why is the "evil spirit" hiding in the cellar?
Why did Steward Yu lie to himself that there was no cellar?

What is the relationship between the housekeeper and the "evil spirit"?
Before the truth of the matter came to light, Jiang Daqiao didn't want to startle the snake for the time being, so he decided to wait a while before speaking, and whispered to the owner of Zhuge Zhuge:
"The landlord must not tell anyone about the cellar under the east wing, otherwise it will be even more difficult for the evil spirits to flee to other places after they know about it. The landlord must remember it!"

The owner of Zhuge Zhuge hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Jiang Daqiao continued: "In addition, the proprietor arranged for someone to watch Steward Yu secretly. Don't say anything. If Steward Yu wants to enter the basement, or if there is any other movement, let me know immediately!"

The owner of Zhuge Zhuge was surprised: "My subordinate is Yutou? The little Daoist sees something wrong with him?"

Jiang Daqiao said: "It's not sure yet, anyway, the owner, do as I say, as long as my master is here, I will definitely wipe out all the evil spirits hiding in the manor...

Well, now please trouble the owner to arrange a noon meal for my master, my master is hungry. "

"Okay, okay, the kitchen has been arranged!"

"In addition, when my master goes out to open the altar, he still pays attention to some rules even when he is at the banquet. The owner of the village must arrange the meal in the living room of your mansion later!
Also, tell the kitchen, my master has no taboos, he can eat anything! "

Jiang Daqiao added that he would never see a table of food without even a little meat.

"Okay, Taoist chief, I'll make arrangements now!"

Looking at the bloated and slightly hunched back of Zhuge Zhuge when he left, Jiang Daqiao's brows relaxed a little. Things don't seem so complicated now...

At least for now, it is impossible for Zhuge Zhuangzhuang to be the main messenger behind the "evil spirit", and the situation is basically good.


Lunch was arranged in the living room of the Zhuangyuan's main house. Under the leadership of the Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge, the ore elders and Jiang Daqiao cleaned their hands and sat at the guest seats according to the order of etiquette.

Braised bear's paw, deep-fried chicken tip, stewed stone frog with wild ginseng...

Jiang Daqiao counted, oh...a total of [-] dishes, Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge is really unambiguous!

He naturally knew that this was the authentic "Eighteen Bowls of Guanxi County"...

The highest standard for a big family in Guanxi County to receive VIPs.

Perhaps it was because of Jiang Daqiao's suggestion that besides the sumptuous dishes for this lunch, the host's family also specially arranged several representatives to attend to accompany him. In addition to the owner himself, the two sons under his knees, there was also an uncle from Zhuge's family.

It was Zhuge Zhuge's father who walked in tremblingly, leaning on a cane and supported by a servant.

During the banquet, as the host, the owner of Zhuge Zhuge naturally couldn't help but say a lot of flattering words, such as "immortal Taoist leader", "eradicating demons and protecting the righteousness of the world", etc., the master and apprentice of Xiaodanfeng also said a few polite words.

Jiang Daqiao soon discovered that there were seven people at the table. Except for him and the master who ate happily, the host's family was not interested in the delicious food, so they barely ate a few mouthfuls and went one after another. Put down the chopsticks.

It can be seen that these people forced smiles in front of the two priests, but they couldn't hide the anxiety in their hearts.

During the banquet, Zhuge Zhuge's young son, who was only eleven or twelve years old, saw Taoist Priest's mahogany sword and copper staff, couldn't help playing with them mischievously, and yelled : "Thousands of gods and saints, protect my true spirit!"

His grandfather turned his head and saw it, and immediately grabbed the crutches and made a gesture to hit him, shaking his beard and scolding him a few times, the little boy was so frightened that he immediately returned to his seat obediently.

"Hahaha! It's okay, it's okay, it's okay for the young master to play a bit, it's okay..."

Jiang Daqiao saw that the atmosphere was even more gloomy, so he quickly got up to help the young master out of the siege, and dragged Zhuge Zhuge outside the door as he spoke.

Once outside the door, Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge flattered and said: "What other orders does the little Taoist priest have? Is the food on this table still satisfying?"

He has also roughly seen the relationship between the two masters and apprentices. The old Taoist priest has profound morals, but he does not easily talk to "people of the world". Any "will" is conveyed through this clever and handsome little Taoist priest .

Jiang Daqiao shook his head and said in a low voice: "My master came to open the altar. There are some rules for eating at the benefactor's house. Didn't I tell the owner?"

Master Zhuge became anxious when he heard this, "Your master, Daoist... isn't he satisfied?"

Jiang Daqiao curled his lips: "Didn't you see the displeasure on my master's face? Sigh, what I have to explain to you..."

Zhuge Zhuge hurriedly said: "Is there something wrong with me? You can just tell me, Mr. Daoist, how about I make the kitchen redo right away?"

Jiang Daqiao said: "The food is delicious, and we, the master and the apprentice, are not very picky, it's just... How can I describe the host's etiquette in hospitality?
I was afraid that the owner of the villa could not understand, so I just said it directly. My master went down the mountain to Guizhuang to open an altar to practice, but the owner's wife and the second lady didn't show their faces. Say hello to my master, Zhuge Zhuge Are you saying you slapped my master in the face? "

"Oh, so that's how it is..." Zhuge Zhuge was stunned, but his expression was helpless, "But, but... my wife and second daughter, they are not at home!"

Jiang Daqiao wondered: "The owner, do you mean that your lady and the second lady are not at home?"

"Exactly, my wife took the second daughter back to her mother's house to live for a few days, and she hasn't returned to the village yet. Please explain it to your master carefully."

"Master, are you serious?"

"Well, of course it's true..."

"If that's the case, it won't be easy!"


The two masters and apprentices were full of food and drink, Jiang Daqiao winked at the master, Zhuge Village Master arranged for the servants to withdraw from the table and serve tea.

At this time, Jiang Daqiao noticed that the housekeeper who was located also came in to help clean up, but a guard from the manor not far away looked at him casually.

Zhuge Zhuge took care of the trivial matter he confessed to. Jiang Daqiao reassured in his heart that Zhuge Zhuge was not an "insider traitor", but...

Why does the owner of Zhuge Zhuge also like to lie?
In the main room to the north of the living room, someone was sobbing softly...

But the owner of Zhuge Zhuge insisted that the wife and the second lady were not at home, and this matter was still weird from the inside out.

After a maid came into the living room to serve tea, according to the instructions of the Taoist priest, Zhuge Zhuge ordered the maid to take the door out, and there were only three people left in the living room, the master and the two Taoist priests.

"Two priests, please drink tea, drink tea!"

(End of this chapter)

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