I forced the master to be the leader

Chapter 32 Miss 2 turned out to be a happy pulse

Chapter 32
Jiang Daqiao took a sip of tea and looked up at the owner of Zhuge Zhuge:

"Now only the master and the owner of the villa are here. I have a question that I have always wanted to ask the owner of Zhuge Zhuge, but I don't know whether to say it or not?"

Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge hurriedly said: "Xiao Daoist, if there is any problem, you, please just say it..."

Jiang Daqiao stared at the owner Zhuge in front of him, "Can the owner tell my master truthfully, is there anyone in the house who is haunted by evil spirits?"

The owner of Zhuge Zhuge had an unnatural expression on his face: "No, no!"

It seems that this fat old man really does not shed tears when he sees the coffin.

Jiang Daqiao continued to stare at the owner of Zhuge Zhuge, his face suddenly changed, and he asked in a deep voice:

"Major Zhuge, who is the crying woman in the room behind the main room at this moment?"

The owner of Zhuge Zhuge immediately showed panic: "You little Taoist, how do you know...the villain should not hide it from the two of you!
You two are really living Bodhisattvas, gods and Taoists! "

From the reaction on Zhuge Zhuge's face when he spoke, Jiang Daqiao immediately came to a conclusion, a conclusion that he was not too surprised...

In addition to the [-] maids and wives, other people were haunted by evil spirits in the manor, and most likely they were Zhuge Zhuge's family members.

The soft sobs came from a room in the main room to the north of the living room. Although the crying was very low, it still couldn't be hidden from Jiang Daqiao's "listening to identify the location".

"In that case..."

Jiang Daqiao got up suddenly and began to pack up the baggage containing all kinds of magic weapons, "Please ask the owner to help us arrange a carriage. Master and I are busy going back to the mountain to make alchemy! Master, let's go!"

The ore elder who didn't know it was stunned for a while, and he didn't know what the disciple was up to.

Seeing this, the owner of Zhuge Zhuge immediately panicked: "Prince Immortal, I beg you, you can't leave, you can't just ignore death!"

Jiang Daqiao shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Master, have you ever heard of 'sincerity leads to spirit'? If the donor's heart is not sincere or respectful, even if my master has powerful magic powers, he will be helpless against the evil spirits of your village!
Master, let's go! "

After finishing speaking, he waited to open the door and go out.

The owner of Zhuge Zhuge suddenly thumped and knelt down in front of the two masters and apprentices, as if he had made a great determination:

"Even if the old man is willing to go all out today, Zhuge doesn't care about family ugliness or anything like that!

I will call all the people who are haunted by evil spirits here now, the two priests, please take your seat and wait for me for a while! "

Not long after, Zhuge Zhuge returned to the living room, followed by two people, both wearing silk and satin, Jiang Daqiao knew at a glance that they were the family of the owner.

Walking in front was a middle-aged woman who was sobbing non-stop, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief from time to time.

Jiang Daqiao nodded secretly. The crying sound he heard through "listening to identify position" was from this woman.

Following behind, led by the woman's hand, was a scrawny woman with a silk scarf covering her head and face. When she walked, her posture was unsteady, as if she was about to fall at any time.

While sobbing, the woman helped the emaciated woman to sit down.

Zhuge Zhuge closed the door, and first introduced two gods and priests who came from afar, with boundless magic power, to save the suffering.

Then he introduced his family members to the two priests. The middle-aged woman was the owner's wife, and the thin woman was his youngest daughter.

After the introduction from both sides, Zhugezhuang Zhuge kneeled down again:
"You two priests, Zhuge dare not hide anything from you today, this is the little girl, she has been harmed by evil spirits!
As long as the two Taoist priests help us drive away the evil spirits in the village, no matter what you two ask for, as long as I, Zhuge, and someone have it, I will agree to it all! "

The thin woman sat on the chair, but half of her body fell to one side, as if she was exhausted, she had already fallen into a deep sleep, and she had to be supported by her mother who was sitting next to her, so she could barely sit up.

Elder Ore and Jiang Daqiao saw it, and they were also frightened.

Jiang Daqiao took a deep breath and asked, "Dare to ask Madam and Second Miss, have they both been raped by evil spirits?"

The owner said: "Yes, that's not..."

The owner's wife immediately took the words: "You two gods and priests, that, that evil spirit only dared to bully my second girl, but he didn't entangle me. I wish that evil spirit would entangle me... See if I won't bite my old body to death!" it!"

Although the owner's wife was in grief, when she mentioned the evil spirit, she would gnash her teeth, wishing she could immediately tear up the evil spirit, bite it, chew it up and swallow it in order to relieve her hatred.

Jiang Daqiao asked: "May I ask how long has Second Miss been infected with evil spirits?"

"One morning three months ago, the second daughter of my family cried and said that she would sleep on the bed at night. At that time, the old man didn't take it to heart, thinking that the second daughter had a nightmare at night..."

The second young lady was leaning on his wife's arms, she seemed completely unaware of the conversations of the people around her, so she could only let the lady answer for her.

The madam continued: "Since then, every three or five days, my second daughter will encounter a ghost pressing the bed... After a long time, it has become like this. How can my poor child see people?" Ah! Woohoo..."

The lady couldn't help sobbing as she spoke.

"I wonder if it would be convenient for Pindao to help Second Miss get her pulse?"

It was Elder Mine who was speaking at this time, he saw that the second young lady was haunted by evil spirits at a young age, and now she seemed to be so angry, he really couldn't bear it.

"It's convenient, it's naturally convenient... that's great! It would be great if the Taoist priest can help me out!"

The owner's wife hurriedly answered, and carefully took the second girl's right hand out of her sleeve.

The ore elder squatted down, put his finger on the veins of the second young lady's wrist, closed his eyes and concentrated... Jiang Daqiao knew that his master was using spiritual power to help her investigate.

After a while, the ore elder opened his eyes with a strange expression on his face.

"Master... what's wrong?"

"Master, what's the situation?"

The ore elder remained silent for a long time, and looked up at the owner's wife: "Madam, can you take the silk scarf off the second girl's head?"

The madam and the owner of the villa looked at each other and nodded, and the madam gently removed the silk scarf.

I saw that the second young lady's eyes were closed, her cheeks were sunken, her face was haggard, and she looked devastated. Although she was only seventeen or eighteen years old, she was not far from the end of her life.

The ore elder stepped forward to look at the second lady's eyelids, then sniffed her, and asked his wife: "Did the second lady eat in the past two days?"

The madam choked up and replied: "I can only... I can barely feed a little soup."

The ore elder nodded, asked his wife to cover the silk scarf again, and helped the second young lady feel her pulse again. After a long time, she finally got up and fell silent.

Zhuge Zhuge Zhuge and his wife both looked flustered: "Daoist, what's wrong?"

The ore elder suddenly asked: "May I ask if Second Miss is married?"

The owner of Zhuge Zhuge and his wife were both stunned when they heard this...

"The Taoist...no!"

"The second girl is still a daughter!"

"Second miss is actually Ximai..." The expression on the face of the ore elder became even weirder.

When the ore elder said this, everyone was shocked!

 Ask for collections and tickets every day~
(End of this chapter)

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