
Chapter 1004 Accident

Chapter 1004 Accident
After Hong Fei and Mi Jun left, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the box, and there was still time to wait.The hundreds of auction items in the front are all used by low-level monks, and I have no interest in mixing them.

After most of the day passed, it was the turn of the high-level items to appear. This time, there were more than 30 items in the catalog, but the auction also allowed the monks present to take out the items they brought for a price at zero time.So there will be some other items interspersed in it.

This time, Yi Tian himself didn't have any precious materials to look at, but now his thoughts are all on the Xingyao meteorite and lava magic crystal.After waiting for a short time, it was finally the first material's turn. I only heard Hong Shou shouting loudly from the garden below: "A piece of Xingyao meteorite iron ore, which weighs about a thousand catties, can be purified to obtain at least three hundred catties of meteorite iron. bonanza."

After speaking, I saw four burly warriors carrying a piece of raw ore with a radius of five feet onto the garden platform. After the "bang", the ore fell to the ground, it was obvious that the ten-zhang garden platform Hong Shou was standing on was shaken.

At the same time, at least three strands of divine thoughts protruded from the private room to the stage for inspection, and Yi Tian found that two of the three divine senses protruded from one side of the private room and one was traced back to a deity downstairs. on the monk.It's just that this person is wearing a black robe and his divine sense cannot see his true face clearly. From the perspective of body size, he is a monk who is less than five feet tall.

Only Hong Shou said again: "The base price of a high-grade Xingyao meteorite rich ore is [-] high-grade spirit stones, and the price increase should not be less than [-] each time. Please, everyone." As soon as the words fell, two families began to bid.

I have already informed Hong Fei about this thing, I am afraid that those well-informed people have already restrained themselves at this time, and there must be one of Hong Fei's people among the bidders present.

Thinking about it is also very frustrating. Hong Fei wants to dig some interest from the other party first, and then this thing must have been tampered with. Anyone who takes it will not be able to escape being tracked.

As the bidding process in the two boxes entered a heated stage, it seemed that it would only fall into the hands of these two.Suddenly a voice came from downstairs: "30 high-grade spirit stones."

One sentence attracted everyone's attention again, and the price was three times higher than the reserve price of the real thing.Even if it is calculated according to the market price, there is more than one profit, but at this time Yi Tian can imagine that Hong Fei's face must not be as good-looking as he imagined.

It is very interesting to suddenly kill a Huashen Sanxiu who does not belong to any party. I believe Hong Fei will also send someone to watch this person.

Then Yi Tian calmed down and continued to wait for the next treasure to appear. After a while, when the lava magic crystal was brought up, no abnormal atmosphere was found in the whole scene.When the thing was taken out, Yi Tian could see that this fist-sized lava magic crystal was stored in a piece of thousand-year-old ice.It's normal to think about it. This thing is the main material of the Pyroblast, and the energy contained in it is huge. It can only be kept stable if it is refrigerated in cold ice.

And the cultivator sitting on the second floor who was shooting the Xingyao meteorite iron did not leave early, and seemed to be planning to stay and bid.

This time, Hong Shou had been prompted by Hong Fei early in the morning to deliberately slow down the pace of the auction so that the inspector had enough time to dispatch personnel.He opened his mouth slowly and said: "A piece of lava magic crystal is provided by the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce in Hengtong City. The base price is 30 top-grade spirit stones or [-] merit points. Each increase is no less than [-] spirit stones. Please bid."

From time to time, people in the private rooms on the third floor began to bid for prices, but basically only those large chambers of commerce would participate. After all, this base price was not affordable for ordinary casual cultivators.

Although the bidding on the third floor was fierce, Yi Tian believed that at least dozens of people were focusing their attention on the monk on the second floor at this time, but this time this person seemed to have died down and stopped speaking.

Just wondering, Shen Nian realized that the price of lava magic crystals had been raised to 50 spirit stones at this time, and there seemed to be room for improvement depending on the situation.

After a while, when the price soared to 60, there were only two left to participate in the bidding.In the end, this piece of lava magic crystal was sold at today's highest price of 62, and the person who bought it turned out to be Ji Er, the treasurer of Tongtian Pavilion.

At this time, Yi Tian was sitting in the box with a suspicious look on his face. It is reasonable to say that the power behind Tongtian Pavilion is the same as Shangqing Daozong and Hong Fei.This time they came out to meddle, but they didn't know what their intentions were.

Suddenly, in his spiritual sense, he noticed that there was movement from the person on the second floor. After he got up, he went directly to the backstage to deliver the delivery under the guidance of a maid.Yi Tian was beating drums in his heart, could it be that he was too cautious and made a mistake.

These two precious materials did appear here by accident, and were photographed by accident.But if things are so coincidental, it seems a little too normal.

I poked my head out and looked at the venue below. The ground seemed to vibrate, which immediately caused a lot of commotion.But Hong Shou comforted everyone with a calm face, and many monks on the second floor called for the auction to continue, and they were still waiting.

The location of this delivery is in the warehouse hall hundreds of meters away from the main venue of the auction. Attack from outside.People in the return field will not feel anything, all because the protective barrier can completely isolate the field.

But the vibration on the ground just now was obviously a movement, and naturally some shrewd people among the people present would have guessed something.

Just as he was thinking about it, the identity jade badge on his waist suddenly rang, and when he took it out, he was shocked.It turned out that the black-robed monk just picked the right time to deliver the treasure with the people from Tongtian Pavilion, and then waited for the opportunity to seize the treasure on the spot and escape.At this time, Hong Fei had already led the team to catch up after receiving the current report.

Looking back and thinking about it, it is not difficult to find out that the price of Xingyao Meteorite Iron is only 30, which people can afford.As for the lava magic crystals, they have already doubled in size. I'm afraid there is no other way to get them except to grab them.

Just now, the man in the black cloak took this into consideration, so he acted at the right time. He thought that he would leave a way out after blatantly robbing Luoxia City.

If the calculation is not wrong, the perpetrator must have accomplices, otherwise they will definitely become the turkey in the urn.I didn't have much interest in the next auction, and Yi Tian slowly got up after glancing at the venue below, gently opened the door and walked out.

It was only after they came outside that they saw groups of inspectors rushing out under the leadership of the captain. These people must have received Hong Fei's message to send reinforcements.

After leaving the auction venue, Yi Tian rushed directly towards his home. Now he can't help with this matter, so he can only wait for Hong Fei's news.

(End of this chapter)

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