
Chapter 1005 Hidden

Chapter 1005 Hidden
The reason Luoxia City seemed to be calm was because the events at the auction were forcibly suppressed, and there were less than ten witnesses to the whole process.Moreover, the black-robed man seemed to be extremely powerful, and even directly broke through the outer defense of the inspection team and then hid in the nearby block.

Fortunately, Hong Fei was on alert before, and as soon as he noticed that something was wrong, he hurriedly sent someone to close the four doors, and then secretly ordered the patrol team on duty in the city to mobilize.

Yi Tian looked up and saw that the number of inspectors flying in the sky was several times higher than usual, and began to conduct a carpet search.

Under his own suggestion, he made it clear that the lava magic crystal must have been tampered with.Therefore, the inspectors quickly delineated the scope of activities of the black-robed man.

The entire square garden of Luoxia City is two to three hundred miles away, but after dividing it, three-quarters of the area is removed, and the area left to search is much smaller.

But Yitian didn't look relaxed at this time, and his mansion was still divided into this search area.Immediately, he hurriedly quickened his pace and walked towards his home. It doesn't matter if they are fighting like this, as long as they don't mess with themselves.

After walking on the street for a while, I found that there seemed to be movement in the city, and a spell wave spread in the air, directly disrupting the surrounding spiritual power.Yi Tian could feel that someone was fighting through the chaotic spiritual power, but the person who fought seemed to control the spell precisely to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

It seemed that the person being tracked was found, but the inspectors were also afraid of a big fight, so they just suppressed the other party to avoid causing more damage to Luoxia City.

After ten breaths, a spiritual light flashed in the sky, and in the halo, a person was rushing towards the east.

Fortunately, he didn't fly towards his home, Yi Tian quickened his pace and headed directly towards home.Half a moment later, he finally rushed back to the place of easy living, but standing in front of the main entrance, he found some chaotic spiritual power fluctuations around him.

Frowning, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open the defensive restriction and walked straight into the mansion. After turning around and closing the door again, Yi Tian felt that something was wrong.I haven't been back for a while, but it seems that the degree of spiritual chaos here is almost the same as outside the gate.

If it wasn't a problem with his ban, it was because someone sneaked in.Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face darkened, and if he could break through his own defensive restrictions intact without triggering the formation alarm, then the infiltrator should be a level higher than himself.

This idea was rejected in an instant, Hong Shanhe would definitely notice if there was a distracted monk visiting in Luoxia City, and the distracted monk didn't even bother to hide here secretly.

As soon as he thought about it, he thought that this person might have used a high-level taboo-breaking talisman to enter the interior silently. After thinking about it, he made a seal with both hands on his chest and aimed at the ban on the gate to cast out the Taoist formula.Later, a map of the villa appeared in front of him, but several nodes on it were destroyed.

Looking along the direction where the node was destroyed, he found that it was directly connected to the garden behind the hill, which was the garden where he raised Ziyunfeng.

After roughly getting the position, Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth and hurriedly used escapism to catch up, feeling that his mansion was really tired of messing with the infiltrator.After confirming that this person is definitely not a distracted monk, Yi Tian became more courageous.

Although capturing the other party alive and handing it over to Hong Fei would certainly be appreciated, but I don't mind directly cutting off the troubles.Living a leisurely life in Luoxia City for these years really buried his blood.

After ten breaths, when he came to the gate of the garden of the villa, Yi Tian glanced around and his face became deeper.There is no doubt that the chaotic spiritual power in the air proves that someone has indeed sneaked in. Although this person is extremely careful, the extremely chaotic spiritual energy in the air tells him that this person must have suffered some internal injuries to cause his breathing instability.

Thinking about the dwarf who was less than five feet tall that I saw on the second floor of the auction was also a cultivator of transformation spirit, so I didn't dare to underestimate the enemy.He quietly took out the Taiyuan sword and sacrificed it in his hand, then pushed open the door and walked in.

The entire garden is about three to five miles in radius, and the flowers under my feet are as high as my waist.It's a pity that the dwarf was wearing a cloak that could shield his spiritual sense from probing, so Yi Tian didn't dare to release his divine sense to avoid revealing his position.

The chaotic spiritual power in the air is the best guide, following this spiritual power can quickly lock the opponent's general position.

He bent down and touched it slowly, and after three breaths, he locked on to where a person was hiding about a hundred feet away in front of him.Yi Tian then smiled and stretched out his hand to stretch out the sword thread transformed from Taiyuan Sword from the ground along the roots of the bushes.

For a moment, the other party seemed to have discovered his position, and then his divine sense stretched out to lock him firmly.Yi Tian snorted coldly and directly raised his sword and controlled the sword silk in his hand to outflank the man.

After two beeps of 'bang bang', the sword silk directly hit the opponent, but what surprised Yi Tian was that the usually invincible Lingyao sword silk did not make any meritorious deeds under one blow.You must know that I have rarely missed before, and only when I met Xu Yong's powerful body skills did I fail to get all the results.

But the hiding person in front of him showed no signs of injury at all after being hit by him.Moreover, after withdrawing his sword thread, he realized that there was actually a trace of true flame remaining on the Taiyuan sword.

This aura is faintly similar to the exercises he majored in, as if they belong to the same origin.After blowing lightly to blow away the breath on Taiyuan Sword, Yi Tian stood up and shouted at the other party: "Who are you, why did you break into my house?"

The other party was obviously stunned for a while, and didn't expect it to turn into such a situation.After three breaths, a sharp male voice came from the front and said: "Hey, why does your monk's sword move contain the artistic conception of the Crimson Rain Sword Sect's Lingyao Huaqian? And you have practiced quite well."

Yi Tian snorted coldly and said, "Fellow Daoist came to break into the mansion uninvited, should you give me an explanation? The inspection department outside is searching so tightly, most likely you are the person they are looking for."

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed out and appeared not far in front of him. The person was about the same height as him, so he shouldn't be the dwarf in the auction house, but he should be his accomplice upon closer inspection.

After weighing it up, Yi Tian didn't say much. Since the other party has revealed his own skills, it's better to keep it.Then he turned around and sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword again, this time without any disguise, he directly turned the spirit sword into silk and rolled it towards the opponent.

With a sound of 'ding', when the sword wire hit the opponent again, there was a red light film protecting it.The man raised a slap-sized token in his hand and turned it into a protective film to firmly cover it.

Yi Tian glanced over his mouth and said softly, the defensive spirit weapon in the man's hand was exactly the same as the one he got from Lian Feixiong back then.Originally, I thought this thing was used in some secret realm, but I didn't expect it to be used as a defensive spirit weapon.

The man sacrificed the token and flicked the sword thread away, and then stared at it for a while before saying disdainfully: "Your sword moves contain some artistic conception of spiritual brilliance, but the moves are quite different, really. It's too strange. Don't make unnecessary attacks, I have the protection of the Burning Flame Token, and only a monk of the same rank from Lihuo Palace can break my defense, so I advise you not to do useless work."

(End of this chapter)

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