
Chapter 1006 Discovery

Chapter 1006 Discovery
In the backyard of his mansion, Yi Tian found the man in black robe who had been wearing so far, but what was surprising was that this man was not the dwarf in the auction, but his accomplice.

After my two moves, the opponent easily took them all with the Zhiyan Token in his hand, which was surprising.Afterwards, he reached out and took out a shining small shovel and stabbed at him directly. The shovel flew through the air and turned into a white light flashing towards him.

Yi Tian didn't dare to take it seriously and hurriedly took out his defensive shield and put it in front of him. With a 'bang' sound, the seemingly small shovel turned into a white light and directly knocked himself back three feet away from the shield.

Seeing that the blow failed, the man reached out to retrieve the shovel, took out a bloody chain to sacrifice, and then surrounded his head.

From the looks of it, it knew that it was not a righteous thing, and the bloody filth exuding from it made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Yi Tian's figure flashed and hurriedly moved to avoid the siege of the chain, but after teleporting and moving a few times, he found that he seemed to be able to get rid of the opponent's pursuit.

Immediately, the shining small shovel in the man's hand was sacrificed again. This time Yi Tian was chased by the bloody chain all the way and couldn't defend with all his strength, so he had to set up the spiritual weapon in front of him and then retreated quickly.

Ten breaths later, the shovel hit the defensive shield in front of him first, and made a one-foot-sized dent in it.Yi Tian had no choice but to temporarily stand on his heels and prop up the shield with all his strength to defend.

After the sound of 'dong', the huge impact force pushed him away four feet away again.At the same time, the man reached out and pointed to the bloody chain in mid-air, and with a 'swish', the chain directly bound Yi Tian and the defensive spiritual weapon in front of him.

Immediately, Yi Tian felt a wave of turbid blood-bale energy coming from all around, directly surrounding him.

The man in black robe showed a smug expression on his face when he saw it, and he laughed fiercely and said: "I thought you were a thorn, but I didn't expect you to be beaten so easily."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a flash of fire flashing in front of him, and then the two spiritual weapons seemed to lose contact with him in an instant, and he was shocked to see that there was no sign of anyone in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he thought about it, the man in black took the lead in sacrificing the Zhiyan Token to help his whole body, and then began to look for traces of his opponent.After a while, the whole person was stunned, only to see a person wrapped in flames appearing beside him, and then stretched out his hands and smashed directly towards the protection of the Zhiyan Order.

A sneer just appeared on his face, and then it turned into a look of panic.I saw that those hands directly tore open the protection of the Burning Order and grabbed his throat.

In the end, he only heard him say intermittently: "How can you break the Scorching Order?"

Before he finished speaking, Yi Tian's hand tightened and directly crushed his neck, and the purple flame from his hand directly ignited his body, and even Nascent Soul was burned to ashes before he could escape.

After doing this, Yi Tian cleaned up the remaining relics, and found that there was only the Burning Token and a burned and deformed storage ring on the ground.After putting away the two things, he put away the Flame Token, then erased the mark on the storage ring, opened it, and inspected it carefully.

Half a moment later, after counting the inventory in the store, Yi Tian's face did not show any joy, but became more serious.From the storage ring, one-third of the star meteorite and lava magic crystal were found.

The stock in it is enough to refine five shell breaking cones and flame explosion mines. It is obvious that the other party has made an emergency plan and divided the materials into two and took them away separately.As long as anyone can get out, the task is considered complete, and even taking out a piece of material to refine it into a device is enough to make Hong Fei frightened.

It is unknown what happened to the other two. At least one of them should be the dead man who was responsible for attracting the inspector's attention, and the other must have managed to escape.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also shook his head and felt helpless, and now he can be regarded as a master.Now it depends on Hong Fei's luck to catch the last person.

But looking at the materials in his hand, he raised his eyebrows, since he is idle, he might as well refine these materials into artifacts and take them out to exchange for some spirit stones.And this time, I actually let myself see the usefulness of the Zhiyan Token, so I have some thoughts in my heart.

After finishing the finishing work, Yi Tian went directly back to the cave in the residence and opened all the restrictions on the outside world before sitting down with peace of mind and starting to count the harvest.

Half a day later, he placed the two pieces of the Burning Flame Token in front of him, one piece was complete, and the other piece was split into two pieces.Take a closer look at the fracture of the two petals, it seems that they can just be spliced ​​together.

The complete piece has the word 'Zhiyan' written on the front, and the word 'Three' engraved on the back.As for the other piece, it has exactly the same words on the front and the word 'Wu' on the back.

After the comparison, Yi Tian fell into deep thought. After getting this thing in his hand, he searched it in many ways, but in the end he didn't find any clues in any documents.But the black-robed man could actually use the Burning Token to protect himself, and judging from its appearance, the entire token is a defensive spiritual weapon.

Hold it in your hand and lightly infuse mana into it to activate the pattern on it, you can find a thin layer of red light film around you, which is exactly the protective barrier you saw before.

After putting away the protective cover, Yi Tian directly took out the jade slip to engrave the pattern pattern on it.There is actually a whole set of complex patterns engraved on this small piece of token, which cannot be distinguished accurately by naked eyes alone.Fortunately, after scanning with Divine Sense, you can gain insight into the overall situation.

Half a day later, Yi Tiancai had completely expanded the pattern, and the shock in his heart was beyond words.This thing must have come from the hands of high-level monks in Lihuo Palace, and I can be sure that it is basically the masterpiece of a monk like Ji Xuanyuan in the fusion period, or the work of Patriarch Wuye back then.

The pattern engraving technique on this is the unique true flame inscription of Lihuo Palace, and the strokes of ordinary carving knives cannot achieve such fineness.

Also, it is not easy to copy based on one's current skills. In addition to consuming a lot of divine sense, a huge amount of spiritual power is needed to ensure a stable output of true flames and one-time molding.This set of inscription formations can be used on the dragon scale shield that I plan to refine, but in this way, the scales need to be calcined and smelted into palm-sized ones, and the energy consumed in this is not a bit or two.

Calculating that there are still eight or nine years before the next selection of the Taiqing Pavilion, this gap time can be fully utilized.It's just that Moyan Mountain can't go anymore, and it's not that easy to find a secluded refining place.

After thinking about it, I was shocked and found that there was a place I could borrow for a while, and there were not many people passing by after a disaster a few years ago and it was on the edge of Luoxia City.

(End of this chapter)

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