
Chapter 1007 Clues

Chapter 1007 Clues
The turmoil at the Luoxia City Auction House was quickly suppressed. As the city lord, Hong Shanhe personally went into battle and greeted everyone.Those in the know also got a gag order to never mention this matter.

Hong Fei, the head of the inspection department, received an order to investigate the matter strictly, and the guards in the city were also ordered to chase and intercept the black-robed dwarf that day.

Fortunately, with the collective wisdom and efforts, it was finally blocked at the east gate, and then the patrols used the wheel battle to kill the opponent alive.Afterwards, when Hong Fei checked the storage ring, he found only one-third of the precious materials, and it seemed that this person also forcibly smashed the whole piece of Xingyao Meteorite in a hurry, and took the remaining one-third The lava magic crystal cast Tiaohulishan together, attracting the inspector's attention.

After knowing that he had been tricked, Hong Fei was also so angry that he couldn't speak. Later, he ordered his subordinates to thoroughly investigate the other two fugitives, but the result became unknown.

At this time, Yi Tian had already done the first and last work, and made tea in the main hall of his home and waited for someone to come to the door.This was also expected. Since I was able to tell the usefulness of those two materials, I expected that Hong Fei would come to ask for advice again afterwards.

Sure enough, after waiting at home for a long time, there was a knock on the door, Yi Tian teleported to the front yard, and opened the door with a wave of his hand.Standing outside the door was Hong Fei himself, with Mi Jun behind him.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly said: "The two of you seem to be a little late, but they just made tea and waited for you."

Hong Fei nodded his head slightly and replied, "I'm going to trouble Brother Yi again if I take the liberty to come to the door."

"Let's go inside and talk in detail."

Later, Yi Tian took the two of them back to the main hall, and after the three of them sat down as guests and hosts, Yi Tian asked tentatively, "How did Brother Hong handle that matter?"

Hong Fei sighed with a dark complexion, "I didn't expect that casual cultivator to have colluded with others and forcibly divided the two treasure materials into three. Now there are still two missing."

"I remember I reminded you that brother Hong must have made a tracking mark on a certain material, right?" Yi Tian said with a serious face.

Hong Fei shook his head and replied: "It's fortunate that Brother Yi mentioned this matter first, but time was running out and I only put Qianli Chasing Soul Incense on the lava magic crystal, but unfortunately the effect of the medicine can only last for two hours. If it’s invalid, I’m afraid it will be difficult to find those two people.”

After hearing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed, secretly thinking that in this way, the share in his hand would be at ease.But thinking about it, the black-robed man hid in his back garden, and the fragrance of those spiritual plants mixed with the fragrance of thousands of miles chasing souls is definitely hard for people to track down.

Then he asked again: "Where did this casual cultivator come from, so openly committing murder in the auction house?"

Mi Jun, who was sitting on the side, replied: "It's one of the three evils in Xia Mingshan. These casual cultivators are all paid to work by desperadoes. This time, it's obvious that they took the settling money to do this job. I don't know." The person behind this is whoever persuades them."

"Xia Mingshan's three evils," Yi Tian repeated in his mouth and thought about it in his heart. It seems that he killed one of them, and then asked: "What about the rest?"

Hong Fei said angrily: "It's not a pity for the other two to die, but unfortunately they are so cunning that I can't block the four gates of Luoxia City for a long time. So I guess they have already slipped out of the city by now."

"how do I say this?"

"The four gates of Luoxia City cannot be closed for a long time unless it is an emergency, and the inspection department also temporarily closed it for an hour. City Lord Hong also meant to take care of the overall situation and not disturb the visitors," Mi Jun replied.

It turned out to be like this, the power of two evils, whichever is lesser, is also a person who can afford to let go.He was not sloppy when making decisions, knowing that the most important thing now is to maintain the image, and some clowns will settle accounts slowly afterward.

Yi Tian nodded and asked again: "Do the two of you need my assistance in tracking down the fugitive?"

"No, no." Having said that, Hong Fei waved his hands, took out two materials and put them on the table, "Since brother Yi can tell the strangeness of this at a glance, then I wonder if he can calculate how many broken materials these materials can refine. Shell cone and flame thunder."

After sweeping his eyes, Yi Tian silently estimated in his heart, then stretched out five fingers and said: "It can almost be refined to this number."

Now Hong Fei's face became even more ugly, one material to refine four pieces, and the lost two copies are at least enough to refine ten pieces, so the consequences are self-evident.

Yi Tian saw that he seemed to be troubled, and then explained: "There is still hope at the top, Brother Hong, can you listen to me."

"All ears, Brother Yi, please speak up," Hong Fei said eagerly.

Yi Tian coughed lightly, then took out the jade slips he had prepared earlier and handed them to Hong Fei, "This is the process of refining two spiritual weapons, brother Hong will take a look first."

After receiving the jade slip, Hong Fei scanned it with his spiritual sense before tentatively asking: "Is it because the strength and environment of the refiner are demanding?"

"That's right, if you want to refine something, you need at least a human-level craftsman to do it yourself," Yi Tian explained.

"Although the status of a human-level craftsman is honorable, it is not impossible to find it, and there are not a few people who have achieved this among casual cultivators." Mi Jun shook his head and said: "This condition is not harsh, at most we will investigate The target can be narrowed down, but it has not yet been precisely locked. If Qingyuan is really behind the scenes, then finding a human-level craftsman from the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect is easy."

Hong Fei also hurriedly agreed: "Yes, brother Yi's condition doesn't seem to be very conducive to our continued investigation. Are there any other restrictions?"

"Yes, I have seen the conditions for refining the fire storm. This thing needs to be refined in an environment where the fire element is extremely stable. Otherwise, if there is a slight mistake, it will affect the refiner himself under the deflagration. Therefore, the Flame storms and thunders are all made in the Millennium Ice Cool," Yi Tian said, turning his attention to Hong Fei.

I saw him thinking a little bit at this moment, and after ten breaths, he suddenly raised his head and stood up, saying: "Okay, since there are such clues, there are only a handful of places around Luoxia City that can be used. And I will contact other nearby towns to investigate thoroughly. An ice cave that may be used."

Later, he bowed his hands to himself and said, "It's thanks to brother Yi who showed me a clear way. I'll go back to the inspector and order all the troops to go out immediately."

"Brother Hong, please don't be polite if you need help from me," Yi Tian hurriedly replied.

At this time, Hong Fei showed a smile on his face and said: "Brother Yi has worked hard for you this time, and I will handle the rest. You still have eight or nine years of spare time to cultivate in seclusion until the end of the Taiqing Pavilion." Let's make a selection, I will go back and organize people to go out of the city to search without further ado, so I won't bother you."

(End of this chapter)

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