
Chapter 101 True Biography

Chapter 101 True Biography
Half a month later, in the Gonggong Hall of the Chiyang Sect, Yang Yanzi, the headmaster, sat in the center, and next to him sat Ning Qingyuan, the head of the Qigong Hall, Bai Qingsong, the elder of the Gonggong Hall, Ye Qingchen, and Deng Qingxiang, the head of the Pill Hall. Jindan monks, followed by Yan Jungang and Gao Yuanfan, sat sideways and waited on them.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in front of the head of the sect, had already changed into the clothes of an inner sect disciple. He was wearing a white robe with a red pullover on the outside. There were three red flames on the cuffs. He had also been well-dressed. More upright, without the usual lazy energy.

The head of the sect, Yang Yanzi, first praised Yi Tian for his contribution to the sect, and then explained the precepts of the sect to Yi Tian again, and then it was the turn of the master Ning Qingyuan to come up and give a few words, nothing more than It is the old saying that after entering the Foundation Establishment, the interests of the sect should be put first in everything, and the sect should not be betrayed.

The whole ceremony also proceeded quickly, and it ended in about a quarter of an hour. Yi Tian also reissued the Zongmen identity jade card lost in the secret realm on the spot.After receiving the new jade card from Bai Qingsong, Yi Tian saw that there was almost no difference, except for a small word "two" after his name.After watching it, Yi Tian also had a wry smile, the Zongmen's affairs are also impeccable, and the reissued jade cards are different from the previous ones, so he insists on imposing "two" on himself.

The head of the sect, Yang Yanzi, also took out a natal oil lamp on the spot, and asked Yi Tian to draw a drop of fingertip blood into it, and then enshrine it in the Patriarch Hall. The situation of the disciples.

After the ceremony, the master and all the Golden Core monks also left one after another, and Yi Tian followed Bai Qingsong to the Patriarch Hall behind the Chuan Gong Hall to pay homage to the Patriarch.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see the portrait and tablet of the patriarch. Yi Tian looked at the tablet with concentration, and the name written on it is 'Yun Zhongzheng'.Dazed for a moment, he thought of the letter in the storage ring that he got from the banyan tree cave in Yihua Mountain. It was written to the loyal junior brother. Could it be his ancestor 'Yun Zhongzheng'?

Seeing that Bai Qingsong was busy, Yi Tian didn't want to disturb him. After setting up his natal oil lamp, Bai Qingsong told Yi Tian, ​​"Do as I do." The two saluted in front of the portrait of the patriarch, and then let Yi Tian took three sticks of incense and then knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times.

After the ceremony was completed, Bai Qingsong asked Yi Tian to pack up the things in his original house, report to Qidian by the way, and then return to Chuangong Hall to receive the Zongmen blessed land.

The rules of the Chiyang Sect are that only inner monks can fly within the sect, and Yi Tian doesn't care so much after leaving the Palace of Chuangong, anyway, his identity is now in place.Touching the storage bag, I felt a chill in my heart. I used all the available spiritual weapons and magic weapons on my body during the foundation building catastrophe in the secret realm. Now it's a good thing, I don't even have the spiritual weapons used to fly the imperial weapons.

After a wry smile, Yi Tian had no choice but to use the wind escape technique and ride the wind away.After getting used to flying, I always find it troublesome to walk inside the sect. In the past, it was due to my status, but now I can be a little more presumptuous.

After returning to my home, I happened to see Wu Xing, Tang Lin, Huashicheng and Huang Ziang all there.After everyone sat down and tasted tea together, everyone jokingly congratulated at first: "Congratulations for being promoted to an inner sect disciple, and you will be a senior from now on." Some helpless.

From time to time, he stared at Yi Tian, ​​thinking that the costumes of the inner disciples had opened the distance between several people, and the future road would only get farther and farther, and he couldn't help but feel melancholy.

At the moment, I can't irritate everyone too much, I just persuaded them: "Cultivate with peace of mind, and strive to build a foundation before the age of 30. This time, the sect has obtained a lot of elixir from the secret realm, and the foundation-building pills produced in the past few years will definitely It will be more than [-]% more than before, and there will be many opportunities.”

Wu Xing is a great alchemist, so there is no need to worry about this. As long as his cultivation level has improved and he has completed a few more sect tasks, he can exchange his contribution points for the foundation building pills, not to mention two of them have already been fulfilled for this trip to the secret realm. Well, foundation building is not a problem, it just depends on the time.

It is safe for Huashi City to harvest a Foundation Establishment Pill, but as for the other two, it is not easy to say.Huang Ziang still has hope. After all, after working hard for a few years, Tang Lin is a big problem. His cultivation is not good and he doesn't have the willpower to create a secret realm. The past few years of living in the Discipline Hall have made him a little depressed. After going down, I always lack the momentum when I first came here.

In fact, Yi Tian also thought about asking Yan Jungang to ask for a Foundation Establishment Pill, but he was flatly rejected by the other party.Originally, this was the quota of the Discipline Hall, and Yan Jungang only agreed to it because of Yi Tian's meritorious service in eliminating rape.Now Yi Tian won't need it after successfully building the foundation, so the rewards are replaced by Lingshi and Zongmen contribution.

When Yi Tian came out of the secret realm, he didn't bring anything with him. In the end, Wu Xing returned the storage bags to him at the end before he had some extra.This time the Discipline Hall gave Yi Tian [-] contribution points in private, of course, in name, it was rewarded to Yan Jungang, in recognition of his meritorious service in eliminating rape.Yi Tian doesn't care too much about this matter, as long as someone covers it.

After the tea party, Yi Tian repeatedly told his friends not to relax in their cultivation, and he waited for everyone in the inner sect.After packing up, I saw Huang Ziang coming with big and small bags. It turned out that he had already registered with the elders of the outer sect, and Yi Tian gave up his original room after leaving.He also pulled Wu Xing to say that they would do business together in the future, and claimed to be a master of alchemy in the outer sect. Wu Xing also acquiesced with a smile on his face.

Unable to bear the cheekiness of these people, Yi Tian went straight out of the door and headed for the Hall of Weapons.Master Ning Qingyuan had just ordered Yi Tianshi in the Chuan Gong Hall, and then went to the Qi Hall to look for him. It seemed that there was something important.

After going out, Yi Tian didn't dare to keep his master waiting for a long time. A gust of wind blew under his feet and flew in mid-air towards the weapon hall. On the way, the disciples from the outer sect who were patrolling the mountain in the commandment hall saw him and were about to go up to reprimand him. They saw the inner sect on Yi Tian's body Clothes then obediently shut his mouth, and went to do whatever he had to do.

Inside the Hall of Artifacts, it was still the same as usual, the steward at the gate was busy doing registration tasks, suddenly a gust of wind blew, and a disciple fell from mid-air. He came forward to greet him, and said he was a senior, but he just looked at that lazy face and had to laugh along with him.

After passing through the lobby of the Artifact Hall, you enter the atrium. This is the place where the Artifact Refiners usually gather during the Foundation Establishment Period. The number of people is less than one-tenth of the number outside.Yi Tian also lamented the difficulty of building a foundation for a while, and then his expression became more determined with a flash in his eyes. Now that he has taken the most difficult step, he must set his goal higher and farther.

Ning Qingyuan, the head of the Artifact Hall, usually practiced in the only Tianzihao refining room of the Chiyang Sect, and usually did not take care of the affairs of the Artifact Hall. The first disciple Pei Ming usually did the work. Qi Haosi's cultivation and skills have also gradually caught up, so the Hall of Qi is now divided into two parts. The two apprentices are in charge of a batch of things, and each does not interfere with each other. When there is a dispute, Ning Qingyuan will be invited to take charge of the overall situation.

Today, there are four people sitting in the first room of the Qi Palace, besides the master Ning Qingyuan, there are Pei Ming, Qi Haosi and Yi Tian.Seeing Yi Tian who had successfully established the foundation, Ning Qingyuan was also relieved. This young apprentice who had been recruited for less than three years surprised him again and again.

He was able to stand out in Donghai City back then, and he was able to take the lead in breaking the battle in the East China Sea. From this, it can be seen that his vision of judging people is still accurate.Entering Foundation Establishment before the age of 25, the probability of succeeding in attacking Jindan in the future is much higher than ordinary people, and it is much better than Ning Yuxuan's aptitude.

Looking back at his great-grandson who was retreating in his secret room to attack the foundation, he couldn't help but sigh. It's been more than a year since he saw the success of the foundation. The flowers in the greenhouse are really hard to come by.

Ning Qingyuan can only blame the younger generation of his family for not progressing, and he is planning to let Ning Ning and Yi Tian get in touch with each other to cultivate their relationship. In the future, when Ning Ning builds his foundation, he will let them become Taoist couples, so that his Ning family can be regarded as powerful Foreign aid.Even if Ning Ning fails to establish a foundation, it is not too much to betroth Yi Tian to be a concubine. I believe that Yi Tian will take care of the Ning family a lot in terms of this incense.

Looking at Ning Qingyuan looking at him up and down, Yi Tian didn't know that he was already remembered by his master, and he was still the number one training object.But that look is a bit like a father-in-law looking at a son-in-law, kind and worried.

The reactions of the two senior brothers next to him were quite different. Senior senior brother Pei Ming still looked like an old god, closing his eyes and resting his mind as if nothing to do with him.The second senior brother, Qi Haosi, kept smiling at Yi Tian and made a few gestures, which meant that there would be something to talk about later.

Ning Qingyuan, who was sitting in the middle, also spoke to the two senior brothers about Yi Tian's situation, and announced: "From today on, Yi Tian is my number one true disciple."After hearing these words, Pei Ming opened his eyes and stared at Yi Tian. What Yi Tian saw in his eyes was not the joy of celebration, but the naked jealousy and hostility. Fortunately, the eyes were fleeting. Afterwards, Pei Ming congratulated Yi Tian on the true biography of the Hall of Qi, and also called him "senior brother".

The attitude of the second senior brother is much better. Although it looks a bit sour, the smile on his face is still from the heart. He also praised Yi Tian's good luck, and at the same time he handed over his hands to congratulate the master's legacy, facing Yi Tian Tian also called "Senior Brother".

Looking at this scene is a bit embarrassing, Yi Tian also looked at Ning Qingyuan suspiciously, hoping that he could give some clarification.After a while, the master's voice came from Yi Tian's ears: "The inner disciples are still divided into grades.

For example, Pei Ming and Qi Haosi belong to the inner disciples who have worshiped a master, they are much better than those who do not have a master, but they can only be regarded as the middle and upper class.

A disciple like you who is accepted by me as a true disciple will usually be the next candidate for the head of the Artifact Hall. If one day I die or need to be closed, the things in the Artifact Hall will generally fall to the true disciples on you.

Generally, the status of a true disciple cannot be taken away, unless it is such a major event as betrayal of the sect.Every Golden Core cultivator can receive one or two true disciples, and at the same time all the disciples under the sect will respect the true disciples."

After hearing it, Yi Tiancai understood that he had somehow changed from a fourth junior brother to a senior senior brother. No wonder the expressions of the two people next to him were wrong. Could it be that he could call him Junior Brother Ning after Ning Yuxuan came out? It's really sour, and Ning Yuxuan's appearance of submissively calling him "big brother" still appeared in his mind after seeing him.

Looking back, Ning Qingyuan is going to set himself on fire, how can he convince the public because his qualifications are still young, and the two senior brothers are both in the late stage of foundation establishment, so he calls himself a senior in the early stage of foundation establishment , a bit upside down.

Afterwards, the two senior brothers, oh, they are junior brothers now, they got up and left one after another under the signal of the master.After only two people were left in the room, Ning Qingyuan also spoke to Yi Tian earnestly, saying that he was already old and had a lifespan of more than 100 years, so setting up the true biography early would also reassure the sect , Qidian also has a backbone in the future.

In addition, he also asked about Yi Tian's cultivation situation, and pointed out some shortcomings, which benefited Yi Tian a lot after listening to it.As for the number of true disciples, he will notify the sect, and the sect will send people to distribute benefits and costumes for the true disciples.

At the end, he also asked Yi Tiandao: "You'd better advance to the middle stage of foundation building within 30 years, and then the position of this senior brother will be secure." Yi Tian also listened humbly for a while, expressing that he would continue to practice unremittingly to strive for early progress. order.

 Today is an unforgettable day for me, so I will add another chapter

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(End of this chapter)

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