
Chapter 102

Chapter 102
The blessed land of the Zongmen of the Chiyang Sect is within a hundred miles of the deepest part of the Chiyan Hills. The perimeter of the blessed land is surrounded by Zongmen formations, and the area where the outer gate is actually only occupies ten percent of the area of ​​the Zongmen. one size.

It is impossible for many outer disciples to know the situation of the inner sect for the rest of their lives. At the entrance of the blessed land, there is a commander and guard of the discipline hall all the year round. If the token in the monk's hand is not a registered inner disciple, the commander of the discipline hall will immediately The person who came to arrest people was charged with trespassing on an important place in the inner door, and he was punished with the death penalty and executed on the spot.

Sitting in his blessed land spiritual acupoint, Yi Tian looked around and saw that the surroundings were indeed full of aura.There are a total of three caves inside. Apart from two smaller spaces with a radius of three to four feet, which can be used as an inner room for meditation and practice, there is a hall in the middle of the two small rooms, which is about six feet in diameter. Next to the spring eye is the outlet of the water flow. After the spiritual spring emerges from it, the water flow flows along the spring water hole, forming a small pool half a foot in size.

Touching the soil by the pool, he found that the soil was rich in aura, so Yi Tian took out the lion heart grass and transplanted it directly to the pool of Lingquan.

It is forcibly ripened in the secret realm. If it is not used immediately, the aura will slowly dissipate and eventually return to its original state.

After a few days, Yi Tian took a look at the Lionheart Grass, and the original bright yellow core began to turn green slowly, indicating that the transplantation was still very effective.

This kind of thing that even Jindan cultivators have to use, maybe I can use it for emergency in the future.

I remember that when Yi Tian came out of Qidian a few days ago, he was still in a daze, and he felt a little uncomfortable with the sudden change of identity.

Later, I saw Qi Haosi waiting outside, and unexpectedly he was waiting for me. After the two met, Yi Tian still called him "Second Senior Brother". Call casually when you meet in private, but still call me junior in front of outsiders, if someone with a heart hears it, it will be troublesome to make a small report with the master."

Seeing that he couldn't resist him, Yi Tian had no choice but to agree.Then Qi Haosi took Yi Tian to drink tea, and when Yi Tian mentioned that he had not reported to the Gong Chuan Hall, Qi Haosi took Yi Tian to rush there, and said that the inner disciples went to the Chuan Gong Hall for nothing It's just a blessed place to choose the sect.

Now that Yi Tian is a true disciple, he should pay more attention to the selection. The caves that true disciples can choose are comparable to those ordinary Jindan monks.

The two of them flew to the back of the Palace of Chuangong, and the steward of the Palace of Chuangong had already received the order from the chief seat and was waiting.

After verifying Yi Tian's identity, he took out a map of the Inner Gate Blessed Land, on which there were densely marked about [-] caves, more than half of which were illuminated.

The steward explained: "The ones that are lit are the blessed places that have already been chosen by others, and the newcomers can only choose the rest."

After looking at it, Yi Tiancai found out that there are still roads inside, some caves are marked with big dots in the inner circle, and some small dots are in the outer circle, so he looked at the steward suspiciously.The answer I got later was that the larger ones were the Golden Core Caves, and the smaller ones were the Foundation Establishment Caves.

Qi Haosi next to him also reminded Yi Tiandao: "As a true disciple, he is also qualified to choose a golden core-level cave."

It was heard that the disciple in charge kept looking at Yi Tian, ​​and even took away Yi Tian's Zongmen jade card, saying that he needed to check his identity again.

A quarter of an hour later, the disciple in charge came back in a hurry, saying repeatedly: "I have neglected the true disciple of Qidian".

I checked the list of true disciples in the back hall just now, and after finding Yi Tian's name in the last line, I hurried out to say hello.

Yi Tian didn't feel too surprised, he just knew this, and he didn't expect that the master had already reported his name to the Zongmen.

Now that the two phases were confirmed, Qi Haosi urged Yi Tian to choose the cave as soon as possible.

After skimming those little dots, Yi Tian looked at the Jindan Caves, which were basically within [-] miles around the main peak of Chiyang.

But Yi Tian was afraid that he would be too close to those high-level monks, and it would be difficult to justify himself if there would be too much commotion after practicing Xuanyang True Fire.

After inspecting for a while, I found that there are several peaks fifty miles away from the main peak, and there are also signs of caves, but there is only a suitable cave on the mountainside called Chuying Peak.

The surrounding small spots are all more than ten miles apart, so I directly chose that place as my blessed place for cultivation.

The deacon disciple who was in charge of registration was stunned for a moment after reading it, then picked up Yi Tian's Zongmen jade tablet and registered it directly, and handed over the Dongfu array and the forbidden magic array to Yi Tian.

Next, we will tell you what to pay attention to and what to do in case of an emergency.

If you hear the Zongmen's Soul Requiem Bell ringing, no matter what you are doing, you must stop and rush to the Zongmen Hall to gather.

Yi Tian listened carefully for a while, and silently calculated what might happen.Finally, after thanking the deacon, he invited Qi Haosi to visit his new residence together.

Flying all the way, I saw Qihaosi there and couldn't help shaking his head, Yi Tian was also puzzled for a while, why is there something wrong with the place he chose, only after hearing Qihaosi say something, he will know when he gets there.

The entire Young Eagle Peak has an elegant environment. There is only this cave on the entire mountain. There is a natural lake on the top of the mountain. A stream of spring water flows down from the mountain to form a waterfall. Under the waterfall is a bottomless pool. Then it turned into a creek and flowed out.

The trees on the mountain are metasequoia trees and broad-leaved forests over 50 years old. A small mountain road climbs slowly from the foot of the mountain into the dense forest.

Follow the trail and you will find that it extends directly to the back of the waterfall on the mountainside. The entrance of the cave is actually hidden behind the waterfall curtain.

After unlocking the restriction, Yi Tian invited the second senior brother to sit in, but today Qi Haosi was a little weird, looked at the location of the cave, pondered for a while, and then pushed, "I still have something to do today."

Then let Yi Tian practice hard by himself, and reminded Yi Tian that he didn't have to come out to pick up the missions of the sect for the first ten years after entering the foundation building period, and he still needed to go to the Qidian to complete those assigned by the sect after ten years.

After giving Yi Tian a bottle of Condensing Yuan Pill as a congratulatory gift, he ran away in a hurry. When he left, the smirk at the corner of his mouth surprised Yi Tian. Isn't this a clean place?

It doesn't matter that there are so many things, Yi Tian's personality is to go with the situation, if trouble comes to him, the best solution is to fight back fiercely.

After sending Qi Haosi away, Yi Tian entered his cave and began to decorate the room, and he will stay here for a long time.

Closing the restriction on the entrance of the cave, Yi Tian finally found a moment of peace, and placed the things he brought in the innermost cave. There is no ground fire in this cave, so there is no room for refining equipment.

Fortunately, I have successfully advanced to build a foundation, and I can directly use Xuanyang fire to refine weapons.Sitting in the cave, I began to meditate and practice.

After the ban on the Blessed Land Spirit Cave of Young Eagle Peak was opened, the entire mountain was covered with a layer of white aura, and the monks outside the mountain were also pointing after they passed by.

Ten miles away, there is a row of connected cave houses. There are about thirty of them, and they are all next to each other, just like a row of dwellings in the mortal world.
I only heard a noise, a group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old children were laughing and joking in the big square in front of the Dongfu, and suddenly someone shouted: "Look, the prohibition on the Young Eagle Peak has been activated, hurry up and notify the big brother!" .”

A moment later, I saw a group of boys crossing the mountain to the foot of the mountain, clamoring for the monks inside to open the door, and came out to explain why they occupied the Lingfu of Chuying Peak.

Yi Tian, ​​who was meditating, was woken up by a loud noise, and also received a voice transmission from outside the cave, telling him to go out, the voice sounded familiar.

Then he got up and walked out of the cave leisurely. After the restraint was released, a gust of wind flew over the group of boys.

Seeing a group of soul boys chirping about something below, looking down, it turned out that Qu Yifeng and Huo Jiawei were standing at the front.

There are a few little guys behind them who keep talking in their ears, and it seems that Qu Yifeng is the boss of this group.

After landing on the ground, Yi Tian greeted the two of them, and said that the two of them knew that they had just moved here today and brought so many people to congratulate them.

A kid in his teens rushed out from the side and shouted at Yi Tian: "How dare you take the cave that the boss reserved, this is Young Eagle Peak, after the boss builds his foundation, he will use this to become a true disciple From the cave."

After inquiring, Yi Tiancai couldn't laugh or cry, it turned out that this was the cave that Qu Yifeng planned to build the foundation in the future, and now he occupied it for himself.

This group of boys in the inner sect is also relying on the backing of their masters, so they act relatively aggressively, daring to provoke the gate of the foundation cultivator's cave.

This time, Qu Yifeng made a big splash in the six factions' trials. After returning, he claimed that he would be able to build a foundation within ten years.

At that time, I will give up the original cave to my younger brother Xu Haoxian. As an inner disciple, I can directly choose the Lingfu in Chuying Peak.

Seeing that Yi Tian didn't speak, everyone thought that the other party was afraid, and urged Boss Qu to go up to argue, but Qu Yifeng greeted Yi Tian after seeing him, and pointed to the cave not far from where he was: "Brother Yi is free to come." Sit down, my cave is not far ahead."

After speaking, he led a group of boys back, walking faster than when he came.

The boys next to him didn't understand, so they hurriedly asked, and saw that Qu Yifeng's face darkened, and he left without saying a word.

Others thought that the boss was scared, but he knew that Yi Tian was the guy who could beat himself up when he was training on the ninth level of Qi, and he was the guy who forcibly built a foundation in the secret realm.

Now I heard that it is now the true biography of Qidian, and such a character is not easy to deal with him after he succeeds in establishing his foundation.

According to what Yan Jun said just now, Yi Tian single-handedly killed two spies from the Baigumen, and He Xinsheng entrusted him to bring back the letter that He Xinsheng had fornicated with the Baigumen. It is impossible for Yi Tian to ask He Xinsheng to borrow the letter.

Qu Yifeng had seen He Xinsheng's methods in the outer sect competition, and he was the first one to win the spot, with Chi Yang's real fire hitting everyone in the outer sect.

Others even said behind his back that he was number one in the outer sect, but it turned out that he was easily cleaned up by the Yi Tian in front of him within two days of entering.

And Sheng Kang from the Discipline Academy, I heard that he is also at He Xinsheng's level.

But his storage bag was given to Yan Jungang by Wu Xing. Wu Xing said that he picked it up by accident, but who would believe it if he had a brain.

Qu Yifeng thinks that Wu Xing's cultivation base can't handle his three moves with all his strength. This kind of person can still pick up Shengkang's storage bag on the road. If Yi Tian is behind the scenes, it makes sense.

After returning to the Zongmen, he also heard Bai Qingsong and his master inadvertently talking about the Yin Corpse Sect's Lunar Calendar. They sent their own avatar to attach to their apprentice Jiang Xinwei, but it didn't come out.

Wu Xing also mentioned this matter, but it should be Yi Tian who did it.Master Yang Yanzi also said that the possession of a golden core cultivator can exert [-]% of the body's strength, and that Yi Tian probably used the method of building the foundation to overcome the calamity to destroy the divine mind clone of the lunar calendar.

Now that he provokes such a terrible person by himself, it is not because the birthday man eats arsenic and is tired of work.

Yi Tian saw these boys walking away in a hurry and sent them away by himself.

After hanging a wooden sign for retreat at the forbidden place in front of the mountain, he returned to the cave to practice quietly.

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(End of this chapter)

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