
Chapter 103 Investigation

Chapter 103 Investigation
The prohibition in front of the gate of Young Eagle Mountain has not changed a single bit in the past five years. The handwriting on the wooden sign hanging on the barrier in front of the mountain gate has become blurred after several years of wind and rain, and can only be vaguely read. See the word retreat.In the past five years, only Qi Haosi and Qu Yifeng came to see it, and they also left a summons for Yi Tian.

Qi Haosi's message is to ask Yi Tian to pay attention to the deadline for the mission of the Artifact Palace.And Qu Yifeng came here to inform him that he was going to start building the foundation. In the past few years, he has regarded Yi Tian as the number one competitor in the Chiyang faction.Yi Tian was 23 years old when he established the foundation, and now Qu Yifeng is only 21 years old. If the foundation is established successfully, the starting point will not be lower than that of Yi Tian.Qu Yifeng was completely defeated by Yi Tian in the Qi Refining Stage, and he will have to fight again in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

One day five years later, the restriction at the foot of Chuying Mountain suddenly disappeared. A figure emerged from the waterfall, flew a few laps in the air, and then landed steadily at the foot of the mountain. Look at the wooden sign for retreat and laugh He smiled, and then lit the wooden sign with a wisp of flame from his right index finger, and burned the wooden sign to ashes in less than a breath.It was Yi Tian who came out of the retreat, his appearance was the same as five years ago, it seems that the effect of Zhuyan Pill has begun to show.

In the five years, Yi Tian not only practiced Xuanyang True Fire in the cave, but also comprehended the Asura Transformation for a long time.After entering the foundation-building stage, I finished training my spiritual consciousness, and the three-point effect of my spiritual consciousness greatly accelerated my progress in cultivation.

Usually it is possible to comprehend spiritual formulas and magical spells at the same time, and the time saved is all used for meditation.Sometimes I simply divide the two sub-consciousnesses to learn the Asura Transformation, and the main spiritual consciousness continues to maintain the state of cultivation.

In the first three years, Yi Tian has consolidated his own cultivation, and fully tempered the meridians, bones and muscles of the whole body with the thunder spirit power in his body. The psychic fluid in his body has gradually turned purple.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yi Tian feels that he is far superior to the monks of the same rank. Even ordinary mid-stage foundation-building monks may not be able to defeat him without spirit treasures. Only those late-stage foundation-building monks can give Yi Tian substantial Sex hurts.It's a pity that these are just Yi Tian's wishful thinking and have not been substantively tested.

In the next two years, Yi Tian mainly practiced Asura Transformation.This supernatural power has only one or two levels. The first level can cultivate the appearance of Asura, and the second level can turn the virtual into reality and develop six arms. I believe that after the missing third level is refined, it can be refined into three heads. After reaching the consummation of supernatural powers, you will be directly in the state of Asura with three heads and six arms.

The advantage is that you can use three or four kinds of supernatural powers at the same time. One-on-one is an overwhelming advantage when confronting the enemy. One-on-two can also gain the upper hand. One-on-three can be tied. The disadvantage is also obvious that it needs a strong Mana support, once the spiritual power is exhausted, let alone casting multiple spells at the same time, it will be difficult to maintain the state of Asura's body.

After two years of practice, I finally found some clues to the Asura Transformation. After practicing the first level, I can slowly condense a phantom of a dharma body. Although the dharma form is not very clear, it does exist. , but this Dharma image has no effect at all.

After Yi Tian read all the spells, he found out that he could use multiple spells at the same time only after reaching the second level of the six arms of Asura Transformation. The first level of magic is purely used to fool people. It’s been so long since I’ve seen anyone exchange it for the first place. I thought it was an ancient supernatural power, so I spent more than 9000 points and entrusted favors to exchange it. Thinking about it, since I’m on a thief ship, there’s only one way to go. went dark.

The current Yi Tian can be said to be poor and useless. In the past five years, he has spent all the thousands of spirit stones on his body. It's all used up, but fortunately there are [-] contribution points left in the Zongmen Jade Card that can be used.

The spiritual weapon in his hand has long been exhausted in the secret realm. Even the small flywheel mixed with star iron could not withstand such a high temperature after being loaded with Xuanyang real fire, and the surface was burned and deformed. The flywheel was burned into a lump of iron lumps, and I didn't pay much attention during the battle. After I took it out of the storage ring, I realized that the entire magic weapon was scrapped.Now Yi Tian urgently needs to pick up some tasks, preferably the ones that can get some refining materials.

After staying at the foot of the mountain for a while, Yi Tian flickered, set up the wind escape technique and flew towards the Qidian.

An hour later, in the lobby of Qidian, I saw Yi Tian arguing with the steward and deacon with a red face, and the two sides argued so hard that the fellow disciples next to him came to watch the excitement.The reason is that as soon as Yi Tian arrived at the Artifact Hall, he began to look for the tasks of refining spirit weapons, and they were all designated tasks hung up by monks in the foundation building period.

Ke Yitian has never taken a grade test in the Artifact Hall, and in the past ten years, he has not made any outstanding works except for the two magical artifacts, the Chijian and the Pill Stove. Even those two magical artifacts have been tricked Completion of the annual task assessment.

The designated tasks hanging in the Artifact Hall all have requirements for the Artifact Refiner, or they must reach level [-] or above.But in the Artifact Hall, after Pei Ming was released as a fourth-level artisan, there were only two other two besides Qihaosi, and these four were all busy with tasks.The fifth-level craftsman only has the first seat, but no one dares to disturb him.

After Yi Tian and the deacon had a dispute, they proposed to participate in the refiner's assessment. The answer he got was that the fourth-level refiner's assessment was only conducted in person by the head of the annual meeting.Others are not qualified to be examiners. Yi Tiantian rushed to find the master, but he saw the Tianzihao refining room with a sign of retreat hanging on the door, so he knew it was not good to go in and disturb the master.

Looking back, Yi Tian went back to the hall of Qidian to discuss with the deacon, using contribution points to buy some star iron, but was told that one or two hundred contribution points would be required, which almost made Yi Tian rush up and beat someone up.

If I haven't come to Qidian for five years to show my face, I really think of myself as a true disciple, but the deacon also has a mournful face. There is a problem, the supply is [-]% less than in previous years, and the commandment hall has already posted a task, and they need to send someone to the Xingchen Iron mine to find out why.

Under the persuasion of others, Yi Tian had no choice but to buy a couple of star irons and a few pieces of copper and iron essence, and then rented a place-name refining room for a month. He spent less than a hundred contribution points, and only found out about this true disciple after asking. The identity of the master is still very useful sometimes, and the cost of materials and refining room has been discounted by [-]%.

On the way to Meteor Mountain 20 days later, Yi Tian flew in the air by himself driving the re-smelted flywheel.The big and small flywheels were directly smelted together in the refining room of the local name, and after adding a couple of star irons, it finally looked like it.

After engraving the inscriptions of speed, load and strength, it was directly refined into a fourth-order spiritual weapon. It was not bad after trying it in my hand, and it was easier to use than before, but the material was a bit poor. According to Yitian's original intention, the whole The flywheels are all made of star iron to be regarded as handy.

After finishing refining, regardless of the use time of the refining room, he asked the deacon of the Artifact Hall to find out the task of investigating the star iron after he came out, registered it with his own Zongmen jade card, and rushed to investigate in a hurry.

In fact, the investigation is part of it. In addition, Yi Tian also has selfish intentions. He went to the mine to investigate and see if there is any lucrative water to be fished.

Sitting on the flywheel, Yi Tian reached into the task jade slip with his spiritual sense and read the overview carefully. This Xingchen Iron Mine Cave is located in Meteor Mountain on the southwestern edge of the Chiyang Sect. In the Meteor Mountain Range.The map of the task Yujian shows that thirty miles to the west is the boundary of the Xuanling faction, and there is a medium-sized Xuanling faction trading market called Chengjia Market.

This mine in Meteor Mountain has always been famous for producing high-quality star iron. Originally, the annual output could reach more than five catties, but since last year, it is said that some monsters appeared in the mine to disrupt the production of the miners, so the output suddenly dropped. It has dropped down, and the annual supply in the past two years has only been two catties.Although the Zongmen has urged it many times, it has been unable to send manpower, so that the price of Star Iron has soared, and it is impossible to buy non-contribution points.

Now the person in charge of the mine is Jiang Tai, a mid-term foundation-building monk from the inner sect, who has been in charge there for five years. Generally, the tenure of such tasks is changed every ten years. If there is a problem during the tenure, then The empress of the sect will be held accountable, so this time Jiang Tai is also very anxious, and wants to ask the sect to send someone to help him go down to the mine to eliminate the monsters.

After reading the information, Yi Tian thought for a while and thought that there are two possibilities for the reduction of mineral production by half. One is that monsters attack miners, and the other is human factors.Try to rule out the troublesome factors of the hostile sect first. It is located in the southwest of the Chiyang Sect and borders with the Xuanling Sect.

In the south, there are hundreds of thousands of mountains and no one inhabited. To the north, it is thousands of miles away from the hinterland of Dongao. Even the Baigumen and Yinshi faction are too lazy to reach out to such a place.

Then this thing was really done by the monster, and the thought of going into the cave to eradicate the monster Yi Tian also moved his heart, he hasn't done it for a long time, and he doesn't know what his strength is now.

This task originally required mid-stage foundation-establishment monks to be competent. If it weren't for seeing that Yi Tian was a true disciple, he wouldn't dare to let an early-stage foundation-establishment disciple take on this task.What Ke Yitian saw was that the reward after the completion of this task is not generally generous. If the problem is found out and the problem is indeed solved and the production of Star Iron is restored to the previous level, he can get a task reward of [-].

For the current Yi Tian, ​​it shows that he has completed the task, and then he has to go to the family market to sell all the extra magic weapons on his body. Okay, there are a few of good quality, all of which were found in the storage bags of the disciples of those aristocratic families during the trials in the secret realm.Back then, it was Wu Xing who directly returned the things intact, which solved Yi Tian's penniless embarrassment.

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(End of this chapter)

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