
Chapter 104 Spider Extermination

Chapter 104 Spider Extermination
Jiang Tai in Meteor Mountain is looking forward to the stars and the moon, hoping that the Zongmen can quickly send people to solve the problem here. Since he came here five years ago as a supervisor of the mine, the situation was good at first, but since the beginning of last year, the miners were here. After being attacked by the blue-eyed mine spider in the tunnel, the miners did not dare to go too deep into the mine.

Moreover, every time a few people go to the mine in partnership, the ore that is mined is not much. As time goes by, the rumors of monsters in the mine become more and more popular, so fewer miners dare to mine, which leads to the shrinking of the output of Star Iron. To the original [-]%.

The output of this star iron is related to Jiang Tai's task evaluation. If the status quo is maintained every year, he can be rated as excellent. After the task is completed, the contribution point can be increased by [-]%.

It happened only halfway through now, and half of it must be deducted when the task is handed in.

I have contacted Zongmen before, but Zongmen has been short of manpower in the past two years and has trouble scheduling. This task was originally required to be completed by monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but now a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment has come.

Jiang Tai was furious, but he couldn't question the Zongmen's decision, so he had to greet Yi Tian with a smile and invite him into his personal room.

After the two sat down as guest and host, Yi Tian saw Jiang Tai's worried expression, and knew in his heart how much this was a blow to him, so he had to comfort him kindly.

Now there are two foundation-building cultivators and three disciples in the gas refining period as guards in the mine, so I hope those miners will not cause any trouble.

The key is to go to the mine to investigate. Many of the workers in this mine are wearing sins. For example, after the Tao family's fornication of the White Bone Gate was eradicated, those monks and disciples were sent to these mines to dig for the family to atone for their sins.

There are nearly a hundred people in the entire mine, and it is not enough to rely on three outer disciples to take care of it. Without Jiang Tai, a foundation-builder monk, in charge, there might have been a miner riot.

Seeing Jiang Tai's listless look, Yi Tian didn't hesitate, and immediately agreed to meet the deacon disciples in the mine and find time to go down to the mine as soon as possible to have a look. If he found the blue-eyed mine spider, he would kill it.

Jiang Tai was overjoyed when he heard this, and told Yi Tian that this blue-eyed mine spider is a herd monster, even though it is only the third level, if you encounter too many, don't force it, and make a long-term plan after you get back.

After listening, Yi Tian also nodded in response, as for how to do it is his own business.

After a while, three outer disciples came to Jiang Tai's place. The three of them had a unified Qi refining seven-level cultivation base, and they were all over 30 years old. They belonged to the kind of disciples whose potential had been exhausted.

The leader named Shen Laosan is a middle-aged man with a pockmarked face and is not tall, looking half a head shorter than Yi Tian.Yi Tian talked with the three of them separately, but couldn't find any loopholes.

According to Jiang Tai, these three people are also diligent in their work. In the first few years, they often went to the mine to have a look. After the mine spider, there was no way to get out of the mine, so the three outer disciples had to take turns watching the mine day and night to prevent the miners from escaping in the chaos.

After listening to it, Yi Tian also praised the three for their hard work, and hoped that they could temporarily overcome the suffering, and resume production after the monster nest in the mine was wiped out.

In the end, he asked Shen Laosan for a map of the mine, looked at it, and then decided to go down immediately to have a look.

Shen Laosan on the side suggested that Yi Tian would go down tomorrow. There are still some people in the mine. After they all come up tonight, the mine will not send people down tomorrow. After Yi Tian eradicates the monsters, he will organize the miners together go down.

After hearing this, Jiang Tai agreed with Shen Laosan's point of view, so Yi Tian had to wait until the next day to talk about it.

After the three outer disciples left, Jiang Tai also explained the situation of the three outer disciples to Yi Tian. In the past few years, Jiang Tai spent more time practicing in the house, so most of the mine affairs were entrusted to Yi Tian. Shen Lao San and the other three came to report only when there were some important matters that needed to be decided. In fact, Jiang Tai never went down to the mine to have a look.

The blue-eyed mine spider was discovered by those miners, and several of them were killed, and he only found out after taking the corpses out of the mine.

Looking at Jiang Tai's expression that should be taken for granted, Yi Tian scolded in his heart that his mind was rusted due to Taoism, and that everything in the mine was left to the disciples of the outer sect. A monk like this was appointed to guard the mine.

When the three outer disciples came over just now, they looked a little unnatural when they heard that they were about to go down the mine. There must be deceit.

After Jiang Tai sent himself to the rest room, Yi Tian said that he likes to be quiet, so he rested in the house until tomorrow morning, and went to the mine early tomorrow morning.After there was no one around, Yi Tian quietly used Fengdun to escape from the window, and a gust of wind drifted by, and he came to the mine.

The house where the three outer disciples rested was at the outermost part of the mining area, and the interior was full of low sheds for miners.

After inspecting the three deacon disciples, Yi Tian didn't find anything special. Looking at the dark mine, he went straight in.

The Xingchen Iron Mine is open in all directions, and there are many forks. If the miners don't have a mining map, it is easy to get lost after a few more rounds.

Before going down to the mine, Yi Tian had already memorized the entire mine map, especially those mine passages marked with blue-eyed mine spiders.

After a while of exploration, it was found that these marked mines are all in the deep, and there are places where the main production of star iron is.

In the first half of the entire mine tunnel, the sound of miners digging can be heard from time to time, and there will be some flames wherever someone passes by. Yi Tian flashed all the way to avoid the eyes and ears of those miners.

After walking to the tunnels marked with monsters, there was no light to be seen. The fireball in Yi Tian's hand rose rapidly, illuminating the surrounding three feet, and quickly moved forward to find the last place marked on the map of the mine. The mine where the monster appeared first got into it.

After walking for a stick of incense, I heard some noises in front of me and slowed down, looking forward to the sound slowly, only to see pairs of blue flashes in the darkness.

Yi Tian was overjoyed to find it, and prepared the fireball technique in his hand. After seeing a few monsters in front of him, a few fireballs greeted him. After the fire flashed, the ground was covered with charred corpses of mine spiders, but there were still some traces in these corpses. The sparkle of star sand.

This star sand is a product of star iron, since it appears in the body of the monster, there must be a lot of minerals in it.

Yi Tian burned the corpses of these monsters with spiritual fire, and collected the stars and sand beads left after the burning.

Continue to go deep, and encounter more and more mine spiders along the way, and the monsters slowly change from the second level to the third level. Yi Tian knows that the end is coming, there should be a spider mother in front, but It doesn't look very powerful.

At the end of this tunnel, Yi Tian saw a blue-eyed spider mother the size of a washbasin lying on a piece of star iron ore the size of a millstone, with a pair of blue eyes facing Yi Tian, ​​an unexpected visitor.

Although the Tier [-] monsters pose no threat to the Foundation Establishment cultivators, they are indeed a threat to the miners and deacons. No wonder there are fewer and fewer miners who dare to enter the mine.

I looked at the silver light shining on the spider mother's body, which was the result of eating a certain amount of star iron ore.

Yi Tian didn't talk too much, he directly greeted him with the spell in his hand, Yi Tian really wasn't interested in dealing with this kind of third-tier top-level monster, so let's deal with it quickly.

What really attracts Yi Tian is the raw star iron ore below, at least one catty of star iron after refining, this is the biggest gain of Yi Tianxia's mine.

Five consecutive fireballs hit the target, directly scorching the spider mother, and after a group of third-order mine spiders around them cleaned up together, Yi Tian directly put the spider mother and the corpses of those spiders next to it into a spare storage bag.

Then he walked to the piece of star iron ore and looked at it. The whole piece of ore was about the size of a millstone and about six inches thick. This was a treasure.

After calculating how many hours before the dawn of the mine, Yi Tian simply sat down on the ground, stretched out his right hand, wrapped in a thin layer of Xuanyang True Fire, and grabbed the whole piece of Star Iron Ore to start smelting up.

The end of the passage was scorched by the scorching heat, and the corpses of monster beasts that were too late to be picked up by the flames first gave off a burst of barbecue aroma, and then it turned into a stench.

The Xingchen iron ore mines in Meteor Mountain go down the mine every day at Chenshi, but today the deacons of the three mines guard the entrance of the mine and do not let a miner go down.

The Bailai miners gathered at the entrance of the mine were all talking about it, there would be no harvest if they didn't go to the mine, and those monks who relied on mining to atone for their sins were even more anxious, their harvest was directly related to the time they served here.

Fortunately, with Jiang Tai, a foundation-builder cultivator, in charge, these miners will become more peaceful.If he also went down to the mine, the three outer disciples would not be able to cope with so many people, not to mention that some miners had stayed for a long time and their own strength had also improved, and they might not lose one-on-one with the three deacons.

So Jiang Tai also asked the sect for help because he couldn't separate himself, and he made the situation serious when he reported it.

Look at the sunrise in the east, but Yi Tian hasn't appeared yet, and he is also anxious. He was about to send someone to call Yi Tian, ​​when he heard a commotion at the entrance of the mine.

Jiang Tai turned around and saw a figure walking out from the entrance of the mine. It was Yi Tian who was supposed to be resting in the house.

A storage bag was thrown out, and after Yi Tianming Shen Lao San took out the contents, the miners cheered after seeing it, and Jiang Tai hurried forward, only seeing a washbasin-sized blue eye on the ground The corpses of the spider mother and several third-order male spiders.

Now that all the mine affairs have been settled, they hurriedly ordered the three outer disciples to arrange for the miners to go down to the mine and start working. After calculating the amount of time this year and working overtime, they can make it in time.

Seeing that the matter was over, Yi Tian didn't talk too much, and found Jiang Tai to explain it first, and he went down to the mine privately because of time constraints.Jiang Tai also expressed his understanding, as long as the mine matter is resolved.

Then Yi Tian handed over the task jade slip to Jiang Tai, and he stamped it with a seal, and after marking it, the summoning to the sect was considered complete.

Looking at the time, it was just like Chen Shi, Yi Tian bid farewell to Jiang Tai after taking back the jade slips, and he planned to go to the family market of Xuanling Sect to buy some goods.

Jiang Tai also focused on the mine, and after a few words with Yi Tian, ​​he went to stare.

Then Shen Lao San came over and asked Yi Tian if he could leave the corpses of those monsters, and some star iron could be extracted from them. Yi Tian nodded his agreement after looking at it for a while, and then Yu The machine flew towards the family market.

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(End of this chapter)

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