
Chapter 105 Raw Ore

Chapter 105 Raw Ore
The markets of the Xuanling Sect are generally occupied by monks in the mid-stage of foundation establishment, and there are also a lot of people coming and going here. If an unidentified foundation-establishment monk enters the market, it will be focused on.Even the Chiyang faction monks of the alliance have to ask some questions before they can enter.

Walking on the street of Chengjia Bazaar, Yi Tian looked around, the environment here is much worse than that of Pushanfang, at least there is not even a decent restaurant.Seeing the outer sect disciples of Xuanling Sect coming and going on the street, Yi Tian also tried his best not to cause trouble.

Now Yi Tian is wearing a blue gown, with a cloth bag tied around his waist, a storage bag hanging, gray trousers and black boots, and he is dressed like a casual cultivator.

When retreating, Yi Tian also found a copy of the Qi Containing Art from the storage bag he robbed, and practiced it in the spare time of cultivation, the effect was good, and now he has restrained his cultivation base and breath to the sixth level of Qi training .He also wears a bamboo hat and has a beard on his face, so it is no problem to deceive the monks in the Qi refining period.

When entering Fangshi, he even gave himself a pseudonym Yi Tianxing, and the guard at the gate took two pieces of Lingshi and gave Kuaizhu card directly, which is regarded as an identity certificate.Seeing that the guard collected the spirit stone, it was called "quickly". It was originally a handling fee for a spirit stone, but who knew that there were too many problems with the guard, Yi Tian immediately added a piece and it was settled directly.

Thinking about how miserable I am, I came out after this retreat, and all the spirit stones on my body were used up.Before going out, the steward of the Hall of Questions borrowed 50 yuan of Lingshi to meet the emergency. The contemptuous eyes of the steward really made Yi Tian feel uncomfortable.

Arriving at the registration office of the commercial street in Chengjiafang City, Yi Tian spent ten spirit stones to rent the right to use the stall for a month, then touched it, and when he found the place, he took out all the magic weapons of the second and third ranks on his body and sold them , The second level is for spirit stones, and the third level is for materials.

Based on Yi Tian's experience, those low-level monks sometimes have some good materials in their hands. Although they don't need them, they are willing to exchange them for magic weapons.When you go out, you have a few more magic tools in your hand, and your safety is guaranteed.

Most of the artifacts on the stall are leftovers from the previous storage bags, and Yi Tian was not ambiguous. He took out each one and remelted it, changed its shape, and erased all the marks on it, so as to save it from being destroyed when the time comes. There is one more troublesome thing for people to recognize.

In two days, most of the second-order magical artifacts were disposed of on the street stall, and nearly [-] spirit stones were recovered.Ordinary Tier [-] Magical Artifacts have also changed some materials, most of which are copper ore concentrates, iron ore concentrates, and the most valuable is a half catty of mithril ore.It was still a monk at the seventh level of Qi training who took a fancy to the magic sword and couldn't take out other materials. Finally, he took out the mithril ore from the storage bag. Yi Tian didn't hesitate, just took the third-level magic sword and added a The bone dart was exchanged for extra heads.

Over the past few days, I have changed some spirit stones and basic materials, but I have never seen those high-end goods.Seeing that it doesn't make much sense to stay here, Yi Tian is about to set off to return to the sect.

While closing the stall, he suddenly heard a deep man's voice asking how to sell the third-order magic weapon on the stall. Yi Tian held back his eyes under the bamboo hat. third child.

Although I had doubts in my heart, it was inconvenient to reveal my identity, so I just changed my voice and said about changing the material for magic tools. The higher the grade, the better the material can be exchanged.

I saw that Shen Laosan slowly took out a piece of ore of about three taels from the storage bag and handed it over, and pointed to the third-order magic weapon on the booth.Yi Tian took it in his hand and pondered it carefully. The color of the ore is black and bright, with a little bit of starlight shining. Isn't this the Star Iron Mine?

None of these outer deacons are fuel-efficient lamps. They seem to be hard-working, and they will secretly enrich their own pockets.After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't point it out, so he randomly took a third-order magic weapon from the booth and exchanged it for him.

Now Shen Laosan quit. Although the star iron raw ore is three or two heavy, it can be regarded as a rich ore. There must be five coins for smelting the star iron.Immediately, Shen Laosan came up to argue with Yi Tian, ​​but he didn't mention that it was the Xingchen iron ore, but said that the price estimated by Yi Tian was too low, and he needed to add more.

Seeing that the fish had taken the bait, Yi Tian didn't hesitate, and expressed his willingness to exchange the remaining artifacts on the booth with Shen Laosan for that kind of ore. As long as the size and weight are suitable, the price can be negotiated.Seeing that Yi Tian is now dressed like a craftsman, Shen Laosan is also a little moved, but Chi Chi refuses to nod.

Yi Tian had no choice but to take out an awl-like magic weapon from the storage bag, which was used by Xie Chuanxiong back then, and it was broken when dealing with manticores in the secret realm. Yi Tian added some mithril when he saw that the material was good. After re-sacrificing and refining, this is the best third-order magic weapon in my hand, and it is the pinnacle of third-order magic weapons.

When Yi Tian took out the flying awl, he obviously felt that Shen Laosan was breathing a lot more, and he seemed to be a person who knew the goods, so he was afraid that he would not take the bait.

After Shen Lao San looked around, Shen turned his head and said in a low voice, "Trading in the mountain temple five miles west of Chengjia Bazaar tonight, it's up to you whether you come or not."After speaking, he put away the magic weapon and turned to leave.

Seeing that there is still half a day left in Shichen and Ionshi, Yi Tian is amused in his heart. It is fine to have foundation-building monks of Xuanling Sect guarding the trade in Fangshi.

But after leaving the square market, there are still few fights among the monks. This Shen Laosan obviously saw Bao's intentions and concealed evil intentions. I went out of the family market and then traded.

The deal at the mountain temple at night is very dangerous, but if you don’t go, you won’t see their trump cards. Only when you enter the tiger’s den can you take the tiger cub away. Tonight, it’s Yi Tian’s decision.

After hastily closing the booth, Yi Tian first bought a map of the surrounding area, and then walked out of the market in a leisurely manner.Knowing that someone was following along the way, I was not afraid. At the gate of Fangshi, I pretended to inquire with the guards about the direction of the downhill temple, and then slowly headed there.

After walking all the way into the jungle, Yi Tian suddenly stepped on his feet, and Blast Flash disappeared in an instant.

In the middle of the night, in the mountain temple to the west of the Fenjia Market, Shen Lao San was sitting on the ground to rest, and next to him was a monk who was also dressed in Zongmen costumes. He was dressed in gray clothes and a blue mandarin jacket. On the back is the word Ming Wang, but it doesn't look like any of the six schools of Dong'ao.The two sat there and waited while saying this, seeing that it was almost midnight when they suddenly saw a fire in the distance approaching slowly, Shen Laosan smiled and said, "I knew it would come. "

It was Yi Tian who came with a torch in one hand and a magic sword in the other.I slowly walked up the mountain road, but when I saw two people in the mountain temple, I stopped at a long distance, turned around and returned after ten breaths.

Seeing this, Shen Laosan rushed out, yelled all the way, and raised his hands up to show that he had no malicious intentions and sincerely wanted to make a deal.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stopped and waited for Shen Laosan to come over.After the two met, Yi Tian only said that he was not sincere enough, and that he would bring one more person after the deal was made.

Shen Laosan also made a haha ​​first, and let this matter go away first, and threw a storage bag in his hand to let Yi Tian look at it.

After scanning the storage bag with his spiritual sense, Yi Tiancai found that there was about a catty of raw star iron ore in it, and then put the third-order magic weapon on the ground.

Shen Laosan frowned when he saw this. Although these magic weapons are good, they are still a little worse than the flying awl. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Yi Tian say, "If you want to change the flying awl, you can bring me half a catty."

Seeing the other party's lion speak loudly, Shen Lao San was also a little annoyed. When the two were silent for a while, they saw that sect disciple walking over at some point.After glancing at the magic weapon on the ground and the flying awl in Yi Tian's hand by the moonlight, he ordered Shen Laosan to trade directly.

Yi Tian was startled when he saw this person's actions, and looked him up and down, as if he had never seen such a person before, and the clothes were obviously that of an outer disciple of a certain big sect.

In terms of strength, Yi Tian can take down the opponent's two people within three breaths, but it is meaningless to do so, these are small peripheral characters, and at this time Yi Tian's curiosity began to flare up again.

Now that he wanted to pretend, he pretended to be decent, and then he looked at the other party for a while, and pointed at Shen Laosan, meaning what do you want.

Before Shen Lao San opened his mouth, he heard the disciple of the sect introduce himself. It turned out that his name was Zhong Shou, and he was a disciple of Ming Wang Dao in Nanjiang. He also wanted to do some business when he came to Dongao this time.

The flying cone in Yi Tian's hand is the best third-order magic weapon he has seen so far, so he asked Shen Lao San to be the middleman to exchange it.

After listening to it, Yi Tian was also puzzled for a while, how did Dong Aolai, the monk track in southern Xinjiang, pass through the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and kept looking at the other party in his eyes.

Seeing that Yi Tian was hesitating, Shen Laosan thought that he doubted the sincerity of the two of them, so he took out a piece of ore weighing six taels from the storage bag and threw it to Yi Tian.

After taking it, Yi Tian held it in his hand and weighed it again, before putting the flying cone on the ground.Then quickly backed away.

After half a stick of incense, Yi Tian, ​​who was walking all the way in the jungle, suddenly heard the wind howling behind him, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, finally showing the fox tails of the two people.

Yi Tian turned around and saw Shen Laosan and Zhong Shou two imperial weapons chasing over from mid-air, the two of them didn't hesitate after seeing the person, the fireball in Shen Laosan's hand and Zhong Shou's sword energy directed at Yi Tian hit.

I saw Yi Tian lifted the bamboo hat, smiled on his face, and a gust of wind rose, and he jumped into the air, avoiding the spell.

Then the two talismans in his hand were activated, and a fireball flew towards the two of them.

Shen Laosan recognized Yi Tianfei as the foundation cultivator sent by the sect when he was in the air. His feet were weak and he was about to run away, but he saw the fireball was already in front of him.

The opened protective cover was pierced by the fireball like a bubble.The bell lasted for a little longer, but it was also burnt to black in an instant.

After a blow, Yi Tian went up to check the storage bags of the two of them.Shen Laosan's storage bag turned out to be full of Xingchen iron ore, which weighed about ten catties.

No wonder the output of the mine has decreased so much in the past two years. The ten catties of ore are rich ore. After smelting, it is expected that about two catties of star iron can be produced.

Now Yi Tian felt that he had become taller in an instant, and two catties of star iron would cost two to three thousand contribution points.

As for the storage bag of Zhong Shou, there are some magical artifacts in it, and there is also a sect token with the word Ming Wang engraved on the front and Zhong Shou engraved on the back.

Just as he was wondering, he suddenly saw a bright light flying in the sky, stopping thirty feet away in front of Yi Tian. He was also a person wearing the costumes of the Ming Wang Dao Sect, but the other party was actually a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

The man on the opposite side looked at the two corpses on the ground, then squinted at the storage bag in Yi Tian's hand, and said angrily, "You killed my brother?"
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(End of this chapter)

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