
Chapter 106 Clues

Chapter 106 Clues

There are always a few qi training monks patrolling in Chengjiafang City at night, and usually there is not much going on at midnight.But tonight, those patrolling people found a large group of sparks over the mountain temple five miles away, and it looked like the monks in the foundation period were fighting.After receiving the report, the foundation-building monks of the Xuanling Sect guarding Fangshi immediately lifted their weapons into the air to see what happened.

Jiang Tai, who was also in the Xingchen Iron Mine Area of ​​Meteor Mountain, also saw the flames. Such a short distance is only a quarter of an hour away for a foundation-building cultivator.

After fighting against the opponent in the air, Yi Tian found that there was still a big difference between himself and the monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment. The large string of fireballs shot in his hand were often split by two or three blades of the opponent. If it wasn't for his sufficient spiritual power He could cast spells consecutively, and he had been suppressed a long time ago. Unfortunately, even so, it was a stalemate.

Seeing people coming from Chengjiafang City and Meteor Mountain, the other party no longer wanted to fight, and said harshly: "Boy, I will remember you."Then the imperial weapon flew to the mountains in the south.

By the time the two Foundation Establishment cultivators arrived, the man who understood the kingly way had long since disappeared.After the two arrived, Yi Tian first met Li, and then explained the incident in detail, and asked the two about the king's way, but only concealed the identity of Shen Laosan.

The foundation-building monk of the Xuanling Sect is called Xiang Yang, and he has been guarding Chengjiafang City for five years, almost taking office together with Jiang Tai.They are also familiar with each other, and they usually communicate a lot.After listening to Yi Tian's words, he said: "I've never heard of the Ming Wangdao sect. Junior brother usually trades in Fangshi. If you meet this person again, just contact me."After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands to Jiang Tai, then turned and went back.

Seeing that the other party was blaming him, Jiang Tai also laughed along with him. After returning the gift, he dragged Yi Tian to go back to Meteor Star Mountain. After all, the disciples of the Chiyang Sect fought against him on the territory of the Xuanling Sect. It's also for saving face, so I can't help but appreciate it.

The two rushed back to Meteor Mountain, Yi Tian signaled to find a place where no one was there to talk, Jiang Tai understood, and the two fell from the sky until they found an open space on the cliff.After standing still, Yi Tian told Jiang Tai about Shen Laosan reselling the original Xingchen iron ore, and took out the ore that was three taels before.Jiang Tai looked at the fineness of the ore, and it was indeed of the quality produced by Meteorite Mountain. Now that the physical evidence was all there, he apologized to Yi Tian, ​​"I don't know that my junior brother is running around again for this matter. I am really grateful. Once the thieves are eliminated Presumably, mine production will be able to return to the previous state."

Seeing Jiang Tai being so polite, Yi Tian also replied: "Brother, I thought this was a bit strange. The Star Iron Mine has been mined for nearly 30 years and there has never been an incident of monsters attacking miners. This time it appeared for no reason. It is very suspicious." , so I went to the mine overnight to investigate. When I handed over the body of the monster beast to Shen Laosan that day, I found that his expression was different from the other two. There was no sense of joy, but sadness in his eyes. .”

After that, Yi Tian told Jiang Tai earnestly and earnestly that he must do it himself in the mine, so as to deter everyone and prevent anyone from stealing and cheating.Jiang Tai also sighed for a while, because of his own negligence this time, he almost fell on a disciple from the outer sect during the Qi refining period, and after returning this time, he must vigorously rectify the personnel in the mining area.

Seeing Jiang Tai contemplating the future countermeasures, Yi Tian stayed there because it was inconvenient, and said goodbye to him directly, and then flew towards the Zongmen with the imperial weapon.After going back about the Ming Wangdao monk, I will ask the master about the situation of the sects in southern Xinjiang.

Two days later, Yi Tian sat in the first room of the Hall of Qi and waited for Ning Qingyuan to summon him.After returning to the Zongmen, Yi Tian went directly to the Discipline Hall to hand in the task, and then returned to the hall of Qidian to pay off the borrowed 50 Yuan Lingshi first, and then the sound transmission arranged a meeting for the master.

Sitting in the room, the two sat facing each other, and there was an incense burner in the middle, in which the incense of tranquility was burning, exuding a faint fragrance.Ning Qingyuan first checked the questions on Yitian's refining equipment, and answered the matters that should be paid attention to when practicing in the foundation building period.

After receiving the master's patient explanation, Yi Tian knew his own shortcomings, why there was such a big contrast after fighting against the mid-stage foundation-building monks of Naming Wang Dao.It's not a matter of cultivation, but because my understanding and application of spells is not as thorough as the opponent's, so I'm at a disadvantage as soon as I make a move.

Seeing that the master had closed his eyes and rested his mind, Yi Tian also knew that he had almost asked the questions that he should have asked today, and it was time to leave.Just when I got up, I suddenly thought about the Nanjiang sect in my mind, and then asked the master if he knew about the Ming Wangdao sect.

After hearing this, Ning Qingyuan thought for a while and replied: "Although I am not very familiar with the Southern Border sect, I do know a little bit about it, but I have never heard of the Ariake Wangdao sect." After finishing speaking, he looked suspiciously at Wang Yitian.

Yi Tian had no choice but to resign after being a little bit numb after being watched by the master.Before leaving the door, I heard the master say: "If you really want to know about the sect in Southern Xinjiang, you can go to Elder Zhuo in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. He has a wide range of knowledge, and he should know more details after traveling in Southern Xinjiang."

After thanking the master, Yi Tian went straight to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion with the imperial weapon. Firstly, he had a chance to choose exercises for free after entering the foundation building, and secondly, he wanted to ask what happened.

Just like when we first entered, Zhuo Lingfeng was guarding the entrance of the Sutra Pavilion, and all the disciples from the outer sect lined up here to wait for the deacon disciples at the gate to check the jade plaque of the sect before releasing them.Yi Tian was wearing the clothes of inner sect true disciples, and when he got there, he could directly go to the second floor to choose exercises through a special passage.

The second floor of the entire Sutra Pavilion is half smaller than the first floor, but the jade slips placed on the shelves are densely packed, and at first glance it seems that there are more exercises than downstairs.The Chiyang Suppressing Fire Spirit Jue of the Chiyang Sect can't be found here, there is only an empty sign on the shelf, which says "non-Zongmen true inheritance cannot be taught".Yi Tian just sneered at this, and he would not care about such things if he had more powerful spiritual formulas.

After shopping around, Yi Tian found a bundle of Spiritual Wood Immersion Technique’s foundation-building formula. This formula is suitable for cultivating powerful wood-type kung fu monks. There is even an introduction on how to use wood-type kung fu to plant and cultivate spirit flowers. Spirit grass, most of these cultivated medicinal materials can be used as the main medicine for refining special elixirs.

Ordinary fire spirits only have an upgraded version of fire spirits, and Yi Tian took a look at them and picked them out to prepare for re-engraving together.The master said that he doesn't have enough understanding of the fire-type spells, so the best way is to find manipulation techniques from those basic spiritual formulas, and then slowly improve his spells after he is proficient.

It took nearly 800 contribution points to re-engrave the two jade slips. Yi Tian felt contemptuous for a while. The spiritual formulas cultivated in the foundation building period are really expensive. The contribution of the sect that he earned from a mission has already reached ten to seven or eight. , This Sutra Pavilion cuts people without blood, and every deacon is still smiling and saying that they will come again next time, hoping that these spiritual formulas will not disappoint themselves.

When he walked to the door and picked up Elder Zhuo, he remembered that there were a few questions that he hadn't asked, so Yi Tian was not polite, walked up to say hello respectfully, then sat down in front of Zhuo Lingfeng, from his arms He took out 20 Yuan Lingshi and handed it over.After taking a look, Zhuo Lingfeng recognized Yi Tian, ​​and after taking the spirit stones, he motioned for Yi Tian to ask questions.

Seeing that Zhuo Lingfeng was still the same, Yi Tian asked directly without hesitation, "Senior Zhuo, how can I quickly deepen my understanding and understanding of spells during the foundation building period?".

Zhuo Lingfeng cleared his throat and replied: "After entering the foundation building period, there is only one way to quickly improve your understanding." Then he paused and looked at Yi Tian and continued: "Keep hunting monsters or fighting people , the fastest improvement in actual combat."

After listening to it, Yi Tian completely gave up the idea of ​​relying on refining weapons to improve. No wonder those Taiping monks are always ahead of the police no matter how high they are. After all, they still have to improve quickly in actual combat.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian immediately went to the second question and said: "If the senior meets a monk with a higher cultivation level than himself, will he definitely not be able to beat him?"Unexpectedly, Zhuo Lingfeng laughed loudly and said: "You must have fought against someone with a higher cultivation base than you, and you have suffered a disadvantage, right?" Yi Tian smiled embarrassedly and regarded it as acquiescence.

After Zhuo Lingfeng smiled, he also pointed out that the battle between monks may not necessarily be won by a high level of cultivation. The skills cultivated by both sides, the experience of fighting with others, and the right time and place can all be used as conditions for victory.After finishing speaking, he smiled at Yi Tian, ​​and mentioned that the dual-element cultivators are stronger than the single-element monks. Even if their cultivation base is a little bit worse, they can win with deep spiritual power. As long as the opponent is not too powerful among the same kind of people, there should be no big problem for the mid-stage foundation establishment monks.

It was so easy for Genius to suddenly realize that the Foundation Establishment cultivator of King Ming Sect was definitely not an ordinary person. He had some doubts about his own strength at first, but thanks to Zhuo Lingfeng's explanation, he suddenly understood.

Immediately when he was about to ask another question, he saw Zhuo Ling stretching out his hand. Yi Tian looked at it without answering his doubts, and then heard: "One question for ten spirit stones in the foundation building period".

Now Yi Tian shook his head, and reluctantly took out ten pieces of Lingshi from his storage bag and put them in Zhuo Lingfeng's hands.Then ask him directly if he knows if there is a sect called Ming Wangdao among the sects in southern Xinjiang.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Lingfeng's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing the words Ming Wangdao, and he stared at Yi Tian for a long time without opening his mouth.After a long time, I heard Zhuo Lingfeng ask: "Have you met someone who knows the way of the king?"

Seeing that Zhuo Lingfeng was so serious, Yi Tian couldn't hide anything anymore, so he took out Zhong Shou's jade token from the storage bag and handed it to him.

Looking at the jade tablet, Zhuo Lingfeng thought deeply for a while, then sighed, and then asked Yi Tian when and where he met the other person, and what happened.Yi Tian also told the truth one by one, and also mentioned that he had fought against Zhong Shou's brother, but unfortunately he was at a disadvantage everywhere. Fortunately, Jiang Tai, who was guarding the Xuanling faction and the Xingchen Iron Mine, came to help in time, otherwise it would be hard to say the result.

Seeing Zhuo Lingfeng's dignified face, Yi Tian was also puzzled, looked at his face and felt that he should know the details, but he didn't dare to ask further.

I saw Zhuo Lingfeng put away the jade card with a twist of his hand, and then sent a voice transmission to Yi Tian and said: "Boy, I will rot in my stomach about the king's way, if you let me know that you are talking nonsense outside, I will The first one will settle the score with you." After speaking, he waved to Yi Tian, ​​which meant that you can go.

Seeing that he had hit a wall, Yi Tian was also speechless for a while, so he had to leave after Nuonuo said goodbye.

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(End of this chapter)

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