
Chapter 107 Arrangement

Chapter 107 Arrangement
The lava cave in the restricted area of ​​the Chiyang sect is the place where Chiyangzi, the ancestor of Chiyang, practiced. This lava cave is located in the center of the Chiyan hills.

The hot magma bursting out of the ground turned the surroundings of the lava cave into a fiery magma river, and the lava cave stood like a hill in the middle of the lava river.

On weekdays, there is no man's land in a radius of ten miles. The extension of the forbidden area is surrounded by lava valleys. There is only a suspended chain bridge connecting the lava caves and the outside world.

Normally, only the leader Yang Yanzi and the deputy leader Lie Yanzi are eligible to enter the forbidden area, but today in front of the lava cave is Zhuo Lingfeng's Chi Yangzi who is in the communication cave.

After three breaths, the barrier in front of the cave opened a hole the size of a person, Zhuo Lingfeng quickly got in, and then the hole slowly closed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhuo Lingfeng and Chi Yangzi, who were sitting in the lava cave, looked at the jade plaque on the table between them and sighed.It took a long time for Chiyangzi to speak: "Junior brother, what should come will eventually come, we should think of countermeasures early."

Zhuo Lingfeng on the side also nodded slightly and replied, "It's all up to the senior brother." Then he waited for Chiyangzi's order on the opposite side.

Looking at the jade plaque on the table, Chi Yangzi smiled and said, "This person who knows the way of kingship has not given up for thousands of years. Back then, he did not hesitate to provoke a war between the two factions in order to obtain the treasure of our sect. It is a pity that I, Chi Yang, have long since given up on my ancestors. Hall, come to the Red Flame Hills to reopen the sect, let the Xuanling lineage carry the thunder now. Aren’t they still guarding the Xuanyang Ancestral Hall and refusing to leave, that’s their own fault.”

Zhuo Lingfeng on the opposite side also looked at his senior with a puzzled expression, only to hear Chiyangzi go on to say: "The Xuanyangmen was so majestic a thousand years ago, there are so many talents in the door, and the head is also the direct descendant of the Lihuo Sect of the Zhongzhou Great Sect." disciple.

It's a pity that at that time Ming Wangdao suddenly emerged in southern Xinjiang, and the holy son of Ming Wangdao was even more gifted. His cultivation level reached the late Yuanying stage, and he led four subordinates to Dong'ao to seize the treasure of his sect.

It's a pity that he was still inferior in skills and was defeated by the patriarch. It's a pity that the patriarch also ended up exhausted after that battle. When he was dying, he entrusted the sect to the master.

The Xuanyang Sutra Pavilion was destroyed in that battle, and even the last treasure of the sect was missing. "

Hearing this, Zhuo Lingfeng asked again: "What about the Xuanling lineage? Are the two factions good friends for generations?"

Only Chi Yangzi snorted a few times: "It was not because the master didn't have the sect tokens in his hands, and the strength was not the strongest, so it was difficult to convince the public. At the beginning, there was Xuanyin's lineage to help, but unexpectedly 20 years later After falling out with his uncle, Xuanyinxi went to this big split.

280 years later, the Xuanling lineage grew stronger and stronger, so the master had to give up the Xuanyang Patriarch Hall, and brought the Chiyang lineage to the Chiyan Hill to set up another hill.

Although there was a civil strife in the sect in the past 500 years, it was calmed down with the help of Xuanling's lineage. "

As Chiyangzi said, he closed his eyes and recalled his master's last words, "Even if you abandon the Patriarch's Hall, it's all right, as long as you guard the Chiyan Hill, Chiyang's lineage will have the hope of turning around."

Chi Yangzi, who came back to his senses, looked at Zhuo Lingfeng and ordered: "Don't say anything about this matter, send everyone who knows the inside story to stay outside for more than ten years, just wait for Ming Wangdao and Xuan Ling to come together Wait for the opportunity after the pulse bursts." After speaking, he waved his hand to signal that he would continue to retreat.

After Zhuo Lingfeng left, Chiyangzi took out a jade tablet, looked at the verses on it, and kept muttering, ''Cause the Holy Son, five yuan and four kalpas'.In five yuan and 900 years, it seems that the fourth catastrophe of the Chiyang lineage should still be on the body of Ming Wangdao, but I don't know how strong the new holy son is, and I don't know how to face it this time. "

Standing in front of Ning Qingyuan, the first place in the Qi Temple, Yi Tian also looked confused. Logically speaking, he has already solved the matter of the Xingchen Mine, and this year's Zongmen mission has also been overfulfilled.

But early this morning, I received a message from my master saying that there was a task assigned by the sect, and the head of the sect, Chi Yangzi, named Yi Tianlai, a true disciple of Qidian, to complete it.

Entering the first room of the Hall of Qi, the master also looked puzzled. The task of this sect is not difficult. In the edge area of ​​the northwest of the Chiyang Sect, a maze was set up with Tianya Pavilion and Country Fong as the base points.

This project involves a wide area, and it will take one or two years just to find a suitable route.

In addition, it will take a long time to set up the formation boards one by one to connect the two square cities. It will take at least ten years for a monk like Yi Tian to complete the foundation at the early stage.

The key is that Yang Yanzi, the head of the sect, said that in view of Yi Tian's performance in the East China Sea War, this time he was working on the edge of the sect's territory again, so he no longer sent disciples to assist.

If you have any difficulties, you can just go to the two fangshi to find the local guards for help. All the materials for the response array are provided by the two fangshi.

It feels like Yang Yanzi's ultimate intention is to assign Yi Tian to work as a coolie, and it will take at least ten years.

When Ning Qingyuan got this jade slip, he really thought that he had read it wrong. It was a bit too embarrassing for a true disciple of Qidian to work as a coolie for ten years without an assistant.

Even Ning Qingyuan asked Xia Yitian more than once if he had offended the head of the sect, or caused disasters by beating those soul boy disciples severely.

Yi Tian also thought about it and thought about what he did to Qu Yifeng, but he just robbed him of his cave, and he wouldn't let the head of the house wear shoes for him like this.

Seeing that the task jade slip said that he had to set off in three days to start measuring the formation chain, Yi Tian was also furious. This really does not regard himself as a human being. Does this task clearly mean to marginalize himself?

But when I think about it deeply, doesn't this mean that I have more than ten years of free time to control, although there are still tasks entangled, but these formations are nothing.

Immediately, he comforted the master, and promised that he would not stop his cultivation during the mission, and after the mission was completed, he could basically reach the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Before leaving, I still need to inform my friends. Think about it, after completing the task, they should all succeed in building the foundation.

After coming to the place where he used to live again, Yi Tian still feels very cordial. Seeing the houses and scenes he is familiar with will always make people nostalgic.

Pushing open the door, I saw Huang Ziang and Wu Xing discussing something on the table in the lobby, they went up to say hello, and after asking, they found out that they were planning to establish a foundation.

Years ago, Huashi City forcibly built the foundation. Although it was successful, it hurt the foundation, and now it is retreating to heal the wound.

It is said that even if one recovers and exits, the body damaged by the Foundation Establishment Thunder Tribulation cannot recover to [-]% of the body. In this life, there is only a [-]% hope of being able to advance to the Foundation Establishment Late Stage, and it is almost impossible to cultivate to the Golden Core Stage.

The only way out for someone like Huashi City in the future is to go to the Zongmen territory to establish a vassal cultivator family. He can be regarded as the ancestor of the family and can bless the descendants for about 150 years.

The two people in front of them are worrying about this matter. Seeing that they are both 29 years old, it will be too late if they don't build the foundation.But the previous situation in Huashi City had a negative impact on the two of them, so they couldn't make a decision for a long time.

Now they have the Foundation Establishment Pill in their hands, but both of them are worried that they will not be able to survive the Foundation Establishment Tribulation.

Looking at the two of them, Yi Tian was troubled for a while, but just took out a small round shield and a pill furnace from the storage bag.

When I went to Meteor Mountain this time, I got some raw ore of star iron, and half of the star sand left after smelting was used to re-smelt the round shield and pill furnace.

Yi Tian felt a little embarrassed that he had promised Wu Xing when he came back from the trial in the secret realm, but he didn't fulfill it until now.

The round shield is now a fourth-order spirit weapon in terms of its texture, not to mention three intermediate-level inscriptions are engraved on it. As long as it is not a thunder disaster like Yi Tian, ​​it can probably be carried over.

After the two got the spirit weapon, they also thanked Yi Tian for his help, and said that they would continue to follow the lead of Yi Boss in the future, and Yi Tian couldn't stop laughing when he heard it.

Afterwards, Wu Xing also mentioned Tang Lin's matter. His cultivation has not reached the perfection of the ninth level of Qi training, and he is entangled in the affairs of the Discipline Hall, and he doesn't have too much time to practice.

Wu Xing also left him a Foundation Establishment Pill, but he didn't come to get it for a long time, saying that his cultivation was always a bit short, and he had to seize the time to hit the ninth level of perfection.

Seeing that these friends were so ambitious when they first entered the door, but now they are competing with each other, Yi Tian felt a little bit melancholy.

The avenue is ruthless. In front of the road to longevity, everyone can only go on by themselves. Everyone hopes that they can go farther than anyone else, but the reality is always cruel.

It was the same in Yi Tian's mind, he didn't know where he could go in the future, and when he came back to his senses, he told the two people about the long-term mission he had accepted.

It is estimated that they will not be able to take care of the two of them in the past ten years. If there is something, you can use the Zongmen Jade Card to send a message, or go to the deacon of Qidian to find your whereabouts.

After bidding farewell to the two, Yi Tian seized the two days to rent a place in the Hall of Qi, and sorted out the materials and spiritual weapons on his body.

The raw star iron ore brought from Shen Laosan was refined and nearly two catties of star iron ingots were obtained, half of which was taken out and re-smelted into the flywheel.

In this way, the quality of the large and small flywheels has reached the fourth-order spirit weapon category after reprocessing.

Half of the extra catty of raw materials was smelted into the olive core of the seven evil witches, and now it would be no problem to carry the real fire of Xuanyang.

The rest of the materials were kept for later use, and Yi Tian also classified those third-order magical artifacts into different categories. Except for the flying awl, all of these magical artifacts were sold at a discount to the deacon of the Qidian to exchange for contribution points.

According to the requirements of the mission, I received the materials for [-] formation disks from the Artifact Hall, and refined more than a dozen consecutively in the refining room before I realized that it was time to start the mission.

After bidding farewell to Qidian, Yi Tian embarked on the road of formation alone.When flying out of the sect, Zhuo Lingfeng's eyes lit up in the Sutra Pavilion, and he smiled, and said, "Forgive your boy's status as a true disciple is not worth a word from my old man."

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(End of this chapter)

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