
Chapter 108

Chapter 108
Shengjiang Kingdom is one of the many affiliated countries of the Xuanling Sect. Jade Dragon City is the capital of Shengjiang Kingdom. It is located at the confluence of the Sanjiang Plain, where the Changliu River, Meijiang River and Huangdu River meet.

Walking on Zhuque Street in Jade Dragon City, Yi Tian looked around, it was much more lively than Aodong Kingdom.Now Yi Tian is wearing ordinary people's clothes, a pair of Jianghu people's attire.

Since he was inexplicably named by the sect two days ago to complete a task that lasted ten years, Yi Tian felt angry in his stomach.The defense line of this array is several times longer than that of the East China Sea island chain. According to the coverage of one array plate for thirty or forty miles, it takes eighty array plates if there is no one hundred to set up the defense line initially.

In the past, there were people who helped, and the points for arranging the formations had already been surveyed, but now Yi Tian had to do it all by himself.It is estimated that it will take a year and a half to survey all the base points on the defense line. Yi Tian also took time to think that he didn't seem to have offended anyone recently. It is really helpless to be assigned to do such a thing.

In a fit of anger, Yi Tian simply went to Shengjiang State to hand over Xie Chuanxiong's relics to his family. Anyway, Shengjiang State is not far from the junction of the two factions.Shengjiang Kingdom is at the westernmost position of the formation chain, and the formation project can begin after this is done.

Yi Tian didn't dare to enter the territory of the Xuanling Sect ostentatiously. The monks who sit in the town are also foundation-building monks, so one thing more is worse than one thing less.Five miles outside Yulong City, Yi Tian took out the clothes he had prepared in advance from the storage bag, and changed himself into a set of Chiyang faction costumes.Then he put on a bamboo hat and carried a scimitar on his back, mixed with the crowd entering the city, and slowly entered Yulong City.

After several inquiries, they found the Xie family's ancestral house in Yulong City. Yi Tian looked at the location, and it was at the southernmost side of Zhuque Street.When it comes to the Xie family, those ordinary people are envious and disdainful at first, so they don't want to ask more questions, so they can only find the advanced Xie family to have a look. Xie Chuanxiong's entrustment back then was just a matter of convenience.Because Yi Tian likes the promises of people in the rivers and lakes, he has been in the gang for a long time, and he has long been determined in his bones.

Knocking on the door of Xie's house, I heard the old housekeeper's reprimand and the old woman's noise.Yi Tian was also dumbfounded when he entered the door, the Xie family was considered a rich family from the people on Zhuque Street.More than ten years ago, the eldest young master of the Xie family joined the Xuanling sect. Since then, the Xie family has always been able to get a foot in the door for any good things in this Jade Dragon City.Feng Wanli, the lord of the Lianshengjiang Kingdom, once ordered to betroth his youngest daughter to Xie Chuanjie, the second young master of the Xie family. The lord also sent a token as a token that they could get married when they reached adulthood.

But five years ago, news came from the Xuanling faction that Xie Chuanxiong had fallen into the trial of the six factions' secret realm.Since then, the Xie family's status has plummeted. Without a backer in the sect, the king of the mortal country would not look at a poor family, so the matter of getting married was no longer mentioned.

After being approached by the housekeeper to the main hall of the Xie family, Yi Tian didn't want to waste any more time, so he directly asked where Xie Chuanjie was, and there were some things that he needed to talk to him face to face, so that he could talk about Xie Chuanxiong's last wish.

But after waiting and waiting, Xie Chuanjie didn't come out for nearly an hour.After asking the butler, the answer he got was that he was surprised and sent someone to call for him, and he just asked Yi Tian to wait for a while.

Ask the girl to change three cups of tea, and only after finishing drinking did I hear someone coming back from the main gate.Yi Tian glanced at the door, the person who entered was a 20-year-old young man, his eyes were dull and his skin was pale, and he looked like he was overdrawn. After hearing the introduction from the housekeeper, he realized that it was Xie Chuanjie. After looking back carefully, he was indeed a little bit like Xie Chuanxiong. picture.

Then Xie Chuanjie hurried back when he heard that there was a guest at home. When he met Yi Tian, ​​he greeted him for a while, but after hearing that he was his brother's friend, he talked to Yi Tian about the past few years of Xie's family with snot and tears encounter.

Since Xie Chuanxiong was in the secret realm, someone from Xuanling sent someone to say hello and bring some belongings, but the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and those who usually don't like Xie's family took the opportunity to make trouble.Xie Chuanjie was also young and ignorant and was deceived several times, selling all the valuable things of Xie's family.

Now all that is left of the Xie family is the silk farm and the ancestral house on Zhuque Street, and even the engagement token bestowed by the king has been cheated away.Xie Chuanjie spent a lot of gold and silver but couldn't redeem it.The whole family saw Yi Tian's visit this time, and it was the savior who fell from the sky. Since they are friends of the young master, they must be disciples of monks.At this time, the Xie family, who have a little hope in everything, will hold on tightly.

After introducing himself, Yi Tian didn't hesitate to hand over the contents of Xie Chuanxiong's storage bag to Xie Chuanjie.Unexpectedly, Xie Chuanjie has been begging hard, asking Yi Tian to help get back a mortgage, or the entire Xie family will suffer disaster.

Originally, he didn't want to meddle in other people's business, his mission was still there, and it was just a matter of concern when he came here, no matter how much the Xie family begged, Yi Tian was unwilling to do more.If people know that Chiyang Sect disciples are messing around on Xuanling Sect territory, will they let him go?

Seeing that Yi Tian has been keeping his mouth shut and evading, Xie Chuanjie has no choice but to worry that he will end up in vain if he offends him.While talking, a few people came to the door, they presumed to be people from Gaosheng Casino, urging Xie Chuanjie to pay off the debt.I saw that Xie Chuanjie bit the bullet and argued with the other party, and then the two sides escalated into a quarrel.

After asking the housekeeper, Yi Tian knew that these people were from Gaosheng Casino on Zhuque Street, and they came to Xie's house for the tokens bestowed by the lord.It was originally a pair of jade tokens. Xie Chuanjie was deceived by someone before, and took out a piece of mortgage to exchange 3 taels of silver in the gambling house for turnover. , then we have to follow the rules of the casino.

It sounds a bit strange, Yi Tian didn't care, anyway, everything was handed over to Xie Chuanjie, it was nothing more than some family letters and a few thousand taels of silver.This Xie Chuanxiong also knew that leaving the things of self-cultivation to the family would only lead to unprovoked disasters, and it would not be as beneficial as real money.

Seeing that Xie Chuanjie couldn't get the silver, the people at Gaosheng Casino urged him to use another jade token to pay off the debt, but Xie Chuanjie refused to live or die. They have all been mortgaged, so where is the face of the Wang family?

But if you don't take it out, Xie's family can't get over the difficulties in front of them. Xie Chuanjie can't help but go to the study to get the jade plaque.

Those debt collectors all smiled when they saw a big red brocade box Xie Chuanjie took out, and when they opened it, it was indeed a piece of suet white jade engraved with the mark of the Shengjiang royal family.When he was about to take away the brocade box, he suddenly saw a knife lying on the brocade box, and it was Yi Tian who was standing beside him holding the knife and stopped him.I only heard Yi Tian yelling: "It's only natural to pay off debts, but you want to kill people by taking away the things bestowed by the royal family."

Xie Chuanjie, who was on the side, seemed to have found the backbone, and ran up and said directly: "Brother Yi, please take action to resolve the crisis of Xie's family."

Originally, Yi Tian didn't plan to make a move, but when the brocade box was opened, the jade plaque inside caught Yi Tian's attention.The pure wood aura exuded from that jade tablet, and Yi Tian could feel it from a long distance away.So take the opportunity to make a move and see what is the mystery of how low this thing is.

The creditors also shouted when they saw the cross-cutting, saying that if Xie Chuanjie couldn't pay, he would come to Gaosheng Gambling to make a settlement tonight, and according to the rules of Gaosheng Gambling, he would pay four or two thousand catties to repay the gambling debt.

Then Xie Chuanjie frowned and looked at Yi Tian, ​​then gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.After sending a few people away, Yi Tian sat down and asked what the game of four or two strokes of a thousand catties is.

I only heard Xie Chuanjie explain slowly: "The four taels of money is to bring 1000 taels of silver to the gambling table to play dice guessing. You must bet on every game. After winning seven games in a row, you will have 4000 taels of silver to pay off the debt in full."

After listening to Yi Tiancai, it suddenly dawned on him that feelings are all about attracting the king, let alone winning seven games in a row, it is difficult for ordinary people to win three games in a row.But this matter is really not difficult for Yi Tian, ​​this is his original unique skill, looked at Xie Chuanjie's expectant eyes, and comforted him: "I will go with you tonight, and I will definitely ask for it for you." Come back to the jade tablet."

Gaosheng Casino is usually full of guests at night, and it was even more lively tonight.In the afternoon, the owner of the gambling shop let out the wind again, and in the evening, the second young master of the Xie family would visit the casino in person, and make a big effort to win back the royal gifts mortgaged in the casino.

The news spread quickly, and the famous people in Jade Dragon City all reserved their seats.The casino also set out odds for how many hands Xie Chuanjie could win in a row.When Yi Tian and Xie Chuanjie came, they saw that the entire casino was brightly lit, and everyone's atmosphere was mobilized.

Walking to the door, Xie Chuanjie checked his odds. Starting from the fourth bet, it was [-] to [-], and every subsequent bet doubled.After reading these odds, Yi Tian just curled his lips. This owner is really stupid, and it is obvious that he wants to give away the casino.

There are some numbers on the back of the odds board. After reading it, you can see that most people are betting on the numbers on the right side of the first three numbers. There are about ten thousand taels of numbers. I don't believe that Xie Chuanjie can successfully counterattack.

Seeing such odds, Xie Chuanjie's face was full of shame, and suddenly he heard Yi Tian's voice in his ear, "Put the whole family on winning seven, and directly take down Gaosheng Casino."

After listening to it, Xie Chuanjie looked at Yi Tian with a disbelieving expression on his face. Seeing the latter nodding to him, he ruthlessly pressed all the silver notes on his body of about 5 taels on the number 'seven', and provoked the surrounding to watch The people ridiculed for a while.

After a while of communication, some people came out from the back of the casino one after another. They were all the backstage bosses of Gaosheng Casino. After talking for a while, everyone took their seats.

Yi Tian and Xie Chuanjie also sat carelessly on the opposite side of the gaming table, and the whole casino fell silent when the dice from the opposite casino came up.With the sound of the start, the game is ready to begin.Before the dice player could touch the dice cup, he heard a clear female voice at the door: "I want to bet that Xie Chuanjie can win back the imperial jade card."

Following the sound, everyone saw that it was the third princess Feng Yanyan who came in with a few guards.She took out a stack of thousand taels of banknotes and bet all of them on the number 'seven'.The boss of Gaosheng Casino shuddered and then returned to normal, and asked the handicap guy to do the math as usual. A moment later, he saw a total of 10 taels of bets written behind the word 'seven'.

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(End of this chapter)

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