
Chapter 109 twists and turns

Chapter 109 twists and turns
The atmosphere of the Gaosheng Casino was not destroyed by the arrival of the princess. On the contrary, the people who were doing it were whispering about the gossip and gossip about the princess and Xie Chuanjie.

Xie Chuanjie, who was sitting on the gaming table, stood up respectfully at this time, and just bowed his hands to the princess.After getting a nod in response from the other party, Xie Chuanjie sat down generously, and took out a thousand tael silver ticket from his hand, which would be the only chip he could use on the gaming table tonight.

The opponent's dice player started to shake the dice cup after seeing the boss nodding slightly.To the surprise of everyone present, Xie Chuanjie was sitting there, not watching the dice hand at all.

After the dice cup stopped spinning and was pressed on the gaming table, Xie Chuanjie casually placed the silver ticket on the small characters after a short pause. The dice hand lifted the lid of the cup, and everyone saw the three dice separated. It is the points of two, two, and three that are presented in front of everyone.After a commotion from the surrounding people, Xie Chuanjie motioned for the dice to be rolled down quickly.

Xie Chuanjie was like a god for the next five hands, betting on all of them within three breaths, and he was able to guess correctly every time.It made the people who watched the game feel better for a while, and seemed to have forgotten the original purpose. This was the first time I saw such a scene in Gaosheng Casino.

The boss of the gambling shop was sweating like rain on his face after losing, if Xie Chuanjie wins another game, he would really go bankrupt.Today, except for the princess and Xie Chuanjie's bets, everyone's bets have already lost.But even if Gaosheng Gambling won all the money before, it would not be enough to pay back the last change.

The dice player in front of the gaming table has fainted, and now the person standing on it is the owner of Gaosheng Casino himself, and no one can roll the dice for him at this time.

And look at Xie Chuanjie himself sitting there calmly, it seems that the six strokes just now were just a test of the water.He only heard him pick up the teacup on the table, put it to his mouth, and take a sip, and then said in a calm tone: "The last one, let's start quickly. It's getting late, and I still have to catch up." Go back to bed," he said, turning his head to look at the princess sitting in the VIP seat.

The latter nodded slightly to him, and then urged the boss of Gaosheng Casino to start the game quickly.

Under pressure, the boss had no choice but to pick up the dice cup and start shaking it. After a dozen times, he put down the dice cup, and the sweat on his face dripped more and faster.Xie Chuanjie was waiting for Yi Tian's signal, but this time there was no sound transmission. He turned his head and glanced at Yi Tian, ​​only to see that his right hand was on the table, but his eyes were looking around looking for someone.

The six Yi Tian just used his spiritual eyes to see through the dice cup, and then directly told Xie Chuanjie how many points he had by voice transmission.The last hand seemed to be coming to an end, but unexpectedly, a very fine spiritual energy quietly came from the audience, slowly extending into the dice cup, and actually slightly fluctuated the dice.

Naturally, Yi Tian couldn't hide this kind of spiritual energy through the trick of releasing the spiritual consciousness, and then a trace of red spiritual energy also penetrated into the dice cup through the same method of releasing the spiritual consciousness.Right now, the two strands of spiritual energy are fighting each other inside the dice cup, making the whole inside of the dice cup buzzing.

The casino owner's hands had left the dice cup, but the dice cup was still shaking even though no one was touching it.After seeing it, everyone around stood up one after another to witness this miraculous moment.

Seeing Yi Tian’s serious face, Xie Chuanjie knew that things had changed, and his subordinates were not in a hurry to place a bet, but the casino boss saw the clue, and kept urging to place a bet, and joked that if he didn’t place a bet, he would lose. He stared at Yi Tian.

Suddenly there was a voice "bet on Xiao" in his ear. Out of trust in Yi Tian, ​​Xie Chuanjie bet all the 2000 taels of silver notes on Xiao, only to hear a bang and the lid of the dice cup flew out automatically.When everyone saw that the three dice had turned into a pile of powder, Xie Chuanjie laughed loudly: "The dice are all broken into powder, so there is nothing at all, and if there is nothing, it is small. I win the last one." up".

The boss of the gambling shop was about to refute, when he suddenly saw Her Royal Highness stood up and said: "No point is small, this is Xie Chuanjie's victory." After speaking, he led his subordinates away without looking back.

After hearing these words, the boss of Gaosheng Gambling House suddenly sat down, weeping uncontrollably, and shouted "It's all over".

Xie Chuanjie, who was on his head in excitement, suddenly received a voice transmission from Yi Tian: "Take your things and go quickly", then hurriedly closed the lid of the brocade box, hugged his hands, and followed Yi Tian out of the casino.

After returning to Xie's house, Xie Chuanjie first thanked Yi Tian for his generosity, but Yi Tian said something in his mouth: "If you want peace and nothing to do, give me the pair of jade cards to deal with."

Half an hour later, Xie Chuanjie took back the pair of brocade boxes, took a big look at the pair of jade cards still inside, and looked at Yi Tian suspiciously.After getting Yi Tian's sound transmission, Xie Chuanjie finally settled down.

A quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian walked out from the back door of Xie's house, then turned around and mixed into the crowd at the night market.

Two hours later, Yi Tian, ​​who left Jade Dragon City, was stopped by a cultivator stepping on a flying sword in the air where the imperial weapon was flying.When the two sides were half a mile apart, they recognized each other as soon as their spiritual senses clashed. The two had already fought against each other at the gambling table just now, and this was the first official meeting.

Yi Tian, ​​who stepped on the flywheel, looked at the other party carefully. Although it was in the night sky, for the monk, his sight was no different from that during the day.With some detection spells, both sides could clearly see the appearance, dress, and demeanor. The opposite was a 30-year-old monk dressed as a Confucian scholar, with a storage bracelet on his hand, and a flying sword on his feet.

What surprised Yi Tian the most was that the other party was actually wearing the clothes of a disciple of Ming Wang Dao, and he was an early foundation-building monk like himself.He heard the other party say in a deep voice: "You think you can get away with fooling around by giving a pair of fakes to Xie's family."

Yi Tian replied disapprovingly: "That is to fool ordinary people, but it is really not enough for monks like Your Excellency who understand the way of kingship."

Obviously seeing the opponent's body pause, it seems that I have revealed the identity of the opponent in one word, and it also made the opponent hesitate. This is still the boundary of the Xuanling sect. If you fight here, someone will look for it within an hour. It was found by the sound of fighting.

Yi Tian wanted to catch the other party's words, so he lied that he was a casual cultivator disciple of an aristocratic family, and this trip to Yulong City was also entrusted by others.As for the pair of jade cards, it was done unintentionally. I don't know what price the other party is willing to exchange for the pair of jade cards.

The man thought about it for a while, and then gave the price of five hundred spirit stones. Yi Tian was also moved when he heard it, and then he had more ideas about the secret of the two jade cards.

Seeing that Yi Tian was unmoved by the price, the man added a little more.After hearing Yi Tian humming, he took out a storage bag and threw it over. Yi Tian also took out the jade token and threw it over. After the two parties got the things and looked at each other, they saw that the person had one in his hand. The flying sword under his feet pierced towards Yi Tian with a flash of light.

With a flash of fire, the entire flywheel was wrapped in flames and took over the flying sword. The two snorted coldly at each other in the air and began to fight.Yi Tian felt aggrieved when he fought against the monk in the mid-stage foundation of Ming Wang Dao last time, but this time he can finally let go of his fight.

As soon as the two sides fought against each other, Yi Tian realized that his spells could actually suppress the opponent, and he stopped testing the opponent, and directly controlled the flame flywheel to attack the opponent.He took out a handful of fireball talismans from the storage bag in his hand, and after activating it instantly, a fire escape technique flashed to a distance of five or six feet, and threw the talismans onto it.

The other party was startled and hurriedly opened the protective cover. After suffering a violent attack, the protective cover flickered for a while, and the flying sword he was controlling was entangled in the flywheel again. sword.

Yi Tian saw that the flying sword flashed with blood, and then it was able to shake off the flywheel and stab at himself.A wooden vine in his hand stretched out to hold the flying sword tightly, and the divine consciousness directed the flywheel to smash directly on the opponent's protective cover. There was only a click sound, and the protective cover broke in response.The flywheel left a foot-long burning mark on the opponent's chest, and the painful person swayed and fell down.

Seeing that the flying sword lost control and fell powerlessly, Yi Tian hastily used Fly to catch it with one hand, and the vine veins in his hand shot out like a whip, binding the person who fell down tightly. of.

In the world of comprehension, it is not uncommon to kill people and seize treasures after a disagreement. After the foundation building period, Yi Tian encountered it several times. It is strange that he always gets involved with people who understand the kingly way, and they are all in There were robbers on the territory of the Xuanling faction.

After looking at his suit, Yi Tiancai suddenly realized that these people really only picked out the disciples of the aristocratic families or casual cultivators. It would be better if he changed into the clothes of the disciples of the Chiyang Sect, at least they would be wary of them.

An hour later, Yi Tian's face turned blue and ugly, the Ming Wangdao disciple who was caught just now refused to speak, so Yi Tian had to be tortured to serve him.Unexpectedly, I only found out that he was sent by Ming Wangdao to Dongao to contact the connector. As for the pair of jade cards, it was just a sudden decision to decide that the aura of the middle wood is very strong. There should be some good things in it, so aim at it. Yi Tian.

When Yi Tian wanted to continue asking, this person had lost too much blood and passed out.Although there is also a formula about extracting the soul and refining the marrow in the spiritual formula of the divine consciousness, but Yi Tian dare not use it unless he has to. It will only be effective if his spiritual consciousness is stronger than the other party, otherwise Backlash is no joke.

After getting acquainted with this person directly, Yi Tian took off his storage bracelet to erase the mark, and then slowly stretched his consciousness in to check it.I was startled when I saw it. There were more than 3000 spirit stones in this person's storage bracelet, and one sixth of them was actually middle-grade.This is the solution to Yi Tian's urgent need, the things in the bracelet are enough for a while.

There are two maps of Dong'ao outside the Lingshi. Yi Tian looked at the next one, which is the map of the three factions in the south of Dong'ao. It is very detailed.The other one is a bit weird, it is also a map of the south of Dongao, but there are only Xuanyangmen = gates on it, and the location is at the current Xuanling faction, while the Chiyan Hills only mark the Xuanyang Branch Hall, Motianya It is even more exaggerated that it is the Xuanyangmen's Chuangong Hall.

After reading these two maps, Yi Tian knew that the Dongao Continent should have been the territory of the Xuanyang faction thousands of years ago. Unfortunately, the prosperity must decline, and then split into two factions, the Xuanling and the Chiyang.It seems that the Xuanling sect is still authentically entrenched in the ancestral hall, and the Chiyang lineage has rushed to the branch hall, but what is going on with the Iron Sword Gate? Could it be that it also split from the Xuanyang sect and occupied the traditional sect? Gongdian.

The disciples of Ming Wangdao actually have these maps, which shows that they have a detailed understanding of Xuanyang Sect. Yi Tian feels that it is difficult for him to understand the truth of the matter from Chiyang Sect, so it is better to find the disciples of Ming Wangdao and learn from the negative side .

It's a pity that there is no other valuable information other than this. Yi Tian looked at the bracelet and there is a Zongmen jade tablet that shows the king's way. Land boundary, the exact location of the Xuanyang Leihuo Cave must be found out within ten years. 'The name of the person who sent the message was actually Zhong Yue.

Now Yi Tian thought of it, the mid-stage foundation-building cultivator who fought last time should be this Zhong Yue, and this is a coincidence, looking for an opportunity to settle the last account together.

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(End of this chapter)

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