
Chapter 110

Chapter 110
The defensive chains of the Chiyang faction were to be deployed on the northern edge of the Chiyan hills, starting from the coastline in the east and ending at Nancang Mountain near the Shengjiang country of the Xuanling faction in the west.Originally, Yi Tian's plan was to advance bit by bit from west to east, until he got in contact with the people of Ming Wang Dao several times, Yi Tian felt that something was wrong.

It's too early to face them now, and those monks who understand the kingly way are very active in the Xuanling Sect's territory, Yi Tian doesn't want to face Zhong Yue, a mid-foundation monk, for the time being.

He has already killed two people in his hand, and Yi Tian doesn't want to cause trouble anymore. After looking at the map, he simply changed his mind and pushed forward from the east to the west.

It took more than ten days of hard work, passing by Country Fong and Tianya Pavilion along the way, and finally went directly to the East China Sea.From the map, it is located at the northeast end of the Chiyan Hills, and the land thousands of miles to the north belongs to the plain area jointly managed by the six factions.

From this day on, Yi Tian stopped wasting time and concentrated on setting up the formation. The materials on his body were enough to use half of the defense line of the formation chain.In the spare time of setting up the formation, I still find time to practice. Sometimes in the deep mountains, as long as the formation is set up, I will sit directly in the eye of the formation and meditate.

The practice usually lasts for more than ten days or even a month. The task is stipulated to be completed within ten years at the earliest. Yi Tian sometimes wonders that this task seems to be that he does not want to go back. Other tasks have a maximum deadline. On the contrary, my task has a minimum period of ten years, but there is no time limit.

When arranging the array, Yi Tian chose those mountain peaks with strong aura, which was also reported to Zongmen.Moreover, the concentration of aura at the eye of the formation is almost as high as those of ordinary foundation-building monks' caves, and Yi Tian will not waste it, leaving some footprints everywhere he goes.

For seven years in a row, these things kept going back and forth.During this period of time, Yi Tian set up a small spirit gathering array wherever he went, and then sat in it and practiced slowly to improve his cultivation.

Especially the pair of jade cards brought from Xie's family gave Yi Tian a lot of benefits.At first, I just thought that the jade plaque contained a lot of wood aura, but I didn't expect to find two small emerald green seeds after digging open the two jade plaques.The pure wood aura emanates from this kind of seeds, but unfortunately one of them began to appear as if the aura had collapsed.

Fortunately, Yi Tian had seen the elixir list provided by Wu Xing, and recognized that it was a bit like the spiritual seed of the emerald gourd, but it was a bit different.He took out the jade box dedicated to storing spiritual plants on his body, put the undamaged seed in it, and then pasted it with a cold talisman and stored it in the storage ring. If there is a chance, he will find a suitable place to plant it in the future.

The other one was taken directly, that kind of seed provided abundant wood spirit power, after more than ten days of refining, the spirit liquid in Yi Tian's dantian turned dark green with a little red.It is obvious that the wood spirit power has surpassed the fire spirit power, and now Yi Tian can be regarded as a big blow. He was afraid that he would practice Xuanyang real fire too fast, and if the wood element could not keep up with it, it would drag down the follow-up process. Now it seems that it is not Need to worry about this.

According to the speed of Yi Tian's deployment, more than [-]% of it has been completed. It slowly stretches from the East China Sea all the way to the inland. Two years ago, it connected to the defensive formation of Tianya Pavilion and is now guarding Gao Yuanfan of Tianya Pavilion. After saying hello, he also gave him the key to control the array chain.

After several years of consumption of setting up the formation disks, all the formation disks he brought out from the sect have been used up. Yi Tian remembered that the deacon of Qidian at that time once said that if the materials are not enough, you can use the task jade slip to Ask the deacon to pick it up at Tianya Pavilion or Country Fong.After looking at the map, Yitian's location is Heishuihe, which is in the middle of two square cities, and materials can be obtained from both places.

However, after Yi Tian sent a message to Gao Yuanfan of Tianya Pavilion, he got a reply that he was going out. If Yi Tian needed to go to Tianya Pavilion to collect materials, he had to wait for the guardian deacon to come back.After much deliberation, I still decided to go to Country Fong. The current guard is still Lu Qihao, who had dealt with Yi Tian before.

After calculating the distance, it only takes about a day to go to Country Fong, and it is all within the territory of the Chiyang faction, so Yi Tian didn't want to take the flywheel and head towards the destination.

A day later, Yi Tian stood on the flywheel, looked forward and through his spiritual eyes, he could see that he was slowly approaching the range of the Biguifang formation.Yi Tian was thinking about how to add some materials after he had a good rest after entering Fangshi, when he suddenly saw two flashes of fire galloping from the right side, and the target was also Country Fong.

After stopping, I saw that it turned out to be two foundation-building monks in the costumes of the Chiyang faction flying over. After a closer look, it turned out to be Shen Peiqi and Qu Yifeng. After meeting in the air, the two greeted each other, and then met We entered Country Fong together.

After the three of them met, they were also very happy. After entering Country Fong, Yi Tian found a restaurant and asked for a private room. We hadn't seen each other for several years, so we really had a lot to talk about.

The two sat down facing each other with Yi Tian. After serving the dishes and drinks, Yi Tian gave the waiter a spirit stone and told him to close the door, and then opened a sound-proof barrier, so that the three of them could talk It cannot be overheard.

Qu Yifeng first offered a toast to Yi Tian and then asked: "Brother Yi hasn't seen anyone for many years, I don't know what he's busy with. I've missed my brother since he succeeded in building the foundation. I really want to discuss with my brother again." Flashing eager eyes.

Shen Peiqi, who was on the side, didn't talk to Yi Tian, ​​she just smiled at the two of them, and she had heard something at the beginning.This Yi Tian didn't know who had offended a big figure in the sect, but the head of the sect directly ordered Yi Tian to complete the task of setting up the border defense array, and he was still not allowed to return to the sect for less than ten years.

Seeing Yi Tian's bitter expression, Shen Peiqi immediately smiled and said, "Junior Brother Qu, don't underestimate Junior Brother Yi. I, Junior Brother Guan Yi, am also a hardworking person. Pull it down." After speaking, he stretched out a finger and shook Qu Yifeng, meaning that you are not his opponent.

These words really touched Yi Tian's mind. Looking back, I have always been very low-key in the sect, and I have never offended anyone, but I was assigned inexplicably after returning from Meteor Mountain. I am really puzzled Solution.

Facing Qu Yifeng's words, Yi Tian also went in one ear and out the other. Children always hold grudges, and they need to be taught a lesson if they have the opportunity.As for Shen Peiqi's eyesight, she has been practicing hard for the past few years, and now she has reached the peak of the early stage of foundation building. Although there is no sign of breakthrough, as long as the time is right, it will happen naturally.

Picking up the wine glass, Yi Tian paid homage to the two, and then slowly said: "The arrangement of the sect has its own reasons. Our disciples only need to follow it. It is not appropriate to question the words of the master for no reason. I still hurry up and complete the task." Okay, calculate that half of the construction period is still unfinished. Brother Qu may disappoint you as a brother, he hasn't fought against anyone in the past few years, and his skills are sparse." After finishing speaking, they didn't wait for the two to ask any more questions. Then they toasted again.

Seeing that the sad things that touched Yi Tian were too difficult to ask, the two changed the subject.Qu Yifeng mentioned that the two were traveling together this time and they agreed to explore a relic with the Xuanling Sect. Yi Tian heard that the location of the relic is a rock a hundred miles northwest of the Heishui River where he is currently deploying. In the hill stone forest.

According to Qu Yifeng, it is a natural stone forest. It is said that it is easy to get lost when walking in it, and there is always some fog above the stone forest that lingers all year round.Therefore, monks can only walk in, and cannot find the way from the sky.

But looking at the two of them, Yi Tian also shook his head in his heart. He heard Yan Jungang say that Shen Peiqi has more than enough drive, but her heart has no city.And Qu Yifeng is a stunned young man, such a combination seems quite worrying.Seeing that the two were very interested, Yi Tian couldn't pour cold water on them, so he had to say bitterly: "Two be careful, safety is the most important thing in everything."

Unexpectedly, Shen Peiqi made a small noise, and replied: "Don't worry, Junior Brother Yi. This time, my colleagues from the Xuanling Sect will enter together. I don't think it will be too dangerous. If we see something bad, the two of us will withdraw in time." out."

Qu Yifeng on the side also nodded frequently, and told Yi Tian about his experience in the secret realm. This time, it can't be more dangerous than the Six Sects Trial.

Seeing that the two were full of confidence, it was inconvenient for Yi Tian to say anything more, so he had to wish the two of them a lucky star and a smooth expedition.

After the three said their goodbyes, Yi Tian immediately went to the tutelary mansion to see Lu Qihao.After showing the Zongmen Jade Slips, Lu Qihao was also very cooperative, and gave Yi Tian his warrant, and also summoned the deacon of the material warehouse in Country Fong, asking Yi Tian to directly extract the required materials, and all materials needed to be recorded , for Zongmen check.

After going to the material warehouse, Yi Tian was not polite, he calculated the remaining defense points, and then added [-]% to all the materials on the basis of sufficient preparation.The reason Yi Tian gave is very simple. These are the Zongmen's defense formation chains, and they must be perfect, and there must be no jerry building.

Seeing that Yi Tian had almost removed a quarter of the inventory, the deacon didn't say much.All the materials that are out of the warehouse are checked one by one and recorded in writing. Finally, after Yi Tian has collected the materials, he gives a list to Yi Tian to read and point to the place where the seal is needed at the bottom.Yi Tian didn't bother with him, and took out his own Zongmen jade card and stamped his own mark there.

After completing the formalities, Yi Tian put all the materials into the storage bracelet.In the past few years, Yi Tian hasn't added much equipment to his body. Fortunately, he has a storage ring to store valuables.And after killing the foundation-building cultivator of Ming Wangdao last time, he directly used the other party's storage bracelet.

After preparing all the materials, Yi Tian entered the tutelary mansion here to say hello to Lu Qihao, then said goodbye, and did not accept Lu Qihao's invitation again, and prepared to leave Country Fong directly.

Walking on the streets of Fangshi, Yi Tian also strolled slowly, wanting to see if he could find some good stuff.Suddenly, a familiar figure flashed in his eyes. Yi Tian walked to a stall and pretended to be shopping. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that it was He Shiwo from the Xuanling Sect, but he did not wear Xuanling. Lingpai's clothes may be to avoid suspicion.This person was seen at the foundation-building stage monk auction after the end of the East China Sea War. I heard that he was the main battle monk of the Xuanling Sect. His current cultivation base is in the middle stage of foundation-building, similar to Shen Peiqi.

Knowing that his background is not simple, Yi Tian had no choice but to follow him from a distance for fear of being recognized by him. He bought some talisman paper, talisman pen and spirit ink in the market, and then went to the spirit beast shop to buy an edible one. The long-haired porcupine, then packed it in a spirit animal bag and left Fangshi in a hurry, heading northwest all the way.

Looking at He Shiwo going away, Yi Tian felt uneasy. This direction is where Shen Peiqi and Qu Yifeng mentioned the stone forest. Could it be that they will go to explore the ruins with He Shiwo? This is obviously not a simple matter. thing.After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out the map and looked at it, then the imperial weapon flew at a low altitude and followed slowly.

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(End of this chapter)

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