
Chapter 111 Mantis

Chapter 111 Mantis
The full name of the stone forest that Shen Peiqi and Qu Yifeng went to is "Thousand Needles Stone Forest". It is said that the sky here has been shrouded in layers of clouds and mist for thousands of years.It is impossible to see the situation in the stone forest clearly from the air. It is surrounded by continuous valleys, and there is only one path leading to the stone forest.

There are very few records of the stone forest among the people, and most of the people who entered did not come out in the end.Few of the monks had this news, at least Yi Tian recalled that he had never heard of the rumor of 'Thousand Needles Forest'.Flying around the stone forest, Yi Tian took out his own map and looked at it. There was no clearly marked range on it, but a general circle in a valley.

Instead, he took out the map of King Ming Road, which clearly marked the Thousand Needles Stone Forest, and there was a door in the middle of the mark on the map.It was obvious that the kingly people would look for relics in the Thousand Needles Forest. This time, Shen Peiqi and Qu Yifeng were obviously plotted and used as gunmen.

But Yi Tian didn't understand, what's the use of finding two Chiyang Sect disciples? Doesn't Ming Wangdao like to make troubles on the Xuanling Sect's territory? When did he start to attract the attention of the Chiyang Sect.

Looking at the sky, it was almost evening, and the west was just shining with the afterglow of the setting sun. After coming out of Country Square, Yi Tian didn't dare to go all out in the sun, so He Shiwo would have found out.

He Shiwo was also in a hurry on the way, and after leaving Country Fong, he pushed Feijian with all his strength along the way.Yi Tian, ​​who set off a quarter of an hour later than him, could only watch him disappear into the air from a distance.

When he had completely disappeared, Yi Tian first took off his Zongmen clothing in a place, and then took out a gray robe worn by ordinary monks from the storage bracelet and put it on.He also put away his flywheel and replaced it with a flying sword.Then the imperial weapon lifted off and headed toward Thousand Needles at full speed.

What Yi Tian is most worried about now is that Shen Peiqi and Qu Yifeng should not be fooled by others. There will definitely not be any relics there. How come the things He Shiwo bought in Country Fong seem to be used to make talismans, or It is used in other places, Yi Tian dare not think about it anymore.

An hour later, Yi Tian saw a white mist shrouded in a valley in front of him from afar. He took the map and checked to make sure that he was in the Thousand Needles Forest.After circling for a mile at the edge of the white mist, Yi Tian found a path on the ground, and then quickly dropped the spirit sword, probing forward along the path.

Yi Tian was also very careful when walking on the path, trying not to use the wind escape technique so as not to be noticed by the people in front. After walking for a while, he entered the depths of the stone forest and found three forks.But the person in front didn't seem to have left any traces, and he couldn't find it himself.When he was wondering, he suddenly saw some traces left by spiritual power fluctuations in the air. It was obvious that some people did not want to touch the ground, so they used the evasion technique to move in the air and left clues.

Moreover, the aura fluctuations in the air have not dissipated, indicating that this person has not gone far, at least it was left behind when he passed by a quarter of an hour ago.Yi Tian followed these fluctuations of spiritual power, and followed up quietly, but the further he went down, the more frightened he became. The fluctuations of spiritual power in the air have wood attributes and metal attributes respectively, which means that there are at least two people following behind .

One He Shiwo is already big enough, and there are actually two people following behind him. Judging from the aftermath of this aura, the strength should not be much worse than that of He Shiwo, at least they are all at the level of the middle stage of foundation establishment.

As he walked, Yi Tian became more anxious. If the three monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment confronted Shen Peiqi and the two of them, there would definitely be no return. That kid Qu Yifeng was so ruthless that he might not be able to if he really made a move Can bear it.

After walking forward for a while, he suddenly found a sound not far in front of him. Yi Tian listened carefully, which should be the sound of spell bombardment.Yi Tian hurriedly put on his tiger headgear, this thing has been used many times, and every time it can keep Yi Tian safe and retreat, so Yi Tian also regards the headgear as his lucky charm.

After wearing the hood, Yi Tian used the wind escape technique and flew forward all the way, approaching slowly and then looking around from a distance.All I saw was Shen Peiqi, Qu Yifeng and He Shiwo standing in front of a cave and constantly bombarding the Shimen in front of them with spells, but the Shimen won't move even if it resisted the spells of the three.

I saw He Shiwo took out the talisman pens, talisman paper and porcupine pigs he bought from the storage bag, directly killed the pigs to get the blood, filled a small bottle with the pig blood, picked up the talisman pens and dipped them in the blood, and immediately died Draw a few symbols.Then the talismans were distributed to the two, and each of the three took two and pasted them on the stone gate.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing a mile away, didn't dare to get too close, so he had to use his spiritual eyes to see, but the angle was not right, and he couldn't see clearly.It's just that the pattern carved on the door is a bit familiar, like the formation pattern under the ice platform at the bottom of the Ice Soul Cave, the only difference is that there are three spiritual pattern locks on it.

The talismans in the hands of the three people were respectively pasted on the nodes of the spirit pattern lock, and after He Shiwo chanted the mantra, the three formulas hit the talismans respectively, and the activated talismans burst into flames and then exploded violently.

After the ashes from the explosion dissipated, the three of them saw that the spirit patterns on the door were not damaged at all.Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the distance, was also beating in his heart. This method of breaking the formation with talismans is only effective for talismans and formations of the same level.The spirit array on the door in front of me is obviously a very high-level spirit pattern, and it is locked with three spirit pattern locks at a glance. How could it be possible to open it with just a few talismans?

While thinking about it, he suddenly heard a few violent spell bombardments. Yi Tian saw that the situation in front of the stone gate had changed. Two kingly monks, one skinny and one fat, shot out from midair and attacked Qu Yifeng directly. and Shen Peiqi.

The five people in front of the stone gate were divided into three groups, and Shen Peiqi's face was a little blushing, and blood spit out from the corner of her mouth. It seemed that the sneak attack of the two just now still hurt him.Qu Yifeng picked up the spirit sword and stood in front of him panting heavily, with traces of blood on the corner of his mouth.At the critical moment, Shen Peiqi still protected her junior brother, and she borne most of the attack.

Both of them glared at He Shiwo. Only three people knew about their visit to the ruins this time. According to the situation, it was obvious that He Shiwo had revealed his whereabouts to the other two.

But when He Shiwo stood alone, he also showed doubts on his face, and asked with his mouth open: "Fan Jian, what does Zhong Yue mean by this? The disciples came together, but the two followed behind and did these sneaky things."

The fat Ming Wangdao monk should be Fan Jian, and he laughed and said loudly: "Brother He, don't panic, the two of us just wanted to try our luck, we missed and hurt you just now." It was also a misunderstanding between the two Chiyang Sect disciples."

He Shiwo is also an old fox, there are five people here, if the other party takes care of the two Chiyang boys, it will be difficult for him to get out of the Thousand Needles Forest today.Now it is a three-point battle, without Shen Peiqi and Qu Yifeng's intimidation, it is impossible. He Shiwo also turned his eyes to the two and cupped his hands and said: "Since everyone is for the same purpose, let's work together to break the formation. "After speaking, he raised his hand to signal for Na Ming and Wang Dao to take action.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Yue next to him didn't refuse, and took out a crystal bottle from the storage bag, which was actually filled with red liquid.After walking forward, he directly looked at the lines of the three spirit patterns on the stone gate, and poured the liquid in the bottle onto the lock of the spirit pattern lock on the left.

After ten breaths, the spirit pattern on the left side of the stone gate seemed to be alive. Suddenly, a bright light illuminated a third of the spirit circle on the stone gate, and the spirit pattern lock on the left slowly opened.After untiing it, the stone door suddenly shook, and then a vast aura came from behind the stone door.

After his breath calmed down, Zhong Yue couldn't help but said: "Brother He, why didn't you take action? Have you forgotten how your son and nephew died in the hands of this Chiyang kid in front of you in the Six Schools Trial?"

Qu Yifeng also frowned when he heard it, and he became even more anxious. He just got back the evidence of He Xinsheng collaborating with the enemy in the Six Sects Trial, and he seldom brags in front of his friends, but that person is indeed Yi Tiansha Yes, I just thought it was fun, and accidentally revealed a little bit of prestige in front of the group of soul boys.

But Shen Peiqi looked as if she was facing a formidable enemy, and cursed: "He Shiwo, you colluded with outsiders and abandoned the friendship between the two factions. Aren't you afraid that my elders from the Chiyang Sect will intervene?"

Before He Shiwo could answer, that Fan Jian spoke again: "Brother He is in the Xuanling body, and his heart is in the bones, am I right?" After speaking, he glanced at He Shiwo with provocative eyes.

Immediately, He Shiwo's face darkened. We don't need to explain this kind of thing, even if he is pretending to be stupid.But now that they are all on the bright side, it is impossible to ignore them, at least today is a deadly situation, and I have scolded the eighteen generations of ancestors of these two people in my heart.But Jiang was still old and hot, He Shiwo smiled immediately, the blue light on his hand flickered for a while, and then slowly walked towards Shen Peiqi.

The two Ming Wangdao monks standing behind also laughed, and sacrificed their spells.Shen Peiqi and Qu Yifeng in front of them had no choice but to jointly open the defensive cover, and cast a defensive fire shield, ready to resist a blow.According to the current situation, even if the two of them are intact, it is impossible for them to be the opponents of the three mid-stage foundation-building cultivators on the opposite side. What's more, in the few sneak attacks just now, the two of them had no time to defend, and they were beaten hard. After calming down, the next thing to face is a storm-like attack.

Unexpectedly, after He Shiwo walked a few steps, he smiled at the corner of his mouth, turned around and hit the two sword lights in his hand at the two people behind him.Then the imperial weapon lifted off without looking back, and was about to get out of here first.

After Zhong Yue just smiled, he cast a spell in his hand to directly withstand He Shiwo's green sword light, and then Fan Jian's imperial weapon flew in mid-air to catch up.

He Shiwo turned around and saw that someone was chasing him, so he suddenly raised his flying height and wanted to rush out, but he was blocked by an invisible light shield when he was below the mist thirty feet above the ground, and then suddenly in the mist above A flash of fire shot out, and the moment it hit Yi Tian saw He Shiwo spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell from the air headfirst.

It turned out that the Thousand Needles Forest had already been covered with a great formation, no wonder the inside couldn't be seen from the outside sky, it was all covered by layers of fog.And people in the big formation can't fly out directly, and the defense of the big formation will be activated automatically when they reach the bottom of the fog.Yi Tian who was in the distance secretly rejoiced that he was cautious because he was careful, seeing that those two kingly people were familiar with all this, then they must know what was hidden behind the stone gate.

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(End of this chapter)

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