
Chapter 1011 escape

Chapter 1011 escape
Jian Shaoqing and Duan Yi, disciples of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect near Guyun Mountain, followed Wei Shichong's last clue to find it, and found that there were messy sword marks everywhere in the battle field.After all, it didn't take long for Jian Shaoqing to notice the strangeness with his sharp eyes. It seems that there are sword marks everywhere, but there are some differences.

The sword marks on one side are different in depth, which is the result of the emphasis on the force control.On the other side, where Wei Shichong fell, the sword marks seemed similar, but the depth of the sword marks was the same in each direction.Jian Shaoqing's heart sank immediately, and he said to Duan Yi: "This opponent has practiced his swordsmanship to a fine level, and he controls every move and style precisely."

"What kind of labor and capital is that, I can also control finely," Duan Yi said disdainfully.

"You are far behind. The state of subtlety is not as simple as you imagined. This person can reach such a state in the early stage of transformation, which is better than me back then," Jian Shaoqing said in a deep voice.

"Brother Jian, why don't you kill him before he grows up, so as to avoid future troubles," Duan Yi emphasized again.

Shaking his head, Jian Shaoqing sighed and said, "It's one thing to think about it, but it's another thing to be able to do it, but since this person has such potential, I believe he will soon become famous in the spirit world. It seems that the blood deed tracking can't be sensed."

"Yes, there was only a weak induction just now, and then it disappeared completely. Could it be that this person was killed?" Duan Yi was puzzled.

But Jian Shaoqing said to himself with deep meaning: "Sure enough, he was able to escape so far in just two days, and he was able to get rid of the chains of the blood contract. This person is definitely an incredible person, But the more this is the case, the more I look forward to confronting him head-on. Let’s see whether the sword intent of the way of good is stronger or the sword intent of the way of evil.”

Then he turned around and called to Duan Yi: "Let's go, order the deacon of the sect to thoroughly investigate whether all the direct disciples of the sect have fallen outside. Expanding the scope to within 2000 years, this matter will become more and more interesting."

After the two left, Guyun Mountain returned to its former calm. There were only hundreds of uneven sword marks left on the hillside, proving that there had been a fierce battle here.

At the same time, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged on the hillside thousands of miles away, slowly opened his eyes, with a rare smile on his face.After checking the soul, he said to himself: "Finally, the blood porridge has been untied. I didn't expect that the secret technique of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect is so powerful that it can leave a mark on the soul."

It's a pity that my long-term experience has formed a habit of being cautious, but I will thoroughly investigate any feeling of discomfort.After that, Yi Tian slightly adjusted the true distance and ran it for a week, with a mixed look of worry and joy on his face.

After this confrontation, his cultivation has officially entered the category of the middle stage of transforming gods, but in this way, the thunder calamity that entered the world is bound to come faster.Originally, I was thinking of suppressing my cultivation base and thinking of a way after entering the Taiqing Pavilion, but now I really want to rush the ducks to the shelves.

There was only one road in front of him, so Yi Tian reluctantly took out the secret volume of Lihuo Nine Transformations and memorized the remaining four layers.Originally, I was planning to wait a while, but now it has become an imminent state, so I simply learned it directly to the end.

After staying on this hillside for three days and memorizing every single word of the rest of the exercises, Yi Tiancai slowly got up and prepared to leave for home.There was no other choice but to make such a big noise this time, and I will try to hide my identity in the future.

Yaoling Huaqian can no longer be used in front of others, just like Lihuo Nine Changes, if you don't make a move or if you want to make a move, you must keep your opponent behind.If people knew that he knew the signature skills of the two sects, he would be hunted down endlessly.

After much deliberation, he lowered his head and searched the storage ring, and the only thing he can get out now is the spirit plant summoning technique.Although this kind of spell is not powerful, it can be displayed directly in front of people, and sometimes it may have unexpected effects.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian made up his mind to keep a low profile in everything in the future, and then his figure flashed and flew directly to the cloud head and slowly flew towards Luoxia City.

Now the sense of oppression in cultivation is not so urgent, so there is no need to rush to refresh yourself.Along the way, she flew slowly, but the thoughts in her heart flew by.The matter of cultivation can be resolved, but there is another matter that will definitely cause an uproar.

I refined the Dragon Scale Shield in Guyun Mountain. I don't know how high the level of this defensive spiritual weapon can reach.But no matter what, it will definitely attract the attention of others.

The reason is also very simple, the three spiritual weapons that he refined all appeared near Luoxia City.Those who are interested will definitely connect the tasks and tasks in Luoxia City because of this.To put it bluntly, just relying on the fact that he helped the Artifact Master Alliance to lay down a new formation, he would quickly become the target of others' pursuit.

Moreover, the formation master was originally related to the process of refining weapons, and those people who are good will surely come to the door soon to ask for proof.

Thinking of this, the deep worry in my heart slowly rose, and the escape speed under my feet also unknowingly accelerated a lot.Three days later, when Yi Tian returned to Luoxia City, he didn't notice any major changes.The security guards at the four gates didn't seem to be able to be strengthened either, and he sneaked in from the south gate after performing Thousand Faces as before.

Afterwards, I wandered around the city and removed the spell in an uninhabited alley and returned to the truth.After leaving the alley, he detoured back to the back door of his own manor, quietly opened the barrier in the dark of night, and then went straight into the backyard.

Back in the main hall, Yi Tian found two communication symbols staying in the air.After reaching out to take it off, he read the above information respectively, and then frowned and laughed.

The contents of the two message talismans are also similar, one is Mi Jun's message.He mentioned that there have been many affairs in Luoxia City recently, and there are countless official duties in the inspection department.This time, Hong Fei, as the escort leader, took three recommenders to the higher prefecture-level city to participate in the selection.

As Hong Fei's confidant, Mi Jun naturally went with him.It's just that this trip will last for several years, and they will have to participate in local work arrangements after they get there.You can't come back until the selection is over, and during this period coincides with the selection of the inner door of the Taiqing Pavilion, so it is impossible to meet again in the past few years due to the mistake.

Yi Tian thought for a while and replied directly, saying that even after entering Taiqing Pavilion, he would take time to go back to Luoxia City to have a look.

Then he took out another jade talisman and read it, and then his face fell into deep thought.This jade talisman was sent by Hua Yuxin. This little girl seems to have a good impression of her, but she can't resist the family's wishes and is worth participating in the selection.

And she also mentioned that she had no choice before, and her mind was full of the rise and fall of the family.But now she has her own ideas. If there is no such thing, she is willing to stay under her command.

Yi Tian smiled irrefutably, but his face became more and more serious at the end.Hua Yuxin mentioned the result of the divination that her elder brother asked her to obtain, that she could enter Lihuo Palace and have the opportunity to take power in the future.

 Thank you for the reward of the plane that slipped on
(End of this chapter)

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