
Chapter 1012 Acquaintances

Chapter 1012 Acquaintances
There is a regular flight from Luoxia City to Taiqing Pavilion every 50 years, and only the passengers on the flight can go directly to the new main city of Taiqing Pavilion and are exempted from many external inspections.

It would be extremely popular to come to such a flight, but when Yi Tian came to Luoxia City Airport on time to take this flight, he found that it was far from what he had imagined.

There are only three to forty people on the entire sky patrol ship, most of them are large forces in Luoxia City.A loner like myself became a different kind of existence, and others without him all swarmed onto the boat with their general entourage.

Fortunately, Hong Fei had booked the boat ticket for himself early in the morning, so he simply showed his inspection department's jade badge at the entrance of the airport.The staff took out the boarding list and checked it, and then a crew member with Jindan cultivation directly led the way to the cabin.

Hong Fei booked a first-class boat ticket for himself, and he heard from the Jindan waiter that the whole journey would last about five days, with only one stop in the middle, and then directly to Qingfeng City, the main city of Taiqing Pavilion.As for the place where they stopped, it turned out to be the ruins of the original Qingfeng City, which was only ten thousand miles away from the new city.

Think about it, even if you fly directly from Luoxia City to Qingfeng City based on your own escape speed, it will only take about one month.But when he arrived in the outer city, he had to re-verify his identity and pay a large amount of spirit stones as the entry fee, so Yi Tian directly gave up the idea of ​​acting alone.

After all, Hong Fei was also out of good intentions to save himself some time. After staying in the VIP cabin for a while, he decided to come out and walk on the deck to see if he had nothing to do.

At this time, the horn on the sky patrol ship rang three times, and then there was a slight vibration from under the feet.Yi Tian looked out the window and found that the warship was slowly leaving the airport.

After turning around in the air, it adjusted its direction, and then a white film of light suddenly flashed and covered the entire warship.At the same time, the flying speed gradually increased, and soon reached the state of flying at full speed.

This is not to mention that Yi Tian visually observed the flying speed of the sky patrol ship and finally stabilized at twice his own speed. It is estimated that this can catch up with the escape speed of the monks in the distraction stage.

Looking back from the deck, Luoxia City on the ground is getting smaller and smaller at this time. Although the surrounding protective shields are strong, you can still feel the rush of spiritual energy rushing by.After that, Yi Tian didn't want to stay on the deck any longer, and turned around and opened the hatch behind him directly to return to the big warehouse of the warship.

Many monks who did not purchase the VIP cabin directly found a place in the hall to sit cross-legged and wait quietly.For them, the five-day effort was nothing more than a short nap.

Yi Tian was walking and suddenly a voice came out from behind: "Isn't this Master Yi? What a coincidence."

Turning around, it turned out to be Pei Yuexiao from the Artifact Refiner's Alliance. Unexpectedly, he also took this boat.I was acquainted with him when I was building the second sky survey warship before, and now I happened to see him and hurried up to greet him.

The hall was not a place to talk, so Pei Yuexiao offered to sit in his cabin.Naturally, Yi Tian didn't want to disappoint the other party's kindness, so he followed him to the VIP cabin, and then found that Pei Yuexiao's room happened to be not far from his own cabin.

After the two entered the door, they sat down and told each other about their recent situation.It turned out that Pei Yuexiao also returned to the headquarters of the Artifact Master Alliance this time, and that headquarters was officially set up in the new Qingfeng City.

In this regard, Yi Tian had a deep understanding of the details of the Artifact Refiner's Alliance, so he was not surprised. Since it was a branch from the Lihuo Palace, he would naturally not go back.Presumably, for Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, Taiqing Pavilion is more suitable.

Pei Yuexiao said excitedly: "Actually, I also have some things I want to ask Master Yi face to face. It's a great honor to meet him this time."

Yi Tian was not clear about it, and he said that he had taught Bai Siyang verbatim the process of arranging the formation, and Pei Yuexiao, as a co-designer, would not be unfamiliar with it.Casually asked: "I don't know what questions Master Pei has, if I know it, I will definitely not keep it private."

"I just want to ask you about the process of drawing the formation, and I would like to ask Master Yi for advice," Pei Yuexiao asked humbly.

"Didn't I teach Bai Siyang all about the process of characterization, and I didn't keep half of it privately? I taught as much as I had," Yi Tian replied.

However, Pei Yuexiao sighed and said: "Master Yi doesn't know something, the defense of the ship that you personally set up the formation is far superior to that of the same level. Last year, Director Hong Fei escorted three beautiful girls to prefecture-level cities for selection. When I was attacked by someone, I was hit by three shell-breaking cones, but none of them pierced the armor."

"There is such a thing, why didn't I know about the attack on Director Hong and others," Yi Tian exclaimed.I was also secretly worried about this in my heart, no wonder Lian Mi Jun and the others didn't have any news recently.

But looking at Pei Yuexiao's face, it seems that there is still a turning point.Then he said again: "Those three shell-breaking cones couldn't penetrate the deck, but the flame and thunder on it were detonated. Fortunately, the explosion outside the sky patrol ship did not damage the internal operating mechanism. Basically, there is no damage to the people. I just heard that a beautiful girl named Hua Yuxin was too close to Yan Baolei, and her heart was hurt by the shock."

"Oh, and this matter, Hua Yuxin was originally working under my command. I didn't expect such an accident to happen. I don't know what happened to her?" Yi Tian hurriedly asked.

"I heard that Director Hong Fei came forward to help her obtain a heart-protecting pill, so she should be cultivating in a prefecture-level city now," Pei Yuexiao replied.

After hearing this, Yi Tian's heart sank and he secretly thought that this accident might not be a good thing for Hua Yuxin.If her strength is damaged, it will definitely have a negative impact on the next draft competition.

Just thinking about it, Pei Yuexiao said again: "To be honest, the Artifact Refiner Alliance started refining three sky survey warships at the same time more than ten years ago. Among them, the one that Master Yi you are responsible for engraving the formation is the strongest. As for the later The two completed ships are the defensive formation engraved by Bai Siyang and others. In the last attack, two shell-breaking cones pierced the rear port cabin of the front deck. Fortunately, there were few people working inside and did not cause too much damage. It was only three months after the forced landing that was bombed on the spot that it was towed back."

The difference between the one who didn't penetrate and the one who was beaten is really not one point or two points.No wonder Pei Yuexiao's eyes lit up when he looked at him. He must be interested in his own engraving technique, so he wanted to ask for advice.

After that, Yi Tian chatted with him directly without hiding it, and finally gave him a copy of the true interpretation of the formation that he wrote.Naturally, Pei Yuexiao knew the value of this thing and also offered a copy of the internal [-]-piece manual of the Artifact Refiner Alliance in exchange.

 Thank you Wanbei Taoist for the monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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