
Chapter 1013 Conversation

Chapter 1013 Conversation
Yi Tian chatted with Pei Yuexiao all the way on the sky patrol warship to pass the time without knowing it, and more than half a day passed.During the period, I also made a lot of exchanges and even became a confidant.

Ke Yitian found that there seemed to be a trace of confusion between the other party's brows, and he would inadvertently frown whenever he mentioned Lihuo Palace.I only know that the competition on the local evil list is fierce, and it is estimated that Pei Yuexiao valued it quite a bit, but was suppressed by Ji Xingzhu.

Thinking of this, I wanted to inquire about the situation from the side, and then asked directly: "To be honest, I am not very interested in the rankings on the list there, as it often happens that those who are ranked lower on the monk list beat those who are higher. I don't know how this list was compiled."

After hearing this, Pei Yuexiao smiled slightly and said, "That's natural. Although the monk's strength can be listed, but the battle still depends on the weather, location, people and these conditions."

"Won't the local evil list lose its credibility, and what's the use of compiling this list?" Yi Tian joked.

"It's not entirely true. Master Yi doesn't know something," Pei Yuexiao said meaningfully: "Previously there were few successes in crossing the list, but Han Zhenting of the Zixia faction nearly 20 years ago was an exception."

"Han Zhenting." Speaking of this name, Yi Tian underestimated again. If he didn't want to exchange some high-end treasure materials, he would not have been able to exchange the Purple Lightning Sword for him.Unexpectedly, this kid would really cause trouble. He took his own spirit sword and challenged the twenty monks on the list at once.

Pei Yuexiao didn't know what Yi Tian was thinking and thought he was shocked by the news, so he went on to say: "In fact, this is the same as the principle of a good horse with a good saddle. When monks are of similar strength, they are more powerful than their skills. Your own background and the level of the spirit weapon in your hand."

"Then Han Zhenting was lucky enough to get him into the [-]th place," Yi Tian said with disdain.

But Pei Yuexiao shook his head and said directly: "Master Yi may not know this person very well, but now he has raised his ranking by three places."

"It's seventeen so soon, I remember he uttered wild words and wanted to be in the top ten?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"That's true. Han Zhenting still has such arrogance as a direct descendant of a school. Others think that he only has a high-level spiritual weapon to have such a status, but they don't know that he himself has the strength to challenge beyond the level. It's just that the purple electric sword is in his hand. It's all about giving full play to his own strength," Pei Yuexiao said.

It is also reasonable to say that things are dead and people are alive.The spirit weapon of a monk who has not used it may not be able to show its due strength.

Suddenly Pei Yuexiao said earnestly: "To be honest, the next time I go back this time is to practice refining weapons. Now that there are so many new things on the list of spiritual weapons, the old masters in the alliance feel a lot of pressure."

"At this time, I heard that the strength of Ji Xingzhu from Lihuo Palace has been steadily rising, and has already posed a threat to a group of seniors," Yi Tian said.

"If Ji Xingzhu was my main target 20 years ago, I'm afraid she has a deep sense of crisis now," Pei Yuexiao said indeed, but there was a gleam of unyielding in her eyes and continued: "My current The goal is to catch up with Master Cheng Tianyun, so Ji Xingzhu must have felt the same way."

After Yi Tian heard it, it was worth pretending not to know, but he was secretly sizing up the other party in his eyes.After confirming that Pei Yuexiao didn't recognize her, she asked tentatively: "I have heard about this Master Cheng, but he didn't pass it on to him as a miraculous one. And it seems that he has also been to Luoxia City, but it's just that he didn't have the chance to see him."

Pei Yuexiao nodded and said: "Yes, only Han Zhenting has met him once. But from his mouth, he learned that Master Cheng did not show his true colors at that time, and left after exchanging the Dazzling Stone from him. "

Yi Tianxin was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that Han Zhenting's mouth would be so unreliable that he would reveal the situation of the original transaction.To be honest, there are not many places where this glare stone can be used. At that time, it was specially refined for Mi Jun to refine a spiritual weapon that breaks the shadow attribute.

Those who are interested can naturally trace it backwards from this clue. Fortunately, I know that Mi Jun will never leak this matter.After thinking about it, he tried to change the subject and said: "Then what is the goal of Fellow Daoist Pei now? I only know that if you just stare at others, you will slow down your own footsteps. It would be better to find another way to concentrate on honing your skills. "

Pei Yuexiao laughed dumbly and said: "That's true, Master Yi really sees it thoroughly. No matter what the opponent is, I still have to stick to my own path."

After thinking for a while, he sighed and said: "Actually, there is no comparison. That Master Cheng already has two spirit weapons on the list. The Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan is still ranked ninth, but my own spirit weapon is still on the list." It's half the list."

"Ninth place, I heard that it didn't seem to be the tenth place originally, how could it be promoted?" Yi Tian raised his brows, he should be the most clear about this matter.The Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan has been kept warm in his Niwan Palace for less than 20 years and he hasn't seen it advance.

"It's probably a spiritual weapon that can be promoted, and I bet that in 200 years, this precious fan can even break into the top three," Pei Yuexiao said with certainty.

"Oh, if Fellow Daoist Pei is so optimistic, I'll have to wait and see," Yi Tian said, but he was extremely puzzled in his heart.Logically speaking, the quality of the Dragon Scale Shield I recently refined is not inferior to the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, but looking at Pei Yuexiao's appearance, it seems that he doesn't know that there is such a thing.Could it be that the Taiqing Pavilion Qing Tiansi didn't get it in divination, but this is too strange.It seems that it is really necessary for me to go to Qingtiansi after entering the gate wall of Taiqing Pavilion.

Now that his goal had been achieved, he chatted with Pei Yuexiao for a while, and after exchanging the Jade Charm of Communication, he said goodbye and returned to his cabin.After sitting down, Yi Tian sorted out his thoughts, and now even if he entered the Taiqing Pavilion, he had to tighten his tail and be a man.

The skills at hand must not be exposed unless it is absolutely necessary, but in a blink of an eye, all the skills I can use in front of people are some spiritual plant summoning skills.After entering the door, I have to find ways to drill into remote departments, and I have to cultivate those spiritual plants so that I can say that it complements my skills so as not to arouse suspicion.

After deciding on the strategy, Yi Tian was no longer confused and sat cross-legged in the cabin to meditate and practice.It wasn't until four or five days later that the sky patrol ship seemed to slow down slowly, and finally stopped.

After slowly opening his eyes, Yi Tian walked to the window of the cabin and knocked down his eyes. At this time, the warship was docking at an old airport.The buildings around below are also dilapidated, looking like they have been in disrepair for a long time.

Needless to say, this is the old city of Qingfeng. In the cabin, you can have a panoramic view of the surroundings below.Compared with Luoxia City, it is more than ten times larger, and the walls in all directions extend to a length of [-] miles.

It's a pity that this treasure land has been occupied by demons for nearly a thousand years, and almost all the facilities have been polluted by demonic energy. It is estimated that it has not been purified in the past 8000 years. "

 Thanks to Yang Jiaichiro for the monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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