
Chapter 1014 Registration

Chapter 1014 Registration
The sky patrol ship slowly sailed into the airport of Qingfeng New City, and Yi Tian stayed in the cabin and could overlook the whole sky-level city through the windows and doors.

Just now, eight hundred miles away, I saw a Qingfeng outer city guard circle.There are many passage gates there, monks who want to enter the city need to undergo strict interrogation in the outer city but only after their identity is confirmed can they enter.

Half an hour ago, I saw several long queues below from the warship, and I guess they all went to the city to search.In comparison, Luoxia City is really too shabby.

Fortunately, I came here this time to carry a sky survey warship and can directly enter the airport in the inner city.If you wait in line like those casual cultivators, you really don't know how long it will take to get in.

After the warship docked, the passengers on the ship stepped out from the passage gate and disembarked slowly.Pei Yuexiao is known as the master of the Artifact Refiner Alliance, and when he got off the ship, he was received by the alliance's attendants at the port.

After that, everyone took care of their own affairs, Yi Tian just greeted him from a distance, and saw him get on a silver-horned winged horse.

The carriage turned into a white light and flew straight towards the city under the urging of the coachman.Some rogue cultivators around seemed to want to use escapism to fly, but unexpectedly, the airport staff who had been on the side had already stepped forward to stop it.Then he directly stated the reason. In Qingfeng City, only monks above the distraction stage were allowed to fly directly.

Or those direct monks from the inner sect of the Taiqing Pavilion are also treated in the same way.If the outside casual cultivator on the scene made a mistake for the first time, the inspection department in the city has the right to detain the person on the spot.Usually a first-time offender can pay a fine of [-] merits, and if he commits a second offense, it will start to double up.

If you can't afford it, you have to go to Ailao Mountain to dig mines. Yi Tian swept his eyes and saw that the expressions of the casual cultivators around him tightened when they heard the name of Ailao Mountain.It must not be a good place to come to, probably because they never return, which is why they were so surprised.

Fortunately, I also came here this time with Hong Shanhe's recommendation, and I have seen the selection process of the Taiqing Pavilion's inner sect before.After arriving in Qingfeng New City, first go to the Chuangong Hall in the city to report, and you can only enter the mountain gate of the Taiqing Pavilion under the leadership of the elders of the Chuangong Hall.

After all, even after coming to Qingfeng City, they still haven't entered the mountain gate. I'm afraid this selection will not be so easy.

After thinking about it, I went directly to the ground staff at the airport to inquire about how to enter the city, and was told later that there was a special black-horned carriage rental outside the exit.As long as you take a car, you can go directly to Chuangong Hall.

After hearing this, Yi Tian walked out of the airport without any hesitation, and sure enough, he saw a long line of black-horned carriages parked there waiting to carry passengers.Call one at random and explain the destination to the driver, then step forward and sit in the car.With a sound of the whip, the two black horned horses at the front of the carriage slowly dragged the carriage towards the inner city.

Along the way, Yi Tian looked at the pedestrians around and the shops on the road, and this is indeed the base camp of the spirit world.Thirty percent of the people walking on the road are Nascent Soul cultivators, and more than half of them have Golden Core or higher cultivation bases.

Even there are not a few cultivators who transform themselves into gods like themselves, and they can still find monks flying over their heads from time to time on the road.Not all of those people were distracted monks. If you scan them carefully with your spiritual sense, you can find that most of them are monks wearing the clothes of the inner sect of the Taiqing Pavilion.

After driving on the road for more than an hour, the carriage finally came to the street not far from Chuan Gong Hall.Further forward, there were three long queues, and the carriage could not continue on.Yi Tian had no choice but to pay the fare of one hundred Lingshi, and then got out of the car and walked to Chuangong Hall.

The long queue queuing outside was divided into Zhu Jindan and Yuan Ying's three-person team, but the number decreased in descending order.Fortunately, I am a cultivator of transforming spirits, so I don't need to wait in line here.

Walking all the way to the outside of the Chuangong Hall, the deacon in the own hall came forward to inquire.Yi Tian didn't hesitate to show his recommendation order and was invited to the backyard of Chuan Gong Hall.

There were more than a dozen monks waiting here the next morning, Yi Tian glanced over his face and couldn't help showing surprise.The level of cultivation of these people varies from Jindan to Huashen. I really don't know what is going on with the selection of Taiqing Pavilion.

Thinking that he was the only one who was in the mid-stage of transformation, he was startled and hurriedly asked the guide: "I wonder if the deacon led the wrong way. Is this really the entry selection test site of Taiqing Pavilion?"

The deacon just smiled, and then stretched out his hand and pointed to the elderly late-stage cultivator who was sitting directly above, who was closing his eyes and meditating, and said: "This assessment will be personally checked by Elder Sha of the Chuangong Hall. If you have any questions, senior You can come forward and ask."

Immediately, Yi Tian hurried up and said to Jishou, the elder of Chuan Gong Hall: "Yi Tian met fellow Taoist in Luoxia City."

Elder Nasha opened his eyes and looked at himself, then replied calmly: "It turns out that it's the Ascension Cultivator Yi Daoyou from Luoxia City, what's the matter?"

"I don't know if I will participate in the selection with all the monks present this time. Wouldn't I take advantage of it?" Yi Tian asked.

Elder Sha waved his hands and smiled: "It's okay, everyone will wear the spirit lock later, and take part in the selection exam as if your cultivation was suppressed in the Qi refining period."

As soon as this remark came out, many monks present also heard it, and the expressions on their faces became uncertain, as if they were all guessing the content of the selection.

Elder Nasha coughed lightly and drew everyone's attention back, then pointed in the direction of the Taiqing Pavilion Zongmen and said, "Actually, the selection method this time is very simple, as long as everyone puts on the shackles and then I can walk all the way to the mountain gate. If anyone wants to give up halfway, he just needs to say a word. Those who walk halfway can enter the branch of Shangqing Daozong and become outer disciples. Only those who walk the whole way can enter the inner sect. "

It doesn't sound difficult, but Yi Tian frowned.If this section of road was really easy to walk, then Hong Fei would not have been brushed into the veins of the Taoist sect of the Shangqing Dynasty.It seems that there must be something strange in this, ordinary monks in the spiritual world may not be able to make it through.

It is estimated that Hong Shanhe took out this precious recommendation quota for the sake of being an Ascension Cultivator. The next test is not easy.After thinking about it, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and bowed slightly to Elder Sha, then turned around and found an open space in the backyard to sit cross-legged.

The other candidates in the surrounding area also consciously or unconsciously learned their own way and began to sit cross-legged to adjust their state to the best so as to meet the next selection test.

After waiting in the backyard for three days, a messenger disciple hurried in and handed a jade slip to Elder Sha.After taking over the hand and quickly reading the content on the meeting, I saw him standing up slowly, and then said: "The time is up, take out your recommendation order and activate it with spiritual power."

(End of this chapter)

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