
Chapter 1015 Test

Chapter 1015 Test
There is a space gate in the deepest part of the Gong Chuan Gong Hall in Qingfeng City. The forty monks who participated in the selection this time all lined up and walked slowly into this gate one by one.

At this time, Yi Tian was at the end of the line, and behind him was Elder Sha from Chuan Gong Hall.Each candidate wears a gleaming bracelet on his right wrist.

In the hall of the backyard, according to Elder Sha's reminder, everyone injected the recommended jade token directly to activate it.The jade tablet instantly turned into a white light and was directly put on everyone's hands. After the halo dissipated, it changed into a bracelet.

And Yi Tian suddenly found that his spiritual pressure fluctuations were extremely restrained, and his cultivation was suppressed to the level of the late stage of Qi training.

Then Elder Sha explained with a smile: "Everyone, take a closer look at this bracelet on your hand. This spiritual weapon can suppress your cultivation base to the peak in the late stage of Qi training. You must maintain this state along the way, of course You can also take off or dismantle this bracelet. You will also lose the qualification for this selection, so just follow me."

After such a look, everyone restrained their dissatisfaction on their faces, and then followed Elder Sha and walked slowly towards the depths of the Gong Chuan Gong Hall.

After waiting for more than a quarter of an hour in front of the transmission channel, it was his turn. Yi Tian looked at the light gate in front of him, his face unchanged, and he took a big step and stepped in.

In an instant, the foot that stepped into the gate seemed to be empty, and then the body's center of gravity was unstable, and the whole person fell into it.Coming to the back of the Daoguang Gate, Yi Tian saw that this place was about ten feet high in the air, and there was an open space below.In this way, if they fall directly, they will inevitably make a fool of themselves. Before seeing, more than a dozen people have fallen on their heads and slept with their buttocks in the sky.

Yi Tian was about to use the escape technique, when suddenly a trace of clarity in the Lingtai stopped his movements.Flying in the sky is a technique that can only be used by golden core monks. If you do this by yourself, it will be a direct violation of the rules.

I didn't expect that the selection was a pit from the beginning, and I didn't use my skills and spells when I thought of it, and let myself fall vertically.When he was almost close to the ground, he adjusted the center of gravity of his body and performed light kung fu, and then his feet fell down and stood firmly on the ground. Suddenly, there were two and a half feet deep footprints under his feet.

Looking back around, most of the Nascent Soul cultivators seemed to have practiced some physical skills like myself, or used the method of imperial weapon flying to land when using spiritual weapons.In this way, only two golden core monks flew to the ground in front of the embarrassing people.

But as soon as Elder Sha of the Chuan Gong Hall came out, he pointed his fingers at the two humans who were flying in the void and said, "You two are out, so you just stay where you are now, and some sect disciples will come to pick you up later.

Unexpectedly, the two of them had already been eliminated before they even set off on this road, and everyone was terrified, and the two even quarreled angrily, shouting: "Is Elder Sha doing this unfairly? We don't agree with that." .”

Unexpectedly, a cold shout sounded: "Look at the bracelet on your hand and you will understand."

After hearing this, Yi Tian glanced and found the clue, the jade tablet in the middle of the bracelet on his hand was emitting a faint green light, while the two of them were showing a red light.Needless to say, this bracelet also has the function of detecting the strength of spiritual power, as long as there is any sign beyond the late stage of refining, it will be judged as disqualified immediately.

Yi Tian also sighed in his heart, it was dangerous, if he leaked a little bit of spiritual power, I'm afraid it would immediately arouse the reaction of the bracelet.

Later, Elder Sha said again: "The rest of you listen carefully. There is a hundred miles from here to the mountain gate. The road is full of dangers. You can only use your talents to try to pass it. Any opportunism or summoning spiritual pets, etc. The method is considered to be a violation, and the time is limited to a whole day, so those who fail to pass within this period are regarded as failures. The only difference is that even if you fail after half the course, you can enter the Shangqing Meridian."

After hearing this, all the people showed determination on their faces, and then they looked at the road ahead, chose one of them and hurried away.

Although it is said that walking a hundred miles will not take much time, since it must be meaningful to give one day, it is better to hurry up and get on the road than to waste time here.

Seeing that the people in front of them stepped up and chose their way to go, Yi Tian also chose the least path and went straight with big strides.You can't use spells anywhere, but your innate advantage is that you have practiced physical skills.Although it can't be used to defend against enemies, its own speed and strength are many times stronger than that of Qi refining monks, and it can calmly deal with crises even in the face of crises.

An hour later, after running for a long distance, Yi Tian came to the end of the main road, and there was a fork in front of him. The road sign on the left said there are monsters in danger, and the road sign on the right was marked with the words "Mixin Formation".

There were two monks who arrived almost one after the other, and they resolutely chose the road on the left after seeing the road signs.For them, it might be much easier to deal with monsters than to enter the formation.

Yi Tian pouted, then turned around and walked in from the path on the right.Not long after, the road in front of him became wider and wider, but his vision gradually became blurred.

I am already proficient in formations. Needless to say, I should have already entered the illusion formation at this moment, and the surrounding environment has changed as I continue to go deeper.Yi Tian's footsteps also gradually slowed down, seeing the surrounding scene as if he had returned to the small mountain village where he was born, and even the environment and characters were exactly the same.

He settled down and looked at the familiar Lu Yitian, but there was a flash of green light in his eyes, and then he showed his real eyes.Thinking that this kind of exercise consumes very little spiritual power, Yi Tian controlled the output of spiritual power to the middle stage of Qi training, and always observed the color of the jade plaque in the middle of the bracelet.

With the help of the Eye of Reality, it was easy for him to find the way out.After searching around, he found the foundation of the Mixin Formation, and the pattern pattern engraved on it was of a higher level than what he had learned.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't hesitate to take out the jade slips and carving knife to expand the formation inscriptions.

After it took half an hour to finish the work at hand, Yi Tian put away the jade slip carving knife and continued to walk down.

After walking for a long time, a shout suddenly came from my ear, and the voice seemed familiar.Mingzhe realized that this might be the effect of the phantom array, but no matter how he covered his ears, the shout seemed to resound directly in his heart.

After hearing it, they could distinguish clearly, the voices of Liu Piaopiao, Shi Qianwei and Yan Zhaoxue were mixed in.The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched, and he secretly recited the Bodhi Concentration Mantra, and his tranced mind immediately stabilized.

Looking back, I found three figures appearing not far behind, and I was secretly surprised: "What a powerful formation can actually reflect the weakest aspect of a person's heart, first is family affection, and then is affection. If it weren't for Xiu I am afraid that even if I can get out, I will be entangled and kill a lot of time even if I have learned the secret art of Buddhism."

After thinking about it, his face became sullen, he turned around, ignored him and continued to walk forward.

(End of this chapter)

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