
Chapter 1016

Chapter 1016
The selection test of Taiqing Pavilion is still going on, but there are unpredictable difficulties hidden in this seemingly simple assessment.Since Yi Tian entered the psychedelic formation, he recognized the strangeness in it at a glance, and those previous illusions seemed to have no effect on him.

But as I continued to go deeper, I found that the psychedelic formation seemed not as simple as it seemed. I had already cast the Bodhi Concentration Mantra to keep my mind, and was no longer affected by the illusions around me.But if he continued to walk like this, he couldn't find the exit, and he seemed to have walked forward for more than two hours, but there was no sign of breaking out.

Later, he simply stood there and thought about it, and at the same time, he found that the shouts of the three women behind him were getting closer.After a while, three figures appeared not far behind him.Only Liu Piaopiao yelled coldly: "Where is my husband going, don't you want to see me if you are leaving in such a hurry."

"Yes, yes, my husband came back after so much trouble, how could he treat us like this," Shi Qianwei who was on the side also said with an unkind expression.

What's more, Yan Zhaoxue sobbed and said: "Is it possible that Yi Lang likes the new and dislikes the old? If there is a new love, he will forget the old covenant I waited for."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face became extremely ugly, and his eyes swept over the three women, who seemed to be close in front of them but seemed elusive.He suddenly closed his eyes and sat down slowly, but slowly chanted the eight-tone mantra of Tianlei in his mouth.A golden Buddha sect's power slowly gathered and then helped itself, shielding all distracting thoughts.

The secret technique of the Signal Buddha Sect can also be activated without spiritual force. Not long after, when Yi Tian opened his eyes again, he found that the surrounding fog had disappeared.But I was still sitting at the crossing where I entered the battle, so I didn't take a step forward after a long time.

After looking at the surrounding situation, Yi Tian slowly stood up and said in secret: "It's dangerous", this large formation is originally a high-level obsessive formation.The hallucinations I saw were the people and things I missed the most in my heart.

Obviously what is being tested here is the cultivator's own Dao Xin, if it is those Golden Core cultivators, they can easily pass it.I have a wealth of experience, and the many things I have experienced have become a burden for delaying myself.

Fortunately, now that the rain is over and the sky is clear, with the strengthening of Dao Xin, this big formation has no effect on him anymore.Then he stood up slowly, and walked forward step by step. This time, there was no misty illusion around him.

Looking at the sky, I almost spent a lot of time again, the sky has slowly turned dark, just like it is night.Fortunately, his divine sense is extremely strong, even if he is suppressed in the late stage of Qi training, he can easily detect a range of thirty or forty miles ahead.

In addition to the big formation, they came to a hundred-foot-wide river, where several monks had already arrived.They actually discussed how to cross the river together, and someone took out a spirit sword and wanted to fly.However, as soon as he flew more than ten feet away in mid-air, he saw a huge wave in the river under his feet and swept him directly.

That poor guy was out of the game directly, and he was taken to nowhere by the river.

Seeing that they couldn't fly over, they had to cross the river by force. Several monks took out their spiritual weapons and set them up on the water to wade across, but the spiritual weapons stuck to the water and sank directly.Yi Tian could see it clearly. He reached out and took out his carving knife and began to collect bamboos on the bank of the river.

Obviously, it is not possible to cross the river with spiritual weapons, so the only way is to find natural materials and use the most primitive way to pass this level.In fact, if you think about it a little bit, you can understand that the purpose of this level is also very simple, that is to let the monks participating in the selection not to rely blindly on spells and spiritual weapons.

People who practice Taoism should abandon their lofty attitude in many cases, and use the method of entering the world to treat the difficulties they face with a normal heart.

Shaoqing Yitian wove the collected bamboo into a bamboo raft, then picked up a bamboo pole and pushed the bamboo raft into the water slowly.Then relying on bamboo poles to make oars, slowly paddled the bamboo rafts and began to cross the river.

When paddling to the very center of the river, I suddenly heard a roar, looked up with the eyes of reality and found a flood peak rushing upstream.Immediately, his face sank, and the strength in his hands increased by three points, and he rowed the bamboo raft towards the opposite bank rapidly.

It's a pity that the flood peak came quickly, and rushed to the other side before he reached the other side.Facing Hong Feng, who was close at hand, Yi Tian didn't panic.As soon as the body sank, he dived directly into the water and inserted the bamboo pole into the bottom of the river, while he himself swam to the bottom of the river.Half a moment later, Yi Tiancai slowly floated up from the bottom of the river after the flood peak flowed past.I didn't use any spiritual power in the whole process, and I relied on my physical strength and strength to get through the difficulty.

After that, he swam a distance of several tens of feet, and did not encounter any difficulties during the whole process.Now Yi Tian understood in his heart that he tried his best to use mortal strength to deal with the next test during this selection.

I want to come to the Taiqing Pavilion to select the inner disciples based on character, Taoism and potential as the judging criteria.That's why the cultivation base of all participating monks is suppressed as in the Qi refining period, just to see everyone's true strength after returning to the original.

After reaching the river bank, he turned his head and looked behind him. Several monks also began to imitate their own way of crossing the river.Most of these people are talented, even if they are temporarily dazzled by the confusion in front of them, they can quickly adjust their mood and try to overcome difficulties.

Although he didn't wake up as fast as himself, his hands and feet were not slow, and in their eyes, it seemed that they had already tried their best not to let themselves continue to lead.

Turning around and walking forward, Yi Tian didn't use the cleaning technique to tidy himself up, anyway, he made up his mind to complete the next selection trial in a mortal way.

After walking for a short time, I saw a stall on the side of the road, and a stone pillar next to it said 'Halfway'.There is a flagpole next to the booth with the banner of Daozong of the Shangqing Dynasty on it. An old man in his [-]s sat on the booth and said to himself with a smile on his face: "After halfway, you can come in and have a rest and have a drink." Let’s get some tea and go on our way.”

Yi Tian glanced over and then replied with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Thank you, senior, but Dao Ruqing can't relax. Although I am a little tired, I can still hold on, so I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, he walked forward without waiting for the other party to reply, leaving the old man sitting in front of the booth.Just inadvertently, the corner of his eye glanced at the other person's face showing a hint of admiration, and he thought to himself that he had chosen the right choice this time.

With the physique of a monk, even if he travels non-stop, he may not feel tired. Although he spent a lot of energy in the first few levels, he dare not relax easily.One must know that even a monk like Hong Fei didn't get into the inner sect, so I'm afraid he followed the way halfway through.

Little did he know that half a moment after he passed by, another monk came here, and this person entered the booth to drink a glass of water, and then the bracelet on his hand fell off automatically.The old man just shook his head and said: "If you are not strong-willed, you will be easily affected by the surrounding environment. First, go to the branch of the Taoist sect of the Qing Dynasty to hone it."

It is estimated that Hong Fei was so enlightened back then.

 Thank you for the reward from the plane on the slide, and thank you for the monthly ticket at Zhonggukou
(End of this chapter)

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