
Chapter 1017

Chapter 1017
After passing the transfer station, Yi Tian walked slowly on the main road alone.When he first came in, Elder Han mentioned that the whole journey was only about a hundred miles away.

The first half of the journey tested my heart and mind, but I don't know what else is in the second half.Visually inspecting the road in front of me, it looks like a flat river. If you look up, you can directly see the mountain gate of Taiqing Pavilion.

Ke Yitian didn't dare to be careless in his heart, logically speaking, the simpler the road, the more hidden traps in the road.Walking forward cautiously, Yi Tian walked on this road for more than a quarter of an hour, but he stopped and looked back to see that he had just walked a distance of less than a hundred feet.

Even if you don't use any spiritual power and rely on your body alone, you can travel thousands of miles a day, but it doesn't seem to have any effect here.He stepped forward again and walked forward for half a moment, then looked back to see that he was only a few tens of feet away from the position just now.

Unexpectedly, the effect of the experiment again was even worse, and when he was puzzled, he suddenly saw someone following up not far behind him.That person walks on the road like flying, although his strength is only like that of Jindan, but his performance on this road is much stronger than himself.

It didn't take long to see that this person was shoulder to shoulder with him and walked to the front.Yi Tian stepped forward suspiciously, and was about to catch up, but he found that no matter how fast he chased, the distance between the two was getting wider and wider.

There is no doubt that the person in front of him seems to be the number one in this selection.After chasing for a while, he felt that he was determined not to catch up, so Yi Tian simply calmed down and stood where he was and began to think.

It seems that the next half of the journey is like this. If I can't find the key, I will never reach the end no matter what.

Thinking about it, the God of Divine Sense suddenly realized that there were two more monks chasing after him.When the two stepped on this road, the gap suddenly widened. This time it was a Nascent Soul cultivator and a Golden Core cultivator.The speed of the two people on the road is also very different, in comparison, they are both much faster than themselves.

At least at this point behind them, it took them less than half a moment to catch up with him, and then left him behind in an instant when they crossed.

In this way, Yi Tian came to the conclusion that it is not a matter of cultivation, nor is it a matter of Dao Xin, so he turned to think about it and said secretly: "I can't find any other key points for the time being except for these two."

The road under his feet is obviously a large-scale formation, and now he is already in the formation, and if he wants to pass the level, it is nothing more than breaking through the formation, or using his own specialties.

Thinking of this, Luo Geng directly took out the sundial and leaned against the position of the stars in the night sky to measure the formation nodes in the surrounding environment, hoping to find a breakthrough.

Little did he know that when he was doing this, Xie Lingyun, the master of the pavilion in the Taiqing Hall on the back mountain of the Taiqing Pavilion, was watching the whereabouts of many disciples through the formation.

When his eyes swept over Yi Tian, ​​he frowned, and found that the candidate was starting to break the formation.You must know that the formation of Tiantongtian Road is to test the integrity of the selected monks for worshiping the sect.The more honest people are, the faster they will walk on this road. On the contrary, those who have crooked thoughts or impure motives will definitely not be able to move forward quickly on this road to heaven.

The fall of the main city of Taiqing Pavilion 8000 years ago was also because the disciples were bewitched by the demons and caused civil strife. The demons who invaded took advantage of it.Since the recapture of the main city, the Taiqing Pavilion has changed its policy of recruiting disciples, placing those disciples with impure motives and double-mindedness in the branch of the Taoist sect of the Shangqing Dynasty.

Today, there are only more than three hundred inner disciples left in the Taiqing Pavilion, but the loyalty of these people is beyond doubt.To put it bluntly, even if the Taiqing Pavilion falls again next time, these disciples will surely live and die with the sect.

Now that Xie Lingyun found out that someone was playing tricks under his nose, he couldn't get angry now.He stretched out his hand and was about to take out the token and issue an order from the suzerain to let the elder Chuan Gong handle the matter.Suddenly a golden light appeared out of thin air and flew directly in front of him. After three breaths, when the golden light faded, a golden talisman appeared inside.

Xie Lingyun reached out to take the talisman, glanced at it, read the content carefully, and then took out the list of monks who participated in the selection and began to search in it.

Not long after, an uncertain look appeared on his face, and then the figure disappeared in a flash.

A master in the fusion stage has insight into everything, and is an unattainable existence in the eyes of others.But at this time, Xie Lingyun came to Qingling Cave, a forbidden area in the back mountain, bowed three times before saying: "Disciple Ling Yun begs to see Patriarch."

After ten breaths, an echo came from inside: "Why don't you watch the selection process?"

"Is there something you don't understand? I beseech the patriarch to clarify," Xie Lingyun replied respectfully.


"As far as I can see, the Yi Tian mentioned in the patriarch's talisman is a sneaky and tricky person. He doesn't even think about how to break through the formation, but wants to use the loopholes in the formation to get through," Xie Lingyun replied.

"That's right, then let him go. If he has the ability to go to the mountain gate, he will be included in the sect, and there is no need to choose a master for him. Just let him guard the Lingzhi Garden, and the exercises in the sect will not affect him You can choose freely, as long as he has the ability, let him learn all of them."

Hearing this, Xie Lingyun was stunned, but there are only a few people who can be valued by the patriarch.Moreover, it is said that this person is still an ascension cultivator, is there really something extraordinary about him that no one can see?

Now that the patriarch had arranged the back road, Xie Lingyun could no longer object, and then he just bowed three times to say goodbye, turned around and teleported back to the palace.At this time, peeping through the formation method, he found that Yi Tian had found a formation node on the side of the road, and then took out a few one-foot-long awls to try to break the node formation.

Fortunately, these awls have been warmed with spiritual power, and they can be used directly without inputting spiritual power when they are taken out.And Yi Tian is also trying his best to mobilize the spiritual power that can only be used during the Qi training period, and now under this impolite and precise control, he injects this small amount of spiritual power into the formation breaking cone, and vividly connects the formation nodes in the void break through.

Later, a two-foot-sized hole was torn out of thin air and drilled out.After leaving the big formation, Yi Tian suddenly felt that the invisible force that bound him just now had disappeared, even the restrictive force on his wrist was gone.

However, in order to avoid attracting attention, Yi Tian continued to walk down with his mortal strength, and after a while, he left the range of Tongtian Road and came to the stone steps of the mountain gate.

Looking up, there are already six or seven monks who have reached the mountain gate ahead of him.Those disciples in front of the mountain gate checked the spiritual rings in their hands and exchanged them for a jade badge marked by the inner gate.

 Thank you for the reward of the plane that slipped on
(End of this chapter)

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