
Chapter 1018

Chapter 1018
There were only nine people who reached the finish line before the mountain gate of Taiqing Pavilion, and the rest were eliminated.Yi Tian had a good result this time, and he ranked seventh as expected, so it won't attract too many people's peeps.

Later, Elder Sha, who was in charge of the test and selection, flew over in a hurry, stopped in front of the mountain gate, and said to everyone, "Nine of you come up one by one to exchange for the status jade badges."

Afterwards, the person in front stepped forward, and Elder Sha took off the jade bracelet from his hand.Then he took out an identity jade badge and engraved his identity information on it, and then dripped a drop of blood to confirm his identity.

The rest of the people followed suit one by one to complete the process.After ten breaths, Elder Sha said again: "The new disciples will follow me to the main hall to participate in the apprentice selection ceremony."

Yi Tian raised his eyebrows inadvertently, this apprentice selection ceremony is really troublesome.Looking at the excited faces of everyone around, they basically hope to meet a powerful master and have a backer.

But I don't like it very much. If I ask another master, it will definitely hinder my practice.But he didn't dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction on his face, but he dared to stand behind the team, but in his heart he was thinking about how to find an excuse to thwart this matter.

With my own cultivation, I can advance to the distraction stage in a short time. If I want to worship an old monster in the fusion stage as my teacher, then maybe my secret will be revealed soon.

Not long after they left, a silver talisman fell from the sky and flew right in front of the group of people.Elder Na Sha hastily stepped forward to take off the talisman, and then glanced over his face showing some doubts.Shaoqing turned his head and walked slowly in front of Yi Tian and said, "You Daoist Yi has reached the mid-stage of becoming a god, so there is no need to participate in the disciple selection ceremony. The suzerain has arranged for you to be assigned to Xishan Lingzhi Garden. You You can report there directly."

After finishing speaking, he took out a jade slip of a map and handed it over: "You are new to the school and you are not very familiar with the places, so go to the Patriarch Hall to report first, and then go to Lingzhi Garden to report after registering on the roster."

Yi Tian was stunned after hearing this, obviously this was the meaning of the upper echelons of the sect.Although it is very beneficial to myself, but I don't know why it is arranged by this.

After thinking about it, there was no joy or anger on his face, he directly reached out his hand to the map jade slip and replied: "In this case, junior brother, I will retire first, this time, senior brother Lao Sha will take care of you."

After three breaths, the group set off again, leaving Yi Tian alone in place.After everyone left, Yi Tian took out the map and quickly scanned it with his divine sense, and checked out all the signs inside.

The scope of the blessed land of Taiqing Pavilion Zongmen is larger than that of Qingfeng City, and nearly 300% of it is classified as forbidden land.All of them belonged to monks in the integration stage and ancestors in the Mahayana stage. As for the remaining [-]% of the land, it can be regarded as sparsely populated.There are only two to three hundred people living in the huge site.Moreover, most of the people gathered in the caves in the blessed land of Lingshan behind the main hall, and only a few people chose to open caves in remote places.

As for the Lingzhi garden that he was responsible for, it was far away, located in the west mountain of the Zongmen.A radius of about two hundred miles belongs to the scope of Lingzhi Garden, and no one has opened up caves in this surrounding area.

Ignoring these eyes, I turned to the main hall of Taiqing Pavilion and many other facilities. After looking at it, I found that the inner alchemy and other departments of the Zongmen were all next to the ancestral hall, and only Qing Tiansi was alone on the Wuliang Mountain in the east. .

I wanted to go there for a visit early in the morning, so after I settled down, I would find a way to feel the reality.I heard that at the foot of the mountain where Qing Tiansi is located, there is an official Dishabang stele. These places are quite interesting, and I think I can meet monks from other sects who stayed on the list.

After thinking about it, he glanced at the Patriarch's Hall, and then he found the shortest path and rushed there.

Half an hour later, when I came to the gate of the Patriarch's Hall, I found that it was deserted and there was no one in sight, but I didn't dare to be careless. The monks who stayed behind in the Patriarch's Hall should at least have a distraction period, or come here for a couple of days. An old monster in the fusion period has not yet learned.

Walking to the gate of the Patriarch's Hall, Yi Tian cleared his throat and called out respectfully: "The new disciple, Yi Tian, ​​comes to report to the Patriarch's Hall."

After shouting three times like this, there was a faint echo, which seemed to reach directly to the ear: "Nephew Yi, come in."

Hearing this, Yi Tian walked directly into the hall, looking around, there were several rows of lamp stands on which were all natal soul lamps, and each disciple's name was engraved on the lamp holders.

On the wall deep in the hall is a three-foot portrait, but there are three people in the portrait.

I don't know the other two, but the person on the left is recognized at a glance. Isn't it the Patriarch Wuye from Lihuo Palace?Seeing this, he trembled in his heart and wondered if this Taiqing Pavilion had something to do with Lihuo Palace in the first place.It's just that there was no flaw on his face at all, and even his eyes were completely restrained.

Below the portrait was a [-]-year-old monk in a plain robe sitting cross-legged, and he should be the elder of the Patriarch Hall.

Yi Tian hurriedly went up to salute and said: "The disciple was ordered to come to pay respects to the ancestor. I don't know what the name of the elder is?"

"My seat, Qin Gehuai, since Nephew Yi is here, let's pay homage to the patriarch first."

"It turned out that Elder Qin was in person, and the disciple is being polite," Yi Tian replied respectfully, "But I don't know if the portraits above are all Mahayana seniors of this sect?"

Although these words were asked knowingly, Yi Tian also pretended to be confused.

Qin Gehuai replied with a smile on his face: "That's true, let's not talk nonsense and you still don't go up to pay homage."

After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't dare to say any more, and went straight up and bowed to the three people on the portrait three times from left to right.Then when he stood up, he saw Qin Gehuai appearing behind him at some point, reached out and took out the Kuaiyu Talisman and handed it over, "This is the token of Xishan Lingzhi Garden. You can go there to practice better. Remember that every hundred years, you must hand over the required spiritual plants according to the requirements of the sect. If you feel that there are not enough manpower, you can find a way to go to the Taoist sect of the Qing Dynasty to find some disciples, go."

It would be nice to see this, Yi Tian didn't doubt it, he put away the jade talisman order and hurriedly retreated.

After turning around and leaving, Qin Gehuai's eyes revealed a gleam, and he took off the portrait of three people on the Patriarch's Hall with his fingers, revealing the portrait of only one person behind.After finishing this, he said: "Come out, don't mention today's matter to anyone."

In an instant, an old man in his fifties walked in from the back of the Patriarch's Hall and said respectfully to Qin Ge, "I respectfully obey Master Qin's edict."

Afterwards, Qin Gehuai's figure became blurred for a while before disappearing into the Patriarch's Hall.

Half a moment later, Qin Ge stood there respectfully in front of Qingling Cave, the forbidden area of ​​Taiqing Pavilion, and reported: "Master Qi, Yi Tian has settled down."

"Did he have doubts in the patriarch's hall?"

"The disciple didn't talk to him too much," Qin Gehuai replied, "As the master expected, he did pay homage to Uncle Wuye first, and then you and Uncle Wuyuan."

"Unexpectedly, the heirs of Wuye's lineage are all ghost spirits, so it's understandable for him to do so. But don't say anything about it, I told you to erase all the news about him in Qing Tiansi. Is it?"

Qin Gehuai said solemnly: "The disciple has suppressed all the information about the junior brother, and even changed him to an unfounded name called Cheng Yunyun."

"Then it's better to wait a little longer, the next disaster will be up to him."

(End of this chapter)

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