
1019 Handover

1019 Handover
After entering the Taiqing Pavilion, Yi Tian was directly assigned to Xishan Lingzhi Garden as if he had been assigned.Speaking of this Lingzhi Garden, Yi Tian was really taken aback when he first arrived here. The entire mountain has a radius of two hundred miles and belongs to the Lingzhi Garden.

In the valley, more than ten acres of spiritual fields have been opened up, and there are many high-level spiritual plants planted in them.Even the spirit red ginseng, a specialty of Taiqing Pavilion, comes from these spiritual fields.

After coming here, Liberty's former worthy disciple had a handover with himself. After passing the names, he realized that the original worthy disciple here was Zhang Longtian. He had been here for 500 years.

Then I checked the roster of Xialing Zhiyuan. There are five Yuanying monks and 30 Jindan disciples in the Xishan Lingtian territory. Now they all stand respectfully in front of me and listen to the instructions.These people are responsible for farming on weekdays, Yi Tian didn't expect that he would be assigned to farm as soon as he entered the door.

But that's good too, his cultivation base and position can be regarded as the highest in Xishan territory.And the monks in front of them are all wearing the costumes of the Qing Dynasty.Seeing them sized up with doubts on their faces, Yi Tian put the identity jade badge on the table without any fuss, and then his spiritual pressure fluctuated slightly.

These monks have all seen the world, although Yi Tian is a new official and did not wear the clothes of his descendants, but the jade badge of identity cannot be faked.With a glance, everyone knew that the identity of the person in front of them was unquestionable, and then everyone stood upright, trying to impress the new supervisor.

After the handover, the disciple finally turned around with relief and said, "From now on, Junior Brother Lao Yi will take care of it. Don't forget to hand in all the medicinal materials needed by the sect once every hundred years."

Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "Brother Zhang, don't worry, you must not slacken your responsibilities."

Zhang Longtian pointed to the map of Lingzhi Garden and said: "In Lingzhi Garden, only the foot of Xishan Mountain has Lingzhi Mansion, and juniors can practice here with peace of mind."

Thinking of the many secrets he carried with him, Yi Tian didn't want to use the places his predecessors had used.Then he opened his mouth and asked: "I like to live alone, so I wonder if there is a place in Xishan where I can open up a paradise?

Zhang Longtian thought for a while, then pointed to the map and said, "There are a few places on the mountainside of Xishan that are suitable for development, but afterward, the younger brother needs to report to the Ming sect."

"It's natural," Yi Tian replied with a smile, since it's easy to open a private cave.The spiritual plant bag that I want to see also includes the purple gold gourd, white jade lotus root and Jiuqu Linggins dug out from the former residence of Luoxia City.In addition, all the purple jade bee larvae from the original back garden were brought over, so that they can be transplanted in after opening up a new cave.

If these things are cultivated a little bit, they can be of great use. Originally, I thought that I would stay in the sect for a long time and have no time to go back, so I made this bad strategy and transplanted them all.

After the handover, Zhang Longtian took out the account book, signed and adjourned it, and then left in a hurry. It seems that he has been trapped here for a long time, and now he is finally liberated.

After he left, Yi Tian carefully read the account book with his spiritual sense, and after a while, there was no joy or anger on his face.It's just that there is a murmur in my heart, every Breitling planting garden has to hand over [-] kinds of human-level spiritual plants, totaling one hundred catties.There are ten kinds of prefecture-level precious materials, weighing about twenty catties.

These are not difficult, and the speed of transplanting and planting production in Lingtian is not slow.It's just that the amount of red ginseng that is mainly produced is limited, and you have to pay a full catty every time.

Don't underestimate the amount of this catty. Before Zhang Longtian was on duty, he had been in deficit for three consecutive years.Every year, there is a shortage of two taels, and the debt left after three years is as much as half a catty.

No wonder he would run away so fast, he was so emotional that he wanted to help him deal with the aftermath.Thinking of this, his face changed slightly: "Which one of you is responsible for planting red ginseng?"

These branch disciples looked at each other and were silent. They are all people who know the inside story.Seeing that the new supervisor was not easy to fool, no one dared to jump out and say a word at this time.

Seeing this, Yi Tian's face became more serious, and he snorted coldly: "You are all old people in Lingzhiyuan, I heard that there are promotion channels from branch veins to main veins, don't you all have any thoughts about this? Is it?"

After the words fell, there was a gleam of light in the eyes of these disciples, and then it dimmed again.In the end, one of the leading disciples stepped forward and said, "My lord, none of us are willing to be promoted to the inner sect through this method, but this red ginseng is not so easy to grow. Not to mention occupying a good spiritual field, Thirty percent of the spiritual spring water in Xishan has been used to water and cultivate the Chijing ginseng."

"What's your name? It seems that you are very good at cultivating red ginseng, so I ask you how much you can produce in a hundred years?" Yi Tian asked directly to the point when he interrupted the other party.

"The disciple's name is Zhou Buer, and he is the team leader here. I assisted Zhang Zhenshou in handling the division of labor up and down in Lingzhi Garden. The output of this red ginseng is low, but it can still produce one every hundred years." It’s so small,” the leader replied.

"The output is not low, why is there still a deficit on the public account? Could it be that someone guards and steals," Yi Tian said coldly.

Now everyone dared not speak anymore, and even Zhou Buer chose to remain silent that week.Yi Tian saw in his eyes that there must be something wrong, and then he said first: "Okay, you go down first, and you should not neglect your duties. I will check the harvest slowly and carefully."

After dismissing everyone, Yi Tian first put away the account books, and then changed hands to the halfway up the western mountain, took out the sundial Luo Geng and began to measure the land veins.

Half an hour later, he took out the Taiyuan sword and began to dig a cave in the middle of the mountain. After digging deep into the inner side of the west mountain, he only stopped when he reached the node of the spiritual vein.

In the end, after the completion of the cave, it was about 30 feet deep, and four rooms were opened inside, two of which were specially used for the cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum.The other is used as a breeding room for purple jade bees, and the room with the highest concentration of aura is reserved for myself as a daily practice place.

After transplanting all the spiritual plants on his body, Yi Tian set up a psychedelic array at the foot of the mountain to completely assign this land to his own private property. After doing this, he returned to the cave to sit cross-legged and cultivate .

While sitting cross-legged and adjusting, he took out the ledger and carefully read the records on it.After reading it, it suddenly dawned on me that the amount of chijing essence produced by each Breitling Plantation Garden has reached the standard.It's a pity that there are always inner disciples who come to buy privately, and his predecessor Zhang Longtian didn't dare to offend those people, so he had to make some deals for them.

Although the other party's bid was considered reasonable, Yi Tian knew in his heart that Zhang Longtian still had some wealth as a cultivator of Huashen, and there was no need to miss the share over and over again for this matter.If you do this, you will not be able to pass the assessment performance in Lingzhi Garden, and you will not get enough merit points when you leave office.

But speaking of it, the person who came the most among the buyers seems to be called Xiang Dongchen, and I don't know what the relationship is with that inner sect bully Xiang Donghui.Zhang Longtian is afraid of them, and he may not buy their account. If it offends him, he will find an opportunity to report directly to the higher authorities, but he prefers to deal with the matter privately. No matter what, as long as he feels uncomfortable, he will not allow it. .

 Thanks to the plane on the slipway for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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