
Chapter 1020 Scheme

Chapter 1020 Scheme
At the beginning of the morning sun, Lingzhi Garden in Taiqing Pavilion ushered in a new day of work.It's just that all the spirit farmers in Lingzhi Garden were summoned to the steward's mansion today.

Yi Tian took office as a new official. Although he didn't want to establish his prestige with three fires, he still had to go through the necessary cutscenes.I knew very well what Zhou Buer mentioned during the handover a few days ago, and they might regard themselves as a follower of power in their eyes.

But my own temper is so stubborn, but I can't rush to stand out when the enemy is in the dark, and I have to find an appropriate time to really stand up.

And judging the situation that day, I knew that there must be someone's eyeliner among these spiritual farmers. If I rashly revealed any dissatisfaction publicly, maybe the inner disciple Xiang Dongchen would definitely come to the door immediately.

I didn't have a firm foothold again, naturally I didn't want to make too many enemies early, so in this routine meeting in the steward's mansion, I just asked Zhou Buer to explain the work of Lingzhi Garden in detail, and at the same time introduce the rest of the work. The two squad leaders got to know each other.

One is Tian Zhuangshi and the other is Meng Hua.The three of them were divided into three groups to be responsible for the cultivation of person-level, prefecture-level spiritual plants and red ginseng.Among them, Zhou Buer is the main person in charge and will take care of the work of the other two at the same time.

It's just that Yi Tian found that he looked fine when facing Tian Zhuang, but he saw a flash of disdain in Meng Hua's eyes.After seeing these things in his eyes, Yi Tian also kept his composure, and the other two exchanged pleasantries one after another, and then dismissed them and let them go about their business.

Anyway, there are still 90 years before the next delivery, and during this period, I have a lot of opportunities to find out the scourge inside.

It's just that when Zhou Buer left, he quietly sent a letter to him privately. The best way to control others is to divide and suppress.It is obvious that Zhou Buer is capable but has no backing, such a person can be wooed by himself.

After everyone left, Yi Tian flew directly into the air in a flash, and then quietly flew over the surrounding borders of Xishan Lingzhi Garden, took out eight Dunlong Stakes, and placed them around the [-]-mile range of Lingzhi Garden one by one. Buried quietly.

After finishing these, go back to your own cave and place the eight-door golden lock array here.After activating the array disk, it connects to the array base, and then the entire Lingzhi Garden within a radius of two hundred miles is displayed on the array disk.

Some of the red dots represent Lingnong in the garden, the five slightly larger red dots are Nascent Soul cultivators, and the others are Jindan stage disciples.

After doing this, Yi Tian finally monitored everything in the entire Lingzhi Garden.Although the large formation only activates the primary monitoring, if necessary, you only need to activate the formation disk again to become a defensive formation or a sleepy formation.

Originally, my idea was to monitor these people, but in retrospect, it would be better to block them.I just want to create an opportunity for them to let those dicks who hide in the crowd show up one by one.

On the surface, it seems that Meng Hua and Zhou Buer are not on the right track, but I don't know how many Jindan disciples are attached to them.Maybe some of them are pretending to be compatible, and their real purpose is to hide and spy.

After seven days like this, Yi Tian came to the steward's mansion again and summoned his subordinates, but this time only three team leaders and the other two Nascent Soul cultivators were called.

Not long after, I saw Zhou Buer and the others rushing to the mansion, this time Yi Tian didn't put on airs and asked them to sit down first.Then they started chatting one after another.The purpose of the discourse is also very strong, and it all revolves around the production matters of Lingzhi Garden and the situation of the century-old harvest.

After a while, he said with a serious face: "I have already negotiated with Shangfeng. From now on, everyone in Lingzhi Garden must fulfill their duties. As the guard of Lingzhi Garden, I also have a quota for recommending to the inner sect every 300 years, but this right is in the It can only be obtained after completing the three-year assessment."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the five people who sat down were in awe, and it was clear today that Yi Tian asked them to come here to remind them.In this way, everyone present can see hope, but I don't know who can win this spot.

After throwing the bait first, the five people present were not calm, and then Yi Tian smiled and said again: "If I still stay in Lingzhi Garden after being promoted to the distraction period, then I have two recommendations in my hand." The quota is up. I hope everyone here will take good care of it, and don't lose the big because of small things." After speaking, his eyes flicked over Meng Hua intentionally or unintentionally, and the latter seemed to be undecided, and the light in his eyes was not as bright as the other four. As clear and bright.

Then Yi Tian coughed lightly and brought the five people back to their thoughts, spread out the map jade slips on the table and pointed out: "I'm going to divide Lingzhi Garden into five parts, and each of you five will get one. Every 20 years, the internal assessment is based on the performance of each person."

Zhou Buer was taken aback when he heard that, originally there were three team leaders in Lingzhiyuan, but now there are five.But I don't know what the new manager's plan is, and I don't know how to divide the Lingzhi fields in the Ganoderma lucidum garden.

And the other four people also have their own thoughts, like Tian Zhuangshi and Meng Hua's faces are aggrieved, this is to divide the power in their hands.As for the remaining two, they were happy, and they did not expect to be promoted when the new officials took office.

Zhou Buer bit the bullet and asked, "Lingzhi Garden originally had [-] mu of high-grade spiritual fields and [-] acres of medium-sized spiritual fields. I don't know how Director Yi plans to allocate the spiritual fields?"

This should be what they are most concerned about. The high-grade spiritual field will definitely produce a lot more than the medium-grade spiritual field, so their eyes are all set on the one hundred mu high-grade spiritual field.

Yi Tian then pointed to an open space on the map and said: "I plan to reclaim the spiritual field near the Yuema River in the south of the West Mountain. I have surveyed the land veins where the spiritual veins walking underground are wider and fertile. Although it may not be It can definitely become a high-grade spiritual field, and it is more than enough to develop a medium-sized spiritual field of six to seven hundred mu."

After hearing this, the five people showed different expressions on their faces, obviously they were all calculating the gains and losses in private.The newly opened Lingtian is certainly good, but there are also risks in it.

But the original Lingtian is not enough, everyone, look at me and I see you didn't tell the details for a while.When Yi Tian saw it, he took out a jade slip and listed all the division plans in it.

The original high-quality spiritual field was divided into two, and Zhou Buer and Meng Hua each took half to be responsible for planting red ginseng.Another 20 mu of medium-sized spiritual land was assigned to Tian Zhuangshi's name, and the remaining [-] mu was assigned to Zhou Buer or Meng Hua, and the decision was drawn by lot.The remaining [-] acres of the newly opened spiritual field near the mouth of the river will be shared equally by the other two, and the assessment will be made every [-] years.

(End of this chapter)

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