
Chapter 1021

Chapter 1021

After Yi Tian threw out the new plan in the steward's mansion, he didn't get everyone's support.But at least Tian Zhuangshi and the other two new team leaders are direct beneficiaries.One is that the area under its jurisdiction has increased by more than [-]% compared to before, and the other two have new hopes, and their identities have also increased.

Now they don't say it on the face, but they are also coveting the recommendation quota in their hearts. The dream that was originally out of reach is now close at hand. It is impossible for anyone to maintain peace of mind.Although reclaiming wasteland may not be able to obtain high-quality spiritual fields, but if there are [-] acres of medium-sized spiritual fields, it will be on the same level as Tian Zhuangshi.

As for Zhou Buer's attitude of maintaining a neutral attitude, he is the oldest person among the five with the highest spiritual planting skills.This time it seemed that he simply promoted the other two Nascent Soul monks, but he still knew very well that the final result would still depend on the production of Chijing ginseng.

Of course, he knew this well, and now that he was separated from Meng Hua and the others, he would be less troubled.The future performance will depend entirely on the individual's ability, and there will be an extra [-] mu of medium-sized spiritual fields, which is much more reasonable than the previous distribution.

The ugliest thing on the scene was Meng Hua. On the one hand, he got [-] acres of high-quality spiritual fields, which greatly increased his strength.But what followed was the task of planting and cultivating red ginseng, and he was not as good as last week in this regard.

Yi Tian had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, then turned to Zhou Buer and Meng Hua and said, "You two have decided who will take the ready-made land and who will take the newly dug spiritual field."

The two looked at each other and moved their lips to chat privately.Yi Tian didn't want to check the results of their discussion, so he sat quietly and waited.

Half a moment later, the result finally came to fruition. Glancing at the two of them, Meng Hua showed a little smile on his face, while Zhou Buer was indeed a little angry, but he didn't dare to attack directly in front of him.Later, I heard Meng Hua say: "Master Qi, Master Yi, we have negotiated, the existing [-] mu of spiritual land will belong to me, and Fellow Daoist Zhou will take the newly reclaimed [-] mu of land."

"That's great, then I'll put the [-] acres of high-grade spiritual fields on the west side and the [-] acres of medium-sized spiritual fields on the border under your jurisdiction. The assessment indicators are the same as in previous years. If you have more, you can count as extra performance. If you don't You have to find a way to make up for it yourself," Yi Tian said lightly.

After hearing this, Meng Hua's face couldn't help but the fat twitched. This kind of performance appraisal has blocked the production of red ginseng. If the time limit fails to deliver six taels of goods, he will be the first to be cut .

Regardless of his reaction, Yi Tian turned to Zhou Buer and said, "The [-] acres of high-grade spiritual fields in the east are under your jurisdiction, and the [-] acres of medium-grade spiritual fields are reserved for Tian Zhuangshi."

After hearing this, both of them stretched out their hands and arched: "Of order."

"As for the newly cultivated spiritual fields, I will measure them first, and then divide them among the three of you according to the grade of the spiritual fields. As for the first output, let the seventy percent of the original medium spiritual fields be the assessment standard. After all, the newly cultivated fields It’s not as stable as Lao Tian’s,” Yi Tian thought twice before making the next decision.

Sure enough, the expressions on the faces of the three people relaxed a lot after hearing this, and the first assessment was only limited to [-] percent.As long as it is cultivated properly, the yield will definitely exceed this limit, so that the opportunity comes with risks, and people finally have hope.

Then Yi Tian directly asked them to disperse first, and each went to select the Golden Core monks under him, each leading five members.Zhou Buer and other three people can go first and directly set up barriers and other facilities according to the original division.

As for the other two, they brought their men and horses to wait for them near the mouth of the river on the southern slope of the West Mountain three days later.

After explaining these things, Yi Tian hurried back to his cave, and then took out the spirit purification bottle to extract the spiritual power from the Xishan Mountain and put it in it.This large spiritual vein is different, and it can be replenished quickly after drawing out a bit of spiritual power.

Then he cast a spell to compress the spirit spring water in the spirit purification bottle, and took out eight jade bottles, and put eight drops of crystal clear and concentrated spirit seeds from the spirit purification bottle in them.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian sat down with a smile on his face and began to meditate and exercise his skills to adjust his breath.

Three days later, the three teams in Lingzhi Garden were all waiting at the slope of the west mountain, and Tian Zhuangshi and Meng Hua also came to the side uninvited, trying to see how to cultivate new fields.It is not an easy task to cultivate new fields in their vision, but the supervisor dare not refute it face to face.

Soon after a green light flashed by the side of the mountain, Yi Tian's figure appeared in the air, looked at the people who had been waiting for a long time, Yi Tian said: "I will start to measure the boundary, you prepare all the boundary markers That's fine."

Then he took out the measuring ruler and the Luogeng plate, first marked the direction according to the sundial, and then followed the Luogeng plate to survey the direction of the underground spiritual veins near the river mouth.

A moment later, he stretched out his hand to hold up the measuring ruler and stroked lightly towards the ground, leaving a five-inch deep mark where the two-day ruler touched.With just a few clicks, the general orientation of the [-] mu of land was shown, and there were about [-] mu of land on the flat land, which can be regarded as Zhengtian.As for the remaining [-] mu on the slope below the foot of the mountain, it can only be regarded as evil land.

Zhou Buer and the other three wrinkled their faces slightly when they saw it. The flat land was okay, but the texture of the land on the slope was obviously a lot worse.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, didn't care what they thought. After dividing the field, he pointed directly towards the designated points.In an instant, those places were hit out of bowl-sized pits, and after a while, a stream of underground spring water slowly flowed out from the inside, and the surrounding wasteland was gradually moistened.

Then Luo Yuntou reached out and took out seven jade bottles and handed them to Zhou Buer, saying: "You go to cut trees and weeds to pear the wasteland first, and then bury the spiritual seeds evenly."

After Zhou Buer took the jade card, a voice came: "My lord, please rest assured." Then he directed more than a dozen monks to start digging the soil and repairing it.

These people are all old spirit farmers, and the work of plowing the ground is naturally easy.Everyone used the skill of controlling objects to move the stones away, and the bushes and big trees were uprooted and all removed.The soil on the ground was raised more than a foot deep, and the fertile black soil below was turned up.

Then Zhou Buer took the jade bottle and flew to the seven springs and poured the spirit seeds into it.After ten breaths, the spring water flowing out of the spring became clearer and brighter, but the spiritual power contained in it was more pure than before.

The ground irrigated by the spring water became soft, and the color of the soil soon became more and more black and shiny.

Not long after, everyone was surprised to find that these newly reclaimed spiritual fields had all turned into medium-sized spiritual fields without exception.What's more, the spiritual field on the hillside seems to have exceeded the category of medium-grade spiritual field, but it has not fully reached the appearance of top-grade.

(End of this chapter)

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