
Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022
After the division of land on the southern slope of Xishan, Yi Tian took out three tokens and handed them over to Zhou Buer, and instructed that a security formation had been set up around Xishan, and if someone accidentally broke in, he could only take the token of the formation to block it. People fish out.

Then, under the fear of the crowd, he just dodged and left, anyway, he explained everything he had to explain.As for how to distribute the new land cultivated and left behind, that's up to them.

After returning to his own cave, he opened the forbidden barrier, sat cross-legged in the deepest part, and began to practice.Now that there is a large array of monitoring, I can keep track of the movements of these people under my command.

If there is a visit from a foreign fellow, you can trap it for the first time until you leave the customs and then deal with it.

The days in Lingzhi Garden continued peacefully like this. Anyway, the five team leaders were in charge of their own harvest.On weekdays, everyone is polite on the surface, but in private they still guard each other.With the recommendation quota in hand, it is not afraid that they will not do their best. After all, reselling Chijing ginseng can be exchanged for a lot of resources, but this is not as attractive as being promoted to an inner sect.

Yi Tian has been in the cave for 50 years, during which time he only checked the spirit farmers who entered and left the formation.The extra time was spent on retreating and practicing.

What's interesting is that these five team leaders have all gone out in the past 50 years, but Meng Hua's frequency is slightly more, going out once every ten years.

Through the big array, Yi Tian discovered that he also used the method of ants to move mountains, and each time he brought some spiritual plants, as if he was going outside in exchange for cultivation resources.

It's just that he didn't dare to go too far, and the Chijing ginseng in the high-grade spiritual field was not touched at all.Now Yi Tian was confused, these people didn't show their feet under his own surveillance, so they really had to wait until they handed over to Lingzhi before revealing themselves.

As for Zhou Buer, he has been conscientiously cultivating spiritual plants during this period. Through the formation method, he can see that he has chosen the evil field on the south slope of the river mouth, and seems to be still trying to grow red ginseng there.

It's a pity that the land has not yet reached the level of top-grade spiritual fields, so even if it is planted, the harvest will not be very good.

Thinking of this, I took out the last bottle of Spirit Seed, then attached the uploading talisman, wrapped it together, activated it, and sent it out.Presumably Zhou Buer will know how to use it properly after getting this thing.

In this way, I can be regarded as helping him secretly, and he will surely come up with more results after the one-hundred-year turn-in period arrives.

Thinking of this, my thoughts can't help but connect to Xiang Dongchen, who is said to be a second-rate alchemist.He also collected Chijing Ginseng to refine Taiqing Pavilion's unique Yuling Essence Pill. Unfortunately, this person's strength is limited and the pill production rate has not been high and can only be maintained at [-]% to [-]%.Therefore, there is a large demand for red ginseng, and it is always necessary to come to Lingzhi Garden to exchange it in private.

It's a pity that now is not the time for that softie Zhang Longtian to be in power, and if he meets himself, he will definitely make Xiang Dongchen feel bad for him.After thinking about it, I closed my eyes again and entered the state of samadhi.

It's just that this practice didn't last long before it was interrupted by a rush of communication talismans. He opened his eyes and looked at the talisman stopped not far in front of him, and directly reached out to get it and scanned it with his divine sense.

After ten breaths, his face changed slightly, but a voice came out of his mouth: "It's just in time, I was waiting, but it's a pity that this matter is slightly different from my judgment. It's getting more and more interesting."

After saying that, he stood up directly from the stone bed, stretched out his hand to open the restriction of the cave, and then turned into a green light and flew straight out of the cave.

After coming out of the cave, his divine sense swept across the 200-mile radius of Xishan Lingzhi Garden, and he quickly found his target.There were just five or six people gathered on the outside of the formation, and there was a monk whose cultivation level was similar to his own.Needless to say, it should be Xiang Dongchen mentioned in the talisman.

I didn't expect him to come up at this juncture. According to Zhou Buer's summons, he got lost after breaking into the formation this time, and was rescued by Tian Zhuangshi.

But this is a bit different from what I imagined. I thought Meng Hua would go to meet him, but I didn't expect him to be behind.

After the figure flashed past, it jumped out of the big formation and landed not far away from everyone.Then he walked up slowly, glanced at him and felt happy in his heart.At this time, Xiang Dongchen's face was full of shame and anger, as if he owed him [-] yuan, and he was reprimanding his five squad leaders.

Immediately, Yi Tian whistled softly and walked forward slowly, saying: "I don't know if it's the senior brother from the Zongmen who came here, why didn't he make a communication, so that I can open the forbidden formation and avoid being trapped in it?" Make a fool of yourself."

After hearing this, Xiang Dongchen's face flushed immediately, and he found that someone hurried over just now, and he thought it should be the new director of Lingzhi Garden.Relying on his cousin Xiang Donghui's prestige, he was used to bullying the weak and afraid of the strong in the sect, but this time he made such a big fool of himself in the Lingzhi Garden, so he naturally refused to let it go.

Then he raised his head and shouted: "This seat is Xiang Dongchen, the alchemist's room. I have come here today to get Chijing ginseng as a spare."

"It turned out to be the senior brother of the alchemist's room. If you want Chijing ginseng, it's easy to do. I wonder if you have the first talisman in hand?" Yi Tian asked solemnly.

The rules and regulations of the Lingzhi Garden have long been memorized by me, and ordinary disciples who want to get medicine must have a warrant or a jade card from a monk in the distraction period.Looking at Xiang Dongchen's appearance, he was choked up by his own question, and he guessed that he also came to fetch the medicine privately behind the head's back.

Sure enough, after holding back for a long time, he only heard a sentence from his mouth: "I said to refine the elixir for the elder brother, and the younger brother will go to the alchemist's room to find the first one to get the talisman."

"This is impossible," Yi Tian shouted coldly: "Where did this brother put the sect's law? You must know that I act according to the rules. How can I get the medicine without the order of the chief seat? Report this matter to the sect master." It’s all in my hands.”

After hearing this, Xiang Dongchen's face changed several times, and then he said in a threatening tone: "You should think about this matter carefully, I'm afraid I won't be able to intercede with you if you are evil."

"Eldest brother has always been a role model for our generation, and he would never do such a despicable act. I think it is because you want to please others that you will try to come here to exchange spiritual plants in private." Yi Tian joked: "Now I have given the power Decentralization, as long as the five team leaders can hand over a sufficient amount of spiritual plants every hundred years, I will not interfere with the rest."

After speaking, he swept his eyes and directly threw this burden to everyone present, wanting to see how they would react.Seeing that Zhou Buer was disdainful and silent, Meng Hua looked around a few times and then sighed and remained silent.It seems that he also has a decision in his heart. This time, he must make a choice. If he wants to step on two boats, it will definitely not work.

In the end, Xiang Dongchen said to Tian Zhuangshi angrily, "I'll buy some red ginseng from you as usual, how about adding [-]% to the price?"

After Yi Tian heard this, he smiled, but in his heart he had a deep understanding of the five people under him. Meng Hua was just greedy for petty gains, and exchanged the medicinal materials from Lingzhi Garden.I never thought that the line that Xiang Dongchen set up was Tian Zhuangshi, who seemed the most reliable, but thinking about it, he was the one who released Xiang Dongchen from the formation just now, so I naturally understood.But thinking about his character, and looking at Zhou Buer's eyes, he had an idea in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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