
Chapter 1023

Chapter 1023

Outside the Xishan Lingzhi Garden, Xiang Dongchen touched the ashes on his nose and didn't ask for half of the red essence ginseng, and then saw Yi Tian who didn't want to eat oil and salt, just waiting for the order.

After negotiating with no results, Xiang Dongchen's expression turned cold and he said: "Director Yi has offended my alchemy room to the extreme by doing this. If you want to buy any elixirs in the future, don't blame me for being ungrateful."

After raising his head to the sky and laughing a few times, Yi Tian turned his head and looked at the other party again before he joked: "Xiang Daoyou said in a big tone, people who don't know think you are the first. Besides, your words can't represent the whole Dan The teacher’s room means that as long as I have a day in Lingzhi Garden, I must handle it impartially. I will not pursue the former supervisor who was tired of you before. Ginseng must first make up for the deficit.”

"Okay, Director Yi has a serious tone. I want to see how much you can get in the next century's harvest. If you don't make it all up, don't blame me for going to the chief seat to sue you." After speaking, Xiang Dongchen turned around and walked away. .

Since his face was torn apart, Yi Tian didn't want to talk too much with him, so he raised his hand and opened the blockade of the formation and said to the five people: "Go, go back and talk."

Then the figure flashed into a green awn and flew directly in from the cracked passage.The five executives behind all sighed and followed directly.

After a while, he returned to the steward's mansion again, Yi Tian shook his body and put on the Zongmen costume, took out the great seal of Lingzhi Garden and the jade badge of identity in his hand, and placed them on the desk.

Seeing this situation, the five team leaders knew that the supervisor in front of him was about to show his authority, and Yitian had always been lazy since taking over Lingzhi Garden.Now this is another reminder to everyone that the disciples in front of him are the inner sect disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion, and they hold the right to make decisions about their promotion.

To put it bluntly, within a radius of [-] miles of Lingzhi Garden, Yi Tian is the local emperor here, whoever dares to make troubles without long eyes really doesn't want to hang around anymore.

After the five people sat down, Yi Tian glanced at them, and then said in a cold voice: "Everyone has seen what happened today, and no one is allowed to release them if they enter the battle without a communication." People said it, but their eyes glanced at Tian Zhuangshi and Zhou Buer, while Meng Hua just ignored it.

After hearing this, the five people all lowered their heads and said: "Listen to the supervisor's order, we will do our best."

"Okay, you have to take care of your work in the future. Although I didn't attend the appraisal every 20 years before, I still understand it pretty well," Yi Tian said lightly, but his eyes were fixed on Zhou Bu. Second, I seem to be thinking about something in my heart.

After a while, the hall was surprisingly quiet, and Yi Tian waved his hands and said: "You all go away, stay on Zhoubuer."

After hearing this, the five people all stood up and said: "I obey you." Then Meng Hua turned around and left with a provocative look in his eyes.

As for Tian Zhuangshi, his face was slightly worried, but he didn't dare to confront his boss directly, so he finally shook his head and walked out with the other two.

After the four of them left, Yi Tian ignored them and just sorted out the official documents in his hands. He hadn't come out to take care of this matter for 50 years, and the official documents on the desk were piled up like a mountain.Although he used his spiritual thoughts to supervise the people in Lingzhi Garden all the time, he didn't read the approval slips and notes in his hand seriously.

Zhou Bu Er is also quite patient, and obviously he is not bad at nourishing Qi.I saw Yi Tian frantically writing on the desk, and he removed most of the mountain of official documents in a short while.

Thinking of the being called to leave Zhou Buer alone, he was obviously puzzled, but he didn't dare to interrupt the supervisor directly.

After more than an hour, Yi Tian finally finished reviewing all the official documents in his hand, and then sorted them out according to the priority of the reported matters, and neatly placed them on the table into four stacks.

After a while, he raised his head and stared at Zhou Buer for a while, and asked, "Are you convicted?"

"The subordinates don't know, so please ask the supervisor for a famous quote," Zhou Buer replied calmly.

"Obviously Xiang Dongchen came to you to exchange red essence ginseng, Tian Zhuangshi only acted to release people from the formation under your instigation, this was just a cover-up, I thought it was him and Xiang Dongchen It's just a private relationship," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Zhou Buer was stunned for a moment, but then he distinguished: "My lord was wronged, my subordinate obviously did nothing, and he has never had any contact with that Xiang Dongchen."

"Really?" Yi Tian's tone increased by three points, and he said coldly: "You really think I'm a fool, do you want me to find evidence before you admit it."

After Zhou Buer heard this, there was a slight cold sweat on his forehead, but he said firmly in his mouth: "Please explain clearly to the supervisor, otherwise I will not accept it."

Yi Tian shook his head and said: "You really think that you can hide it from me if you do it seamlessly. When you first came to Lingzhi Garden, you unintentionally misled me. Your various performances made me think that Meng Hua was the one who resells red ginseng. "

"I have absolutely no such intentions, it's all the supervisor's wishful thinking," Zhou Buer argued.

"Meng Hua really likes to be greedy for petty gains, and I found out early on that he exchanged spiritual plants for supplies in private." Yi Tianbai glanced at the other party and said, "Fortunately, he knows the importance and takes some other things every time." Spiritual plants are used for precious materials, but as for red essence ginseng, I dare not take any of them."

"The one who resells Chijing ginseng may also be Tian Zhuangshi," Zhou Buer obviously lacked confidence in his words at this time, but he still insisted.

I saw Yi Tian took out a thick stack of account books and threw them directly on the desk. The photo pointed to the content inside and said, "Don't pay too much attention to the cultivator of Huashen. Zhang Longtian wrote it down early in the morning 300 years ago. The details are recorded in the case. He is just holding back, probably because he is afraid of offending Xiang Donghui, but I am not afraid."

"My lord, can you just rely on the records of the former director Zhang to confirm that I am stealing and selling Chijing ginseng?" Zhou Buer asked.

"That's true. When Zhang Longtian was in office, only he, you, and Tian Zhuangshi were qualified to handle the collection of red ginseng. At that time, Meng Hua should have been excluded by you and had no promotion channels, so he felt resentful and resold the ginseng. ,” Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice.

"Do you think that the spirit formation I set up and the three access control jade tokens are random?" Yi Tian rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "The jade tokens are made of blood-colored jadeite, and this material has a special characteristic. It is easy to smell the smell of ginseng-like spiritual plants. I am afraid that when you went out and traded with Xiang Dongchen, there was already a lot of residual smell of red ginseng on your body. I remember that you have three door-to-door jade cards in your hand One piece is for exclusive use, can you take it out and let me check its quality."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Buer sat down on his seat and was stunned. He looked at Yi Tian with blank eyes and said, "Your Excellency, I have no choice but to make amends."

(End of this chapter)

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