
Chapter 1024 Driven

Chapter 1024 Driven
Yi Tian in the steward's mansion took out the evidence straight to the point and directly made Zhou Buer speechless.The whole person sat slumped on the seat like a deflated skin, his eyes were dim, and his hands were drooping.

When Yi Tian saw it, he knew that his psychological defense line had been broken, and another dose of strong medicine would completely subdue him.Although the conversation this time was also improvised, but I also had a lot of evidence to dare to draw inferences from one instance to dig him out so boldly.

After ten breaths, Zhou Buer explained the whole story of his private transaction with Xiang Dongchen with snot and tears.It turned out that the two had known each other for a long time, and Zhou Buer was eliminated and entered Shangqing Daozong during the entrance selection.Then by chance and coincidence, he was able to get into the Lingzhi Garden as an errand by virtue of his spiritual planting technique.

It's just that he doesn't have the support of the clan power, and it's as difficult as going to the sky to advance. At this time, he just ran into his old friend Xiang Dongchen.Together, an agreement was reached, and Zhou Buer was responsible for collecting Chijing ginseng to exchange for the elixir needed for the Nascent Soul stage.

It happened that Xiang Dongchen, a human-level alchemist, had a lot of pills in his hands, and the two of them had been exchanging for hundreds of years without incident.Until the last time I went out to meet with him on Tuesday, the amount of pills exchanged was [-]% less than before, so the transaction was suspended in a fit of anger, and Xiang Dongchen came to negotiate in person.

After hearing this, Yi Tian said lightly: "Don't worry, I'm still in employment, since you are willing to confess, then I will give you a chance, otherwise I won't leave you here alone for questioning. "

After hearing this, a glimmer of hope suddenly flashed in Zhou Buer's eyes, and it was true after thinking about it.If he really wanted to deal with him, he would have called everyone to declare the punishment, so there is no need to stay and talk nonsense.

Zhou Bu Er seems to have found some confidence again. People are not afraid of being used. It would be sad if there is no use value.Now that I have caught his handle, I am not afraid of his betrayal. The worst plan is to hand him over to the Zongmen Discipline Hall to deal with it fairly.But this is a matter of harming others and not benefiting oneself, and I have to rely on his ability to do it.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out a jade bottle, put it on the table and said, "This is the Condensing Yuan Refining Pill, which is specially used for Yuanying monks, and it is effective for improving cultivation and condensing the soul."

See you on Tuesday, but you know that at this time, you have to show your loyalty and reflect the value you deserve.Immediately, he didn't reach out to take it directly, but adjusted his mood and cupped his hands: "Thank you, Mr. Yi, for letting go of the past, and my subordinates will definitely do their best to take care of the matter of Lingzhi Garden in the future."

"It's enough to have your words. Now that your hundred-acre evil field has planted the spiritual seeds again, has the rank been raised to the top rank?" When it comes to business, Yi Tian is naturally not ambiguous at all.You must know that the most critical thing to increase the output of Red Spirit is to have land.

This kind of spiritual plant should be planted under extremely harsh conditions, so it cannot be planted in large quantities. In the end, the output per hundred years is only a little more than a catty.

Zhou Buer's face darkened and he said with shame: "Master Qi Yi used two bottles of spiritual seeds to improve half of the spiritual field into a high-grade one. If there is another bottle, it will be fine."

"It's only half," Yi Tian sighed and said, "The production process of the spirit seed is extremely complicated, and I don't have any left for the time being."

When Zhou Buer heard the words, he seemed to be full of hopes but had failed, with an indescribable loneliness on his face.Yi Tian said: "Let's be like this at this stage, you now have 150 acres of high-quality spiritual fields in your hands, I don't know how much Chijing ginseng you can produce."

"One catty is fine," Zhou Buer said firmly this time.

"In addition to Meng Hua's Liuliang, this time you can fill in the vacancies of previous years," Yi Tian said after calculation.

"That's that, that's all thanks to Mr. Yi, you have a good plan," Zhou Buer hurriedly flattered him at the right time.

"Okay, let's do this, you leave me the Chijing ginseng in the remaining [-] acres of spiritual fields, and I will use it," Yi Tian said: "As long as there is more than half a catty, I will calculate that your performance in the past hundred years will increase by [-]%. "

Zhou BuEr had a bright smile on his face after hearing this, and now it is a reflection of his value.The new supervisor is also a reasonable person, so the probability of him winning this year's competition has greatly increased.As for how those sub-level Chi Jing ginseng directors will be used, it is no longer something he has to consider.

Now that everything has been settled, Zhou Buer stepped forward and reached out to the jade bottle.Then gently opened the bottle cap and poured out a pill the size of a soybean and put it in the palm of your hand for testing.

After taking three breaths, his face became solemn and he said: "Thank you, Mr. Yi, for the reward. This top-grade elixir is twice as powerful as Xiang Dongchen's Ning Yuan Hui Shen elixir. It really cost you money."

"Oh, how many merit points do you need to exchange such pills in the sect?" Yi Tian asked with interest, he was accidentally familiar with the prices here, but he could get a general idea from Zhou Buer.

"A bottle is worth thirty merit points," Zhou Buer replied.

"It's only thirty o'clock, so the number is not ordinary."

"The consumables of Nascent Soul Stage Medicinal Pills are already quite expensive. We can only get [-] to [-] merit points for our century-old mission," Zhou Buer explained.

"So it's like this, the elixir refined by Xiang Dongchen must be very popular, right?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's okay, but his alchemy rate is low, so he has to collect materials to fill in the gaps," Zhou Buer said without thinking about everything he knew.

After half a day, Zhou Buer came out of the steward's mansion with an excited expression on his face. Now he not only has an extra bottle of elixir in his hand, but also showed his prowess in front of the steward. From now on, as long as he follows the steps, he may not have the opportunity to enter the inner lineage.

But Yi Tian is sitting behind his desk at this time, thinking about something in his heart.Although the extra half a catty of red ginseng is not top grade, it may not be impossible to ripen it with a little transplanting and cultivation.

These things can be put aside for now, but just now Zhou Buer took out the bottle of elixir he refined and took it out, and after smelling it, he could judge that his elixir was better than Xiang Dongchen's.

This is a bit interesting, I think this bottle of Condensing Yuan Duan Divine Pill is just refined by myself according to the pill formula in the spirit world.During refining, I didn't use Lihuo True Flame and Leiyan Ziyan from my own sect, because I was afraid that someone with a heart would see the clues.

But I didn't expect that it would be better than Xiang Dongchen's refining, but I didn't dare to underestimate the alchemist's room in Taiqing Pavilion.Among them, the alchemy attainments of the first seat and those true disciples must be extraordinary, and I still have to be a man with my tail clamped so as not to show my feet.

However, since he entered the sect, he has not walked around the sect, and he cannot exchange it for resources even if he has empty supplies in his hand.

After thinking about it, I decided to go out and have a look. After all, practicing behind closed doors may not be useful.

(End of this chapter)

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