
Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026
Before ascending the ladder on the third floor of Chuangong Temple, Yi Tian was directly dragged by Hua Yulin, and got involved in an unnecessary dispute for no reason.

This group of people obviously circled around Cui Fuling, but the key was because of Qing Lianyun, the elder sister behind her.

Yi Tian knew it well and didn't want to involve it too much, but turned his head to see that the appearance of the ladder became more exciting.There are two passages up to the fourth floor, one is a normal escalator for distracted monks, but there is a white forbidden barrier in front of the escalator.

The cultivator who transforms the spirit cannot open it, and the other one is the ladder to ascend the cloud.Standing in front of this ordinary staircase and looking at it, you will find something different.

There is an inscription formation engraved on the stairs, and I seem to have some impressions in my mind looking at its style.Later, a flash of inspiration flashed in front of my eyes, and the patterns of formations here were a bit similar to the ones I had seen in the Xuanyang Cave of Dongao Xuanling Sect in Tianlan Continent back then.

But looking at it carefully, it seems that the pattern on this path is more complicated, as if it was specially designed to deal with the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods.

Cui Fuling saw that Yi Tian didn't say a word after watching the easy-to-handle meeting, thinking that there was nothing wrong, turned around and said to the two late-stage brothers: "Your cultivation is the highest here, go up and try."

After hearing this, the two seemed to be unable to hold back the master, so they had no choice but to walk up one by one. After a while, they stopped when they reached a third of the way, as if it was difficult to move their legs to the next step.After three breaths, the two resolutely gave up and returned from the original road.

The seemingly sixteen or seven-step escalators seemed to be an insurmountable moat in front of everyone at this time.Seeing this, Cui Fuling's expression became serious, and then she said, "It's boring," and turned to leave.As for the group of monks behind her, they also left. It seems that today's challenge to ascend the ladder was a complete failure.

Yi Tian thought it was just right, so he would save himself a lot of trouble.When he was about to leave, he suddenly heard Hua Yulin's voice: "Junior Brother Yi, go slowly, we haven't seen each other for many years, can we have a chat?"

"Brother Yulin is my old friend, so I dare not invite you. If this place is clean, let's sit down and discuss it in detail," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

Half a moment later, the two sat down in a lounge on the third floor, and Yi Tian looked at each other after setting up a soundproof enchantment.It seems that Hua Yulin's cultivation base has not made much progress over the years, and it has not increased much compared to when I saw it back then.

Shaoqing only heard him ask eagerly: "Since Junior Brother Yi entered the inner sect, have you selected any attendants from the front branch?"

"No, I have been sitting in Lingzhi Garden for 50 years, and there is no shortage of spirit farmers in the house, so why should I choose attendants?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"It's fine if you don't have it, it's fine if you don't have it." After hearing this, Hua Yulin showed a smile on his face, then stood up and saluted, "I have a heartless request, and I ask Junior Brother Yi to agree."

Seeing him fighting like this, Yi Tian felt a little bad in his heart, as if he wanted to come to him.It can be seen that Hua Yulin is begging himself so humbly, which is definitely not easy.

Then he hurriedly helped him up from behind and said: "Speak slowly if you have anything to say, but brother Yulin should not be so generous."

"If you want it, I ask Junior Brother Yi to agree to it first," Hua Yulin said this time like a scumbag.

Seeing that the matter has come to this point, Yi Tian could only sigh and said: "Since Brother Yulin has something to ask, it would be unreasonable if he refuses to agree. But it is limited to what I can do, and there is nothing I can do after that."

Seeing that he had agreed, Hua Yulin immediately smiled happily and said, "Don't worry, Junior Brother Yi, I will definitely not make it difficult for you, and it's just a matter of effort for you."

"What's the matter?"

"Hehe, I actually want to take up one of Junior Brother's attendants," Hua Yulin said, "Sister She is currently in the Shangqing Daozong, please ask Junior Brother Yi to issue an edict to appoint Na Yuxin as a concubine, then she can cross this Dao Kan went directly to the inner door."

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard this, and looked at Hua Yulin, but he didn't expect that this door was for him to sell girls.How could such a good thing happen to me, and didn't it mean that Hua Yuxin went to participate in the selection of nuns, why did she enter the Shangqing Daozong again.

After clearing all the confusion in her heart, Hua Yulin explained directly without hesitation: "To be honest, Sister She lost the election back then, and she was eliminated in the first round."

"How did it happen? I remember that the selection of prefecture-level cities is not very difficult, and the pass rate is as high as [-]%. The content of the assessment is not only cultivation, but also talent. It is reasonable that they will not be eliminated in the first round," Yi said. Heaven exclaimed.

Hua Yulin was really angry and said: "It's not that damn Xia Mingshan's three evils, who snatched the iron lava magic crystal. The accident on the sky patrol ship was directly affected by the flame and thunder made of these materials."

Yi Tian had a little impression of bringing up this old story again. He remembered mentioning it when chatting with Pei Yuexiao on the way here.Hua Yuxin was affected by the aftermath of a thunderstorm, and was shocked on the spot.

Could it be that this had a direct impact on the subsequent selection? Thinking of this, Yi Tian realized that Hua Yuxin was just unlucky.

But thinking about it, Hua Yulin also has a lot of connections. After that incident, he directly inserted his sister into the Taoist sect of the Shangqing Dynasty. He probably has a lot of connections.After thinking about it, he tentatively asked: "Brother Yulin's courtship is logically speaking, and it is not really difficult to find someone by splitting the veins, but is it a disadvantage for sister Yuxin to marry me as a concubine? Do you want to know next time?"

"Where's the word, Junior Brother Yi and I hit it off right away, so we have become a family by marrying my younger sister to you. Moreover, my younger sister has mentioned you many times in front of me. It seems that he also has an unusual affection for you. As for Jia Yan, there is no need to worry, I am the head of the house now, and it will be settled with one word." Hua Yulin hit the snake with the stick and immediately finalized the matter.

The following words were all simple, and the details revolved around how to get people. When it came to the end, even the day of the door was directly arranged.

In the end, he sighed and said helplessly: "Back then, I spent a hundred years of merit points asking Yan Chengzi of Qing Tiansi to divination for my sister, but the result I got was not in line with the facts. This Yan Chengzi is not good enough."

Yi Tian was startled when he mentioned the words of divination. Hua Yuxin who heard it mentioned it back then, but she just relayed it.Now that the person involved is right in front of him, it would be better to ask directly to understand.

After thinking about it, he asked tentatively: "I heard sister Yuxin mention this matter, but she couldn't explain it in detail. Brother Yulin is the one who asked for the divination, so he should know the original text of the divination, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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