
Chapter 1027 Divination

Chapter 1027 Divination
When Yi Tian and Hua Yulin reached an agreement on the third floor of Chuangong Temple, Hua Yuxin could be fished out from Shangqing Daozong.And from Hua Yulin's mouth, I learned that anyone who survived the transformation of the gods in the Taoist sect of the Shangqing Dynasty could no longer be selected as an attendant of the inner disciples.

Like Hong Fei, who is strong in the branch veins, but has lost the qualification to enter the main vein, and it is difficult to tell whether it is a disadvantage or a good deal between gains and losses.

As for mentioning that the words of divination are what Yi Tian cares about the most, it seems that nine out of ten are right.Ordinary people think that if they want to go to Lihuo Palace, they must get close to Chi Wuji, the young suzerain of Lihuo Palace through the draft, to have a lot of chances.

But after he ascended to the upper realm, he wanted to suppress Lihuo Palace, and it was inevitable that he would fight Ji Xuanyuan.If Hua Yuxin really followed her, and waited until Patriarch Wuye returned and re-entered Lihuo Palace, then Hua Yuxin would be able to move in justifiably.

In the same way, according to his own personality, he will never be interested in managing the sect, so Hua Yuxin will become a legitimate agent in charge of Lihuo Palace.

Seeing that Hua Yulin was still full of disdain for Na Yan Daozi's divination words, but he was indeed right.It's just that the process was a bit unexpected.

Hua Yulin sighed and said: "I asked Yan Daozi to calculate the fortune of my Hua family, and spent a total of three thousand achievements."

"Then what's the result?" Yi Tian didn't urge him to let him play.

"Of course it's great. Yan Daozi's divination went very smoothly back then, and he used the technique of fortune-telling that he became famous for," Hua Yulin said, "Afterwards, he told my sister-in-law's life to be extremely expensive, and I will pay more attention to it in the future." There is a chance to live in Lihuo Palace, and even take charge of the sect."

"Isn't that very good? Nowadays, people who want to worship Lihuo Palace have their heads smashed, and Yuxin's girl is naturally worth a lot more than ordinary people." Yi Tian said: "That's all the words of divination Is it?"

"Let me think about it," Hua Yulin tried hard to recall and said, "Back then, Daozi Yan also mentioned that his younger sister would suffer three catastrophes. Fortunately, with the help of noble people, all dangers can be saved."

"Three catastrophes," Yi Tian calculated in his mind after hearing this, and Hua Yuxin was assigned to serve under his command after he guided Luoxia City by himself.The first time something happened was to ambush Gufeng Pirates, and he was the one who rescued her back then.

The second calamity should have been when the sky survey warship was attacked by a thunderbolt on the way.It seemed that he was not present in this incident, but he participated in the design of that warship.

The defensive formation in it was completely inscribed by myself, and conversely, I helped her indirectly.

As for the third catastrophe, it seems that it will not appear until she comes to the Taiqing Pavilion, but there is no guarantee that it will have a direct relationship with him.

Since this is the case, it would be better to go with the flow and see the tricks when the time comes, and it is meaningless to think about it now.

After the two chatted, they realized that Cui Fuling was going to challenge Shengyun Ladder today, but Hua Yulin was obsessed with him, so he followed him.

Seeing his uncle in front of him, he can help the general.But after understanding it, it turned out that Cui Fuling wanted to go to the fourth floor to get a jade slip called Shangqing Talisman.

Hua Yulin wanted to win the smile of the beauties, so he tried to climb the ladder, but unfortunately, his strength was still slightly inferior, and he lost after only a quarter of the distance.

Hearing this, Yi Tian asked: "Then have any disciples in the transformation stage successfully walked up?"

"Yes, Senior Sister Qing Lianyun, Murong Feixue, and Xiang Donghui's grandson have all gone up there before," Hua Yulin replied, "It's just that when they went up, they were all at the late stage of incarnation, why do you want to try it, brother-in-law. "

Unexpectedly, Hua Yulin would be brilliant if given some sunshine. He just agreed to help him take care of his sister, and he just relied on him like this.

However, thinking that in the Taiqing Pavilion, his eyes were smeared, and Hua Yulin in front of him is definitely the best agent.Then he smiled and said: "I'm not sure, but you have to try everything before you know. You tell me the location of the Shangqing talisman scroll, and as long as I can get there, I will help you take it down. You have to pay for it yourself."

"That's no problem, I know brother-in-law, you are good enough. Just don't push yourself too hard on this ladder, just do your best," Hua Yulin replied.

Looking at his appearance, he didn't look embarrassed at all, Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly.Afterwards, the two of them slowly left the reception room and walked straight to the place where the ascending ladder was.

Almost all the cultivators in the sect have tried it, and those who can make it will naturally make it, and those who can't make it have given up early.

At this time, there seems to be only one person on the third floor, and this person seems to be walking towards the ascending ladder, which seems to be going up to the fourth floor.

Before I got there, I saw a twenty-eight-year-old woman wearing inner door clothing, with a bun on her head, and three clean signs on her cuffs, standing in front of the cloud-climbing ladder and walking up it with a light step.

Hua Yulin lowered her head and said: "It's Murong Feixue, she's not easy to mess with, don't let her stare at you or you'll get into trouble."

It turns out that this is Murong Feixue, one of the top three in the sect's transformation into a god stage, but it seems that there should already be a Taoist companion, maybe a distracted monk.

After getting there, he didn't say much, turned around and said, "Let me give it a try, and don't hold out too much hope."

"Brother-in-law, just do your best, and I'll help you look after it," Hua Yulin replied afterwards.

Reining in his breath, Yi Tian stepped up the first step of the stairs after practicing for a week.At the same time, a super strong spiritual pressure surged from all directions, directly oppressing himself.Yi Tian felt that it was somewhat similar to what he had expected. If the next fifteen levels were all so virtuous, then there should be no problem.

After slowly walking up the stairs, I felt a bit of a heavy burden on my body, and I didn't feel any great hindrance after walking up two steps in a row.

After halfway through, I found that the spiritual pressure on my body almost reached the limit of my current stage.Afterwards, he silently chanted the mantra and performed the golden yang body method. After the operation, a layer of golden light appeared on the surface of the skin outside the body.Relying on Yi Tian whose body is different from that of ordinary people, he finally passed the fourteenth step.Look at the golden light on the two staircases at the back slowly fading away, replaced by the Wanyuan Body Forging Technique, and then he raised his true energy and went straight to the fourth floor in two steps.

Hua Yulin, who was watching from below, showed an excited look on his face at this time, and said repeatedly: "My brother-in-law is really good, don't forget to help me take the jade slip down."

As for Murong Feixue who went upstairs just now, she turned her head to look not far from the fourth floor, and the shock in her eyes immediately flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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