
Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029
It is not uncommon for monks to retreat for at least a few decades to as long as four or five hundred years.The short six months of work were just a nap, and the time flashed to the mid-autumn month and a half of that year.Yi Tian didn't go back to his cave during this time, but just sat in the steward's mansion and dealt with the affairs at hand one by one.

Now it is also fully delegated power, and all the matters related to the cultivation of spiritual plants are handed over to Zhou Buer, Meng Hua and Tian Zhuangshi to handle them together.Obviously, this separation of powers is also to take care of the feelings of the three of them.Although the two newly promoted people have good abilities, they are still inexperienced in planting red ginseng.

This aspect can only be made up for slowly over time, and I have made up my mind to adjust my personal belonging area again after the [-]-year handover, so that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the cultivation of red ginseng.

Sitting in the steward's mansion, thinking about it, his spiritual sense suddenly moved and he realized that someone was rushing in.After three breaths, Tian Zhuangshi came in and cupped his hands and said, "My lord, the frame is ready, when are we going to leave?"

"Not busy," Yi Tian replied casually, and then smiled immediately after sweeping his eyes.Whoever said that farmers are all elm-headed, seeing Tian Zhuangshi today is not the same as usual.The whole body has been washed several times with cleansing techniques, and the hair is also coiled up and combed into a bun, and a Taoist crown is also worn.

The clothing of Daozong in the Shangqing Dynasty is not much different from the clothing of the inner court of Taiqing Pavilion, except for the markings on the cuffs and collars.The costumes of the inner gate of the Taiqing Pavilion are bright yellow, marked by auspicious clouds, and the monks of Huashen are three flowers.The Daozong of the Shangqing Dynasty is pure white and has the same mark.

Looking at him today, standing with Tian Zhuangshi, if he put aside the style of Zongmen clothing, he would look more like a Zongmen disciple.

In fact, Yi Tian hasn't worn Zongmen costumes a few times since he entered Taiqing Pavilion, and he doesn't look like Tian Zhuangshi with ulterior motives.

After watching the meeting, he asked: "Honestly speaking, your appearance today is quite energetic, but if you want to accompany me in, it's up to you."

After hearing this, Tian Zhuangshi frowned and asked hastily: "I don't know how the adults want to take the school exam?"

"What you are good at is only planting spiritual plants, so you know all the rare spiritual plants in the spiritual world?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"My lord, I can't say that I understand everything, but basically no one can recognize what I can't recognize," Tian Zhuangshi replied proudly, puffing out his chest.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance."

Half an hour later, the gate of Lingzhi Garden was opened, and a black-winged horned carriage flew out of it. The driver was Tian Zhuangshi, and Yi Tian was sitting leisurely in the carriage, holding the invitation in his hand and looking at it carefully. up.

The place Murong Feixue invited this time is called 'Drunken Immortal Pond', Yi Tian himself has no idea about it, and it's too late to ask his uncle for advice now.Fortunately, Tian Zhuangshi became excited after hearing the place name, as if it was some kind of wonderful place.

After that, Yi Tian didn't say much and asked him to drive directly in the carriage. The Black Wing Horn carriage whizzed in the air and passed by a hundred miles.After a while, he rushed towards the direction of the back mountain of the sect, but he always circled around the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain and outside the forbidden barrier.

After a while, the speed of the carriage slowly slowed down, and Yi Tian looked through the window and found that he seemed to be in the sky above a lake.The shore of this lake is about three or four hundred miles away, and the carriage is now running towards the largest island in the center of the lake.

Tian Zhuangshi hurriedly pulled up the rope to let the carriage slowly descend to the clouds and finally stopped on the shore of a pier.At this time, many monks had come by boat, and it seemed unusually unique to fly from the air like this.

The monks all around seemed to be disdainful of Tian Zhuangshi's behavior, and what's more, the disdain on the face of a monk dressed as a knight-errant came out of the carriage.

Yi Tian also came here for the first time. He originally thought not to be too public, but he didn't expect to attract everyone's attention as soon as he appeared on the stage.

With a glance, he saw that there was a small path leading directly to the depths of the winding path, but at the intersection, there were three female cultivators who looked like maids waiting there.When Tian Zhuangshi saw it, he sent a voice transmission privately: "My lord is here, you can go in after showing the invitation card to Fairy Chuntao for a look."

Yi Tian didn't hesitate and waited for Tian Zhuangshi to settle down in the carriage, then led the people up, and prepared to go in after showing the invitation.All of a sudden, Chuntao shouted with sharp teeth: "Senior, wait a minute, an invitation can only be passed by one person, and idlers are not allowed to enter."

It was obvious that he was speaking for himself, but Tian Zhuangshi was the target of the attack.But if I take the soft today, I am afraid that if it spreads out, people will criticize me as a cultivator of Yihuashen, who is afraid of a maid in the Nascent Soul stage.

Wanting to give up, he retracted the invitation and said, "Could this be the tutor of fellow Taoist Murong, so I don't care if I don't participate."

After speaking, he turned around and pretended to leave, anyway, Murong Feixue's divine sense should have detected him long ago to let him go.Since her maid made things difficult for her, it would be better to put pressure on her instead.

Sure enough, Chuntao heard the words and hurriedly stepped forward to make amends and said: "Senior, it's only the young lady's order to calm down, and the servants can't disobey it. If the senior wants to bring someone in, there is a way."

"Go ahead."

Chuntao pointed to the gong stand beside her and said: "Miss said, as long as the seniors ring all the gongs on it, it will be fine." After speaking, she stretched out her hand and handed over a one-foot-long copper rod.

Yi Tian took it and weighed it in his hand, then slowly walked forward and passed the shelf without any trace.

There are seven large and small copper gongs on it. After looking at it, he stretched out his right hand to hold the copper rod and lifted it up. The figure flashed by and the copper rod lightly hit the surface of the gong, and then made a sound from low to high.

The strength of the sound varies, but when combined, it turns into an unusually thick sound, mixed with its own spiritual pressure fluctuations, turning into seven sound waves in the air, merging into one, and spreading out in all directions.

The sound wave spread rapidly in the eyes of the naked eye, what kind of person with a weaker cultivation base trembled directly from the direct vibration of the gong, and fell to the ground unsteadily.

The nearest station of Chuntao was naturally the first one to be affected. Fortunately, her cultivation level was slightly higher than that of ordinary people, and after three breaths of support, she trembled her feet and fell limp.

After seeing a flash of spiritual light, Chuntao was supported, and then said: "The little maid at home has offended Junior Brother Yi, please forgive her for the sake of my concubine."

The visitor was wearing a palace attire, with light makeup on his face, and his hair was tied up in a bun with a pearl hairpin stuck in it. He was the person he had seen in Chuangong Temple last time.Yi Tian knew that it was the rightful lord who came forward, so he couldn't pursue it any further, so he smiled and said, "It turns out that Senior Sister Murong came here in person, Junior Brother is being polite. Some minor matters are not a problem, please ask Chun Tao Mo Yan to blame me for acting too hastily."

"Junior Brother Yi is worrying too much, many fellow sects have already arrived, please come inside," Beiming Feixue replied lightly.

"Don't dare, senior sister please first," Yi Tian replied, you can play tricks in front of these maidservants, but you still have to show enough face in front of the righteous master, after all, I still have something to ask for today, so there is no need to offend the master for some small things Home.

(End of this chapter)

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